Lu's adjutant still couldn't turn around: "but, Miss Qiqi, the information from outsiders is not the same as that from you..."

Gu Qiqi laughed: "what's the difference? No matter who broke the news, as long as this matter can make a big noise, the bigger the better. It's better to let the people all over the country know that they will discuss and pay attention to this matter, and I will achieve half of my goal. "

Lu's adjutant cried: "Miss Qiqi, I still don't understand. What's good for your Lord like this?"

Gu Qiqi slightly hooked his lips: "well, it's normal not to understand. You just have to be patient and I'll make it clear to you soon. "

Deputy Lu:

Instantly feel their IQ can not keep up with the rhythm of Qiqi girl.

The next few days.

Lu adjutant's eyes saw that things were really as expected by Qiqi girl, and the more noisy they were.

There is even a "anti wolf cult" on the Internet, where it is widely spread that Gong Jue is a werewolf and a beast, and he is not fit to lead the army of this country. He should get out of the army early and never come back.

Deputy Lu was so angry that he wanted to explode.

And Gu Qiqi is still so calm, no action.

Gongjue, not to mention, did not ignore the rumors. He retired at home wholeheartedly and served the little women at home. What he cared most about every day was how to spend his two bear children out of his family. He would quickly occupy his own little woman and enjoy the rare intimate time.


After nearly a week of fermentation, this big news has reached the height of unprecedented national hot discussion!

The cabinet elders had to intervene in public opinion to explain and refute rumors.

However, the more they explained, the more people felt that there was a ghost. They all called on the Lord to come forward in person to show whether he was a normal human being.

On the Internet, the most active "anti wolf religion", directly filed a lawsuit against Gong Jue in court.

The reasons for this prosecution are also varied.

One reason is that Gong Jue is a wolf and can't communicate with his comrades in arms.

One of them is that wolves must be kept in the zoo and can't go out freely.

There is even one saying that it is not conducive to the stability of soldiers' psychological quality that they don't know whether Gongjue is a male wolf or a female wolf

The reason for this wonderful flower is ridiculous, but it has successfully attracted the attention of the whole empire.

Even the day before the court session, there were people queuing up all night to seize the seat of the audience!

The trial judge of this case was under considerable pressure. He reported to the cabinet and hoped to send a significant official as the head of the jury to try the case together.

After all, the last time the court heard the court case, he was despised by Gu Qiqi and lost his face to his grandmother's house.

This time, on the one hand, there are fierce barons and seven masters, on the other hand, they are excited and fanatical people and "anti wolf religion". He can't bear to offend either side.

Therefore, who the cabinet asked to be the head of the jury became the most concerned content before the trial.

The night before the court session, Xiao Ling calls Gu Qiqi again.

"Qi Qi, according to my experience, the opinion of the jury is very important, and even can influence the final conclusion of the case. In case the head of the jury and the palace Baron have opposite political views and deliberately lead everyone to believe that the Lord is a werewolf, then the Lord will lose the case..." She suggested anxiously, "if you agree, I know a very honest prosecutor in the public prosecutor's office. Although he is not a big man, he is just a small civil servant, but he is particularly fair and will never have selfish intentions. I believe he will treat the Baron fairly Shall I ask him to apply to the jury with his superior? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!