The common people listened to Gong Jue's words and were surprised!

They didn't know what had happened. They only knew that the LORD had not died three years ago. Hanbeiling won the battle and was under the command of the Lord. They were grateful for this. As soon as they learned that Gongjue had returned home and passed on ten to one hundred, they spontaneously came to meet him.

But Are the soldiers who won the war guilty? What's the matter with the Baron commanding the victory to be arrested?

In the crowd, the soldiers saw Gong Jue come forward to speak for them. They were all moved. They could not help explaining to the masses.

After their 20000 troops returned to the imperial capital, they were dismissed from their posts and disbanded one by one. Not only did they have no military merit, but they were also convicted.

Otherwise, they should be sweating on the training ground or receiving rewards in the military training room, instead of having time to welcome Gong Jue with the public.

Hearing the soldiers' explanation, the masses were more angry!

Damn, these people who defend us are treated so unfairly!

Too much!

The angry crowd swarmed into the commander-in-chief's house, and the posture was like swallowing the commander-in-chief's house alive!

The people of the commander-in-chief's office never expected that the palace Marquis could still have such a great influence among the people after three years' absence.

For a moment, he could not resist, so he had to howl and move out the old story: "Gong Jue was a prison break three years ago, and he also became a beast killing and biting people. Do you all forget it?"

The crowd was stunned and stopped.

The people in the commander-in-chief's house stole a breath and continued to shout arrogantly: "you are such a group of brain disabled people! What good birds do you think you are defending? He's just a beast! A lost dog! I'm going to take this bereaved dog and bring it to the military court to be sentenced to death! "

Hehe, Gongjue, you are a beast that the world can never accept.

What if you beat half a million enemy troops?

People will not accept the protection of a wild animal!

When he praised his wit and cleverness, the crowd suddenly became more angry!

Countless smelly shoes, stones, and even bags in women's hands were smashed at the men in the commander-in-chief's office, smashing their heads and making them flee in confusion and howling.

The angry people burst into a roar -

"who said the LORD was a beast! We think Sir Alex is a hero

"It is the Baron and his soldiers who shed blood in the front line, not you cowards who live in the commander's house and have nothing to do all day long."

"I'm a military sister-in-law, and I have a say. If it wasn't for the Baron's command, my husband would have been killed in the front line by your group of rubbish! It is because of the presence of the Lord that he can kill countless enemies and come back safely. I think the Lord is our commander-in-chief

"Ten thousand steps back, even if the Lord is a beast, we will support it! Superman, spider man and iron man are not ordinary human beings. Why can't our empire have its own different heroes? "

"Yes, we only believe that the Lord has protected us, even if it is a beast, we support it! You scum, who are not as good as wild animals, go and die

The power of the angry crowd is totally unexpected.

The commander-in-chief's house was hit head and blood, almost trampled on the ground into mud.

They can't imagine that the common people are actually very simple people.

At that time, Gongjue was considered to be a beast before he jumped from the building. It was because no one came out to explain it for him. Only the specious black video was flying all over the sky.

Now, Gongjue has defeated the 500000 army in hanbeiling, which is the best silent explanation. The people's hearts are clear, and they know who can really protect them!

Especially in the past three years, without the protection of Gongjue, the Empire has been bullied by foreigners. Everyone dares to stand up and threaten to invade the Empire!

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