When Gong Jue was not happy that the banner had the name of beimingtian, he deliberately buttoned beimingtian and two boys who had raised the banner to eat abnormal spicy food.

In the main hall of Phoenix building.

Students looking at the table full of delicious dishes, has been a big move, wind and wind up.

We managed to get rid of the reputation of garbage college, a time to toast each other, soon had a bit of drunkenness.

And palace Jue already quietly, pull Gu Qiqi to leave.

It was late.

Two hands in hand walking on the quiet school road.

Did not speak, but seems to be able to hear each other's heartbeat, rhythmically, once! once!

Through a thick yew patch.

Gong Jue's arm was tight, suddenly unable to defend the ground. He took Gu Qiqi's small snake waist and pushed her against the trunk of a yew tree.

The man hung his head and gazed at the thin neckline of her white coat. When two buttons were loosened, the sexy clavicle was exposed so delicately.

Between the pure girl and the charming temperament between the woman, let him breathe in an instant tight a few minutes.

Her eyes are more burning, as if to penetrate into her heart, warm breath, once, spray on her white neck, like a wild animal in the forest, enjoying the wonderful moment of food before eating.

Gu Qiqi breathed a meal, fingers tightly caught his lapel, toes were tense!

"Gong Jue You He shouldn't, he wants to be tough, right?

"Shut up!" Gong Jue squinted.

The next second, suddenly not defensive, bent over the body, mercilessly kiss her lips!



The unspeakable wonderful taste was in his heart.

Action has become fierce, not satisfied with such a little bit, want more! Deeper!

"Stupid woman, open your mouth!"

He bit her lip and touched the row of tiny glutinous porcelain teeth.

Ordered discontentedly.

Gu Qiqi breathed disorderly and was speechless

It was he who shut her up, and he was the one who opened her mouth.

What is he going to do?

Trying to ignore her.

However, his restless big palm suddenly rubbed into her obscene on pants, as if touching a switch, so that she slightly soft, can not help but hum.

Lips, naturally, open slightly.


Gu Qiqi's enchanting light chant makes Gong Jue's yearning for these days like a flood!

The man's rapid and fierce breathing, accompanied by gnawing, let Gu Qiqi become a lonely boat, submit in the water!

Just then.

"Ring bell -"

the mobile phone rings suddenly, piercing the dark school road.

They woke up suddenly.

Gu Qiqi was shyly put away his clothes. His big eyes like black grapes looked around uneasily. Fortunately, no one passed by.

She looked back uneasily and used her cell phone to hide her shyness.

"Hello, brother Chu What's the matter Well... "

Gu Qiqi just said three words of elder brother Chu, and he was frozen by Gong Jue's cold and frightening eyes.

"Qiqi, Congratulations, I saw the live broadcast. Your operation is amazing You have a bad signal? Hello

Gu Qiqi managed to break away from Gong Jue's icy sight: "well, brother Chu, I'm still busy here. I'll talk when I'm free..."

Chu Junmo: "good. There's nothing urgent. Just now I heard that you have a place to participate in the world medical competition. I want to tell you that I am one of the sponsors. I'll see you on the court when I'm down. If you need any help, you can come to me... "

Gu Qiqi did not wait to thank him, the phone was taken away by palace Jue, cut off!

[Master Yun: good night, goblins! I swear, I didn't mean to carven, but I just came home after work. I could only write so much for goblins at the end of tomorrow! ]

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