Chapter 634 - You will regret this

Name:My Beautiful Love Author:Avalorian_
Tyler's eyes darkened. How dare this man say such a thing to him?! 

Lin Ye continued provoking him, making Tyler want to explode in a fit. 

But strictly speaking, Lin Ye was not wrong. He did wear a glistening green hat on his head. While still married to him, Yun Xuan did get involved with another man. 

And he had to admit that putting Lin Ye's current circumstances aside, he was formidable. 

Whether it was in terms of looks or wealth or power, Tyler couldn't compare to him. 

How could a man accept such an outcome? 

"Hmph! You will both regret this." He cursed and left in a huff. 

"Thank you." Yun Xuan said once the sore thumb had left. 

"Why are you thanking me?" 

"You helped me get rid of him. If not, perhaps I would spend my whole life trying to run away from him." 

"You don't really need to thank me. I only opened your eyes; everything else was done by your own effort." 


Later, in Lin Ye's villa.

Yun Xuan was in the mood to celebrate so she brought her son over and went ahead to prepare Lin Ye's and the little boy's favorite dishes. 

It was such a pity that Lin Ye shouldn't drink wine at the moment and Yun Feng was a baby. A nice bottle of wine would be a perfect mood lifter at such a moment. 

Throughout the meal, Lin Ye kept considering whether he would be moving too fast if he suggested that they make their relationship official since they had gotten rid of the bug by their side. 

In the end, he couldn't sum up enough courage. She might think that he was using the fact that he had helped her a tiny bit to pressure her into marrying him. Even though she had shown some willingness towards marrying him, it would still leave a bad impression if he forced her into it. 

That night, Yun Xuan once again spent the night in Lin Ye's villa along with her son. 

In the bedroom next to Lin Ye's, she hugged the boy, patting him gently to coax him to sleep. "Baby, you might be having a daddy soon. Are you happy?" 

The little boy obviously didn't say anything. 

"Of course you don't know what I mean for now. But Lin Ye actually likes you, and he is willing to be your daddy. Our family will finally be complete." 

That night, she had a beautiful dream. She couldn't remember what the dream was all about when she woke up, but all she knew was that there were many flowers in it. 


The next morning, Yun Xuan prepared breakfast.

Since she, Lin Ye and Yun Feng were all on different kinds of diet, she had to cook three types of meals. 

There were servants to do this kind of work but she simply found pleasure in being the one to cook for Lin Ye. It made one wonder why exactly her heart was so attached to it. 

As soon as she was done feeding the pair and making sure Lin Ye took his medicine, she did the dishes. 

"I'm going out to meet Lin Lihua. I'll be back later to cook your dinner." She said when she was done doing the dishes. She didn't know but her tone sounded like that of a wife reporting her whereabouts to her husband. 

An hour later, Lin Lihua sat on Yun Xuan's bed in the Lin residence, next to her. 

She had spent the night at home and since Yun Xuan would have to go back anyway, they thought they might as well talk at home. 

"So what's the big news?" Lin Lihua inquired when she saw how bright Yun Xuan looked. 

"I finally got that idiot to divorce me." 

"Really, you did?" Lin Lihua expressed her astonishment. According to what Yun Xuan had said before, that man was akin to the strongest kind of glue; he could stick onto something for ages if he wanted to. 

The only way to get him to let go was perhaps... to kill him. 

The thought of it was quite scary. 

But now that he had agreed to leave, it was all good. 

"Shouldn't we celebrate? You should treat me to a meal and wine." 

"Of course..." Yun Xuan nodded hesitantly. Lin Lihua was her boss. How could she afford to treat her to a meal? She was probably joking, right? 

"You look sad." She finally realized something off about Lin Lihua. 

"It's because the weather changed so rapidly my body hasn't caught up yet." Lin Lihua dismissed. 

Yun Xuan wasn't born the previous night. Not only was this an excuse, it was also ridiculous. 

"If you don't want to talk about it, it's alright. Just... if you ever want to let it out, I'll be right here."

Lin Lihua scrutinised the woman beside her. 

Indeed, she was different from her younger sister. 

While Wan Jia would probably get overwhelmed if she told her too much about her personal matters, Yun Xuan was different. She had seen the sun earlier than Wan Jia and was consequently more mature. Besides, she had been through this before.

Knowing that it wouldn't do her any good to keep her thoughts clustered in her brain, she chose to speak it out in the end. 

"I don't know if by marrying Henry I made the right choice." 

"What? How could you say that?" Yun Xuan didn't expect Lin Lihua to simply blurt that out. 

The woman smiled, but her eyes were far from happy. "Although we claim to love each other, we have not had a single day of peace ever since we got married. First it was his sister then his mother got banished then his father somehow fell sick and now, I don't really think there's anything about us that proves we are a couple. It's like... it all flew out of the window." 

"I would have expected that." Yun Xuan said. "You guys have had a lot to deal with since the very day you got married; you are bound to think that way. But why are you so worried? It's just a phase."


Edited by Essy