Chapter 276 - A trap

Name:My Beautiful Love Author:Avalorian_
She would rather die by his side if all went south.

Tyler must have been in a hurry because  he did not notice that he was being followed. 

The cab stopped in front of an apartment block and Yun Xuan frowned. Shouldn't he be going to the airport? Why was he going into an apartment instead? 

For some reason, her heart felt uneasy. 

She had a bad premonition. Cautiousy, she waited to see where he would go... perhaps he was only going to talk to someone briefly before going to the airport? 

But why was it that he didn't let her see him off at the airport? Perhaps it was because of this...

She felt even more uneasy when she really saw him enter the building. She waited for a few minutes and did not see him come out.

She exited her cab and hid near the entrance, not sure of where he had gone.

Was it really a nice thing to follow her husband around? Perhaps he was doing something that she shouldn't know about? 

But thinking about it, what was it that her husband could be doing that she shouldn't know about? Unless he was...cheating! 

No one ever wanted to use that sort of word to talk about their husband. Neither did she. Tyler loved her very much, right? He wouldn't ever cheat on her. 

However, now that she thought about it, it was quite possible. 

Tyler could be really loving most of the time and dote on her like a treasure. However, quite a few times, he looked like he was in a dilemma about something. 

He would look at her as though he wanted to say something but after calling out her name, he would say something else. Normally she wouldn't know that he had said something different from what he wanted to but lately, she was exceedingly paranoid. Of course she would tell such a small matter. 

What has he been trying to tell her...

"Could it be that he has fallen in love with someone else and now thinks that he is no longer worthy of me?" 

If he dared to tell her such a thing, she would give him a scalding slap. It was the worst statement anyone could ever tell a woman.

If only Wanwan was here to give her strength...

She shook her head and entered the building. 

The security guards looked at her curiously. It was obvious that they had never seen her here before. It made her wonder, did they look at Tyler this way too? 

Yun Xuan looked haggard as she walked towards them. "Excuse me, a man with chestnut colored curly hair just entered this building. Could you tell me which floor he went to?" 

A security guard looked at her like she was an idiot. "Miss, that's against the privacy policy. We cannot disclose information about our residents. You know that, right?" 

Yun Xuan felt as though something had hit against her heart. Our residents? Tyler lived here? 

The man saw her shocked expression but ignored her. He wouldn't be able to help her anyway. 

Yun Xuan took a deep breath and pulled out her killer card.

She took a red booklet out of her bag. Luckily she had packed it among her legal documents. "Mister, the man who went in just now is my husband, and he doesn't live here. I just want to know what he is doing here." She showed him the red booklet.

"He is really your husband! But..." isn't the woman that lives on the twelfth floor his wife?

"I only want to make sure that he is safe. Can you help me?" 

She looked so pitiful that the man found it hard to reject her. Besides, she looked like she was suspecting her husband of cheating. If that was the case, he found it hard to cover up for a cheating jerk too. "Twelth floor." 

"Thank you." She rushed to the elevator. 

On the twelfth floor, she walked slowly and softly, trying to make her footsteps unheard. 

Midway to the house, Yun Xuan had a questionable thought. 

Tyler is an underground investigation agent. Was he really unaware that she was following him? Why did she find it strange? Was it a trap?

She was near the end of the corridor when someone walked out. She hid away very fast but the footsteps she heard leaving were familiar. 

And...they were not Tyler's. 

Her heart raced as she peered over. In the next moment she saw...

Qin Zhifan?! 

What was Qin Zhifan doing here? 

The main point was that he had left the apartment that Tyler was supposedly in. Did they know each other? 

When the man disappeared into the distance, Yun Xuan could not think twice anymore. She ran all the way to that door. 

Alas, she did not need to knock because she heard a pair of familiar voices. It was Tyler and Ruolin. Tsk, that Ruolin again. Nothing good ever came from her.

"What took you so long?" Ruolin sounded like she was complaining. 

"Yun Xuan wanted to follow me. I had to pacify her first." 

There was a short spell of silence before Ruolin spoke again. "Why do you treat her so well? Don't tell me you have really fallen in love with her?" 

"That's none of your business." 

"Hah! Have you forgotten..." 

"Shut up." 

Tyler's voice sounded so cold that even she found it scary. 

"So you have really forgotten! You..." 

"I said shut your mouth!" Yun Xuan would be here any time. Could Ruolin shut up? 

"Qin Zhan! What the heck is wrong with your brain?" 

Outside, Yun Xuan felt an explosion in her head. 

What did Ruolin just call her husband? 

Qin...Qin what?