Chapter 2279

Xu Fu's face was gloomy and did not say a word. At his side, Ying Huang and others also looked sad and did not speak for the time being.

In their hearts, they are wondering why they did not pass the labyrinth of bronze mirrors. Moreover, they returned to their original starting point and met Chu Gaitian and others?

At this time, Qiao Yejing saw that Xu Fu and others were hesitant. He also said frankly:

"I think you should not hesitate any more. In this labyrinth of bronze mirrors, there are not only many crises, but also extremely gloomy and terrifying. People's senses will also be affected. More importantly, several of us have tried to find an exit

We all know the result of the attempt. Therefore, I think that the best way is for three cobblers to beat one Zhuge Liang. We should think together and pass the method here. "

Xu Fu also made a quick decision.

"You have a good point. Good! Chu Gaitian, Qi Huan, if you can forget the past, then we will cooperate!

But I said that in front of you, if you want to do something, I will turn over faster than you

Chu Gai snorted coldly and said with a smile: "well, I'll give you the same sentence. Now, tell me all you have seen and heard! After sharing information, we can see if we can find a way out of here. "

Later, Qiao Yejing said in a deep voice:

"let me talk about it.

First of all, this huge bronze mirror is indeed the only way to the back.

On the far right of the mirror, the only place that is a little dim and has no reflection is a secret passage.

That's where we went before, bypassing this huge bronze mirror.

However, after walking more than 100 meters and bypassing the corner of several copper mirrors, we lost our way... "

Hearing this, Chu Gaitian frowned and asked in a voice:

"lost? What do you mean

Joe as like as two peas at night, pointing at this huge bronze mirror, he calmly said, "

," because in front of us, we once again have a huge bronze mirror that is exactly the same as this bronze mirror.

Originally, we thought that the bronze mirror was just another obstacle, but when we passed through the same secret entrance, we lost our sense of direction completely.

Then we walked around the underground palace for a while, and then we saw the third huge bronze mirror again.

When I saw the third identical bronze mirror appear, I guess We are probably in a maze with some strange cycle. Moreover, this maze can confuse our audio-visual, not only let us have no sense of direction, but also make us trapped here!

After we came to this conclusion, we tried to find a way to solve the maze, but

In the end, we didn't even get any more information about this maze

After listening to Qiao Ye Jing's words, Chu Gaitian and Qi Huan were silent and fell into deep thinking.

Chu Gaitian has dealt with Qiao Yejing and knows that this woman is a wise man with a very careful mind. If she can't find out the secret of the maze, then others want to find the right passage in the maze I'm afraid it's more difficult than that.

For a long time.

Chu Gaitian raised his head and said in a deep voice:

"Qiao Yejing, aren't there many Yingshi people around you? This underground palace But the underground palace of the emperor!

As the descendants of winners, can't they give us the most useful information? "

At this time, Ying Huang, who had not spoken for a long time, gave a cold smile and could not help but reply:

"useful information? We have provided a lot of useful information! Can you come here without our information? "

Chu Gaitian frowned, and there was a faint anger between his eyebrows. But he was still patient and asked in a deep voice:

"I know that you Yingzu have a map here! Shouldn't you share it and let's study it together?

It's better to take active action and think about the way out of here together than to stare at it with big eyes! "

Hearing that Chu Gaitian wanted to hand over the map of the underground palace by himself, Ying Huang was also angry and wanted to get angry, but Qiao Yejing had already advised him:

"in fact, old Chu was right. Now that we are all in the same boat, we should not have more meaningless precautions.

Yinghuang, I suggest you take out the map. Maybe On your underground map, there will be clues through this labyrinth of bronze mirrors! "

After winning the emperor's thought, he finally took out a piece of parchment and asked one of his men to spread the parchment on the ground.

Then, everyone gathered around and looked at the map with surprise and fear

A moment later.

Qiao Yejing raised his head and suddenly pointed to the map and said in a deep voice:"This place It should be the detailed marking part of the second floor underground palace. It is not difficult to see from the above, in the second floor of the underground palace, marked with four symbols suspected to be bronze mirrors!

The place where these four symbols are located is probably the key point for us to pass through this labyrinth of bronze mirrors! "

After hearing this prompt, they also stretched their necks and looked at the four marking points.

However, after a careful observation, they were surprised to find that Are these four points located in the four corners of the second floor underground palace?

If there are four huge bronze mirrors in the second underground palace, and they are placed in four corners, how can Qiao Yejing and others return to the origin?

You know, in the process of passing, they saw three copper mirrors?

If the marking point of the bronze mirror is correct, then Qiao Yejing and others should have gone through the three corners of the second layer of labyrinth!

According to this logic, they should be on the opposite side of Chu Gaitian, instead of returning to the origin?

What is this all about?

This question was raised by Chu Gaitian, and then everyone looked at each other with doubts in his head.

Chu Gaitian thought for a moment and put forward another view.

"Wait a minute. Before studying why Xu Fu and others return to the origin, we have a biggest prerequisite to discuss!

That is Is this map provided by the emperor Ying really true? "

As soon as this word came out, the king was furious.

"Old man! What do you mean by that? Do you think I took out a fake map to confuse you? " Chu Gai's eyes sank, and his tone added: "I think It's possible! "