Chapter 2082

Two town coffin six old people, like a piece of shit plaster, can't throw away. But in the moment of the strong magnetic field, their terrible internal force also scurried in the body.

Out of control of the internal force, in their internal organs wantonly gallop, so that they immediately suffered a great internal injury!

Looking at the scarlet blood from the corners of their mouths, Lin Chen knows My own plan has finally succeeded!


When the two old men got up again, their expressions were the same as before.

They did not respond to the presence of the magnetic field, nor were they surprised at their internal injuries.

After adapting to the sudden magnetic field, the two old people are no longer urging the valley inner force, but only relying on their physical bodies, to rush to Lin Chen again!

Lin Chen finally had a chance to have a rest, but did not expect that the two old people did not care about their injuries and rushed to come again.

These two old people, like two indefatigable machines, will never give up until Lin Chen is beaten to a standstill!

Aware of the strange state of the two opponents, Lin Chen is surprised, but not flustered.

In this magnetic field, we can't use internal force This is a very fair playing environment!

What's more, Lin Chen's body has undergone numerous tests and modifications. Even if he doesn't use internal strength, he can surpass most of the martial arts. If you really want to go barefoot, Lin Chen has never been afraid of anyone!


When Lin Chen put down his sword and collided with the two old people, he was shocked to find that the two old people's bodies were as strong as steel and could compete with their own bodies?

However, hand to hand combat had already started, and Lin Chen did not dare to run out of the magnetic field easily, so he had to brave his head and stage a fierce physical battle from fist to flesh with the two old men.

After a fight, Lin Chen's whole body showed countless blue spots. Although the two old people were also scarred, their expressions From the beginning to the end, it is so indifferent!

Forced to do so, Lin Chen had to pick up the chopping Pavilion Hou's overlord sword and Yichen sword, trying to use these two magic weapons to cause damage to the two old people.

But the hands of the two old men have been wearing gloves made of special materials. No matter how sharp their magic weapons are, they still can't shake them.

Fighting, Lin Chen is already tired, but the two old people are still full of vitality, which makes Lin Chen's heart grow desperate.


Looking at the two old people's expressions, Lin Chen's mind suddenly turned off, thinking of some possibility!

Based on his previous experience in fighting against the biochemists, he knew that they were not invincible.

Moreover, although these two old people are amazing in strength, they can still skillfully use martial arts to fight, and their bodies have no obvious traces of being transformed Therefore, Lin Chen infers that the two old people are likely to be manipulated by something!

Just like when ye Ning Han was first seen in the underground world, Lin Chen found a black needle from the back of her head!

The black needle is a very precise instrument, which can paralyze the central nervous system and make people obey the command of some people

If these two old people are also manipulated, then as long as you find the device and then remove it, you will be able to turn defeat into victory!

After making up his mind, Lin Chen and the two old men revolved around, while secretly observing the physical characteristics of his opponent.

Finally, he focused on the two old people's necks!

There is the most difficult to be touched by the opponent's position, but also the central nervous system must pass through!

If these two old people are equipped with some special devices, that is the best place to put them!

So, in the next fight, Lin Chen took the opportunity to go around behind the two old people, trying to find out whether there was such a thing behind their heads.

However, the two old people have a head of white hair, the very long white hair has been blocking the back of their head, which makes Lin Chen can not easily see.

Finally, Lin Chen simply went out, directly with a strong body as bait, in a fight directly jumped to one of the old man's body!

Then, he lifted up the other party's white hair, fixed a look, as expected, saw a small black spot!


It should be this thing!

These two old people are indeed installed with some kind of device, so they can be as tireless and painless as machines!

After Lin Chen found the key point to defeat the enemy, another old man had already walked behind him and pulled him down directly.

At the same time, the old man directly hit Lin Chen on the back with a heavy blow.

When Lin Chen was in pain, the old man who had been hugged by him suddenly turned around and immediately took out a bullet. In an instant, he kicked Lin Chen to several meters away.

Although again hit hard, but Lin Chen's mouth, has emerged a confident calm smile.If you want to beat a snake, you should catch the king first!

At the moment, Lin Chen is completely calm down, and in the brain planning how to destroy the precision device behind the two old people's heads!

And those two old people are again a left and a right, toward Lin Chen quickly ran over.

Lin Chen took a look at each other's position, pondered over it again, and then quickly swept away towards the magnetic field!

In the eyes of the two old people, Lin Chen is the only target. When the target moves, they naturally follow suit.

When Lin Chen leads the two old people to the location of one of the magnetic guns, he moves and takes the lead in breaking out of the magnetic field. And, at the moment when he stepped out of the magnetic field, he had already begun to urge Gu Nei Jin, ready to take advantage of this time difference to give two old people a head-on attack!

Because the two old people are not clear, they can't see Lin Chen's plan clearly.

When they just stepped out of the magnetic field, their bodies were stunned.

Lin Chen didn't let go of this golden opportunity. In a flash, he jumped on one of the old people and hit his opponent on the back of the head with his Yin style return wind palm!

Then, he pulled his palm back, and the little black spot was immediately pulled out by the strong force.

Lin Chen raised his eyes and found that the small black spot was also a black needle like object!

Suddenly, the old man's eyes became more turbid. In the blink of an eye, after the black needle left the body, he was suddenly down!

However, another old man has already run out of the magnetic field. His body, also suddenly showed a strong breath!

He urged the valley again, and to Lin Chen's chest, made a return wind palm!

Strong move attack, Lin Chen but secretly smile, let his body bear this blow. His body, also flew into the magnetic field again!