Chapter 1518

Lin Chen pauses and looks at Su Qing.

"Sister Qing, you don't have to question my plan. At the same time, I will also make sure that you are safe, so that you do not have to participate in some unnecessary fighting.

But to this day, I still have a very important problem that I haven't made clear Sister Qing, can you tell us how the Centennial agreement was carried out?

Is it true that every time the Centennial agreement is held, all the descendants of the Xu family will find a place at will and have a life and death duel? Is that too much fun? "

All the companions cast their eyes on Su Qing again.

As Lin Chen said, the Centennial contract of the Xu family has been handed down for more than 2000 years. If this is the case, it will certainly not attract numerous powerful forces as it is now.

Su Qing chuckled indifferently and said in a deep voice:

"I've always wanted to tell you about this, and now is the time.

The Centennial agreement, if put in the past, of course will not be such a trifle. However, in these 100 years, the world has developed too fast! With the rapid development of science and technology, the era of information explosion, those ancient constraints and rules have long been forgotten by many people.

Let me tell you the truth This time, Xu Hongchen led the centenary agreement, and all the Xu family members reached a tacit agreement!

That is, before we find the specific location of the ultimate secret, we will never do it first! "

"Don't do it? Before finding the ultimate secret? " Lin Chen frowned, "that means at least in front of this pass, there will be no fighting between you?"

"Yes. So, your tactics really don't work.

I know that the three items related to the ultimate secret are all in ye ninghan's hands. If she doesn't go to the depths of Kunlun mountain one day, all our Xu family members will not have any action!

At this juncture, if you go to provoke those forces, you will certainly bring us unimaginable troubles!

Listen to me. We'd better stay put. Don't give others any opportunities to take advantage of.

What's more, our strength is not strong... "

Before the words fell, all the companions saw that Lin Chen had interrupted Su Qing's words and murmured to himself:

"is the strength not strong Maybe, sister Qing, you have a wrong understanding! "

"Wrong? What is wrong with me? " Su Qing's wonderful road.

Lin Chen looked up at the blue sky and said quietly:

"the strength is not strong That was three months ago! Now I have confidence and assurance to deal with those tough enemies!

And my real plan is that you can hold your troops still, but I have to move!

At least, before entering Kunlun Mountain, I will uproot all hostile forces near the pass!

Don't talk about it. I've decided to follow my tactics!

This military airport is about 100 kilometers away from the pass. We must get there quietly before dark! At that time, you only need to stop 20 kilometers in front of the pass and pay attention to the surrounding area.

The small town, and the three villages I can go alone


When Lin Chen and others were speeding towards the pass, the only small County near the pass Licheng, in a few days ago, flooded into a large number of tourists.

The number of these people is more than 100, and all of them are driving valuable off-road vehicles, which makes local people feel both novelty and curiosity.

The population of Licheng is less than 50000, and many young people go out to work, and they will not return here until the Spring Festival.

Therefore, although this is a county town, there are few people on the street, which looks very cold.

In addition to some time-honored shops, they are still opening their doors to do business. It is basically difficult to see the crowd gathering in other places.

At this time, in the corner of a noodle shop at the intersection of the county, three figures were sitting at the table, slowly eating the steaming bowl of noodles in front of them.

These three people look petite, they are wearing a suit of local clothing, from the appearance, with the local people almost no surprise.

The three of them eat noodles slowly and lightly, but their eyes are constantly communicating.

The owner of the noodle shop is busy receiving other guests who have just entered the noodle shop.

The area of this house is not large, and it seems that it is still a little shabby, but the business in these days is much better than usual.

Many "donkey friends" have been patronizing his business in the past few days in a luxury car that the owner of the noodle shop has never seen before. This middle-aged man with a big belly and a plateau red face is extremely excited.

The guests who came in seemed to be familiar with the owner of the noodle shop and said hello to him warmly.

In a short time, these people will sit in the narrow noodle shop, so that this usually unpopular noodle shop, instantly full.

And in the corner of the three people eating noodles, two of them look very unnatural.

With the rest of the corner of their eyes, they constantly looked at the guests who had seen them several times, and their hearts were full of anxiety. Even, they hold chopsticks more forcefully than before.however.

The "man" sitting opposite the two men patted their hands gently, indicating that they should not be nervous.

Then, the "man" flashed a cruel look in his eyes, which made his companion feel more chilly!

This look, they have seen many times

In fact, as early as half a month ago, the three of them had come to Licheng and hired a local to teach them some local spoken language.

Then they put on local costumes and quickly disguised themselves as locals. If it is not for the first-class vision and insight, to identify their true identity, it is more difficult than heaven.

After the camouflage was completed, the "man" would leave the house from time to time and return in the middle of the night.

Every time I see a man, it's the look in their eyes!

Cold, cruel, no feelings mixed in it!

There are It's just a touch of killing that makes people palpitating!

Looking at this terrible look, the two companions could not help shaking, while the "man" said in a deep voice: "don't be nervous After knowing the details of these people, we will not see them tomorrow! "

This is a truth, a big truth!

In the past half a month, the "man" has said this several times. And every time, it will come true in the end!

Of course, the two companions know what the "man" is talking about. When they think of the terrible things that will happen after nightfall tonight, they have buried their heads and stopped looking at the "man" eyes

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