Chapter 1391

Su Qing's back, completely disappeared in the snow.

After she left, Xu Hongchen did not look back and said coldly:

"come out, you have seen a good play for a long time."

A figure came out of the luxurious palace like a palace. He walked slowly to Xu Hongchen's side, and then said with a smile:

"Xu Hongchen, your mouth is really spicy. If you hadn't made the arrangement, I would have enjoyed a great war today. "

There was a sneer on his face.

Xu Hongchen didn't even look at him. She said quietly:

"she knew your identity and our plan. Hum, if she had not become a silly woman who had to pay everything for love, I guess It's a real possibility that she will win the Centennial agreement

Pick pulled his mouth and said with a sneer:

"as a member of the Xu family, he has been blessed by the irreversible fate since he was born. Don't think about how to live, but want to play these naive emotional games This woman, as you say, has become a fool!

Such an opponent is not to be afraid of.

Well, the three-month deadline is coming, and I have to make final preparations.

This is your territory, and I'm not sure to stay here. Three months later, we will meet in front of the jiuhuangjue battle! "

After hearing the speech, Xu Hongchen still looks at the front, and doesn't even look at Pike.

"Are you going? Oh, how dull you are not here with me? I have complete equipment here, which can ensure that your strength will be improved again within three months. "

Pike sneered and said, "promotion here? I'm afraid that before three months, you can't help attacking me! Now leave, just right! Only one can live for a hundred years! Under this premise, how could I be stupid enough to promote here? Dear elder sister, I'm gone. Three months later, be more careful

"Only one can live..."

Xu Hongchen silently recited this sentence, and immediately said,

"yes, for more than two thousand years, our Xu family has only been handed down by only 20 generations, which is entirely because of the Centennial agreement! Our Xu family's algorithm for descendants is different from other families. In a hundred years, only one person can be called the orthodox successor. Xu Fu, the ancestor, has chosen the best candidate to enter the ultimate secret in such a way, which is really worthy of his title as an immortal!

He not only calculated the first emperor, but also the people in the world, and even his descendants!

In the Centennial agreement, only the only surviving legitimate offspring can be called the real descendants of the Xu family. This ridiculous, lamentable and tragic ending is also the fate that the descendants of the Xu family can not get rid of.

Xu Tian is lucky. The only survivor of the last Centennial agreement is his grandfather.

His grandfather, his father, died decades ago, and he succeeded the 23rd generation. Otherwise, where would he be?

However, Xu Tian is also a short-lived ghost. He thought that he would have a chance to fight against him in this hundred year contract, but he died more than ten years ago. In this way, the Centennial agreement is the leading role of our younger generation.

However, Xu yak, I want to remind you that in Xu Tian's generation, there are still several old guys!

They will take part in the Centennial agreement! You really don't want to think about it before you get rid of it? Stay with me, you can improve your strength safely, and you can discuss the strategy with me... "

"Well, don't think I don't know what you're up to. As you said, our generation is the main character. Even if Xu Tian's generation still has some old antiques, what can we do?

These people are stubborn in concept, do not know how to keep pace with the times, and they can not be our opponents at all!

Therefore, in this Centennial agreement, we are the only ones who are against each other!

Since I'm an opponent, I'll stay with you? Isn't that a chance for you? So, I have to go first.

Three months later, I'll see you in Kunlun Mountain of China! "

With that, pike stopped talking nonsense, moved his body, and galloped away toward the snow and wind.

When his figure disappeared, Xu Hongchen turned his mouth and said with a contemptuous smile:

"Xu Yake, you can't fight a little Lin Chen. Do you still want to defeat all the Xu people and get the ultimate secret? What a delusion! But you can hop twice In this way, you can divert some people's attention


After Su Qing left the mysterious island, she rushed to Lin Chen's wedding scene without stopping.

The day passed quickly.

When Su Qing felt the wedding scene, Lin Chen was already properly arranged with her companions, waiting for ye ninghan to appear happily.

A few hours ago, ye ninghan, led by Ye Laoye, came to this nameless island in northern Europe.After the island was bought by Lin Chen, a piece of antique architecture was built in the center of the island.

Pavilions, flowers and trees, constitute a paradise of polar beauty.

Although the island is located in high latitude and low temperature, modern greenhouse technology has made it a pleasant place with beautiful scenery.

In the middle of these buildings is a mahogany building like a small palace. The word "Xi" and the red silk belt around the beam decorated the hall with joy.

And this is where Lin Chen held her wedding.

The guests arrived as scheduled. Lin Xiao, as Lin Chen's father and one of the existing lineages of the Lin family, put on a neat black suit for the first time, and was so busy in front of the gate that he was overjoyed.

The family of Ye's family is divided into two groups. One group is cooperating with Lin Xiao to receive guests, the other group is staying with ye ninghan, discussing the test method of entering the boudoir, and on the other hand, helping ye ninghan paint beautiful bridal makeup, and changing into the luxurious wedding dress designed by Lin Chen and the international soul shirt master.

Ye ninghan is a super agent of China. In addition to performing undercover tasks, she will simply outline two strokes of light makeup. In most of the time, she will not paint a delicate color makeup as solemnly as she does today.

For a moment, she was also appalled by such a battle.

Several girlfriends let her sit on the chair, constantly busy, face is also hanging a very happy expression.

At this time, Lin Chen got together with his God killing Companions to discuss how to pass through the various levels set by Ye ninghan's relatives and friends

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