Chapter 1349

One more punch?

Dandy's proposal, let Lin Chen heart born alert.

Two times before, he couldn't stop his attack at all, but now he offered to face him for the third time?

Among them, there must be fraud!

But when the balance of power is obviously unbalanced, what can the blonde man rely on?

Lin Chen thought about it, but of course he couldn't understand it. So he said with a smile: "you fought with me twice, and there was no chance of winning. It didn't matter if you didn't fight for the third time.

Anyway, both of you will die here. I have just passed the transformation plan, and I have no idea of my own strength Why don't I open fire and let you report to hell faster

At the end of his speech, Lin Chen's eyes closed and his inner force doubled! Not only the air flow around him was more intense, but also his hair changed from normal dark black to silver gray!

What's more, his hair has grown a lot longer, standing upside down in the terrible air flow!

Dandy and gray have never seen Lin Chen's appearance before. When they saw it for the first time, they were also frightened!

Later, when Lin Chen's momentum climbed to the top, they saw an unforgettable scene: Lin Chen's whole body was heavily wrapped in the silver gray, and the whole person was like wearing a silver gray robe?

What is this? Chinese martial arts again? Yin Yang martial arts?

Dandy and gray took a mouthful of saliva and shivered uncontrollably.

They have also seen the fighting of some top fighters, and know that many warriors can use some fantastic means to completely explode their internal strength.

Most of the time, the fist or body of some Super Warriors will attach a kind of air wall like thing. After understanding, they knew that it was a kind of life energy called protecting the body and vigorous Qi, which was one of the means of protecting the body that the advanced martial arts could master.

But like Lin Chen, he not only changed the color of his hair, but also wore a heavy "coat" They have never seen such a warrior!

In the hearts of dandy two people are shocked inexplicable, Lin Chen and slowly raised an arm.

Under the close attention of his opponent, Lin Chen's arm suddenly showed a prominent bulge, and that bulge quickly turned on his arm, and soon it had turned four times on his arm?

What the hell is that?

Is it muscle? Or blood vessels? Or other human tissues?

Dandy and he are completely confused.

As Westerners, they don't know much about Chinese ancient martial arts. They are also frightened and afraid of Lin Chen's every move at the moment!

At this time, Lin Chen, who had already finished accumulating strength, mumbled to himself:

"the method of alternating Yin and Yang Silver hair Four heavy seven huangquan The internal strength of yin and Yang close to the seven levels of advanced state Oh, I really don't know what kind of amazing 128 moves I can play!

Two, get ready. Oh, I'm here


A sound boom suddenly rang through the entire warehouse! Lin Chen's figure has disappeared in place!

Dandy and gray are from the surprise of God, but by this time Lin Chen's figure has appeared in front of them!

It's too late!

At this time, it's too late to do anything!

Desperation rose in both men's hearts at the same time. Gray, who is weak in strength, can only put his two alloy arms firmly in front of his face. He has not dared to see Lin Chen's next martial arts.

Dandy is nervous to bite his lips, a touch of scarlet flow into his mouth, let his mind instantly clear up!

"Gray, I'm sorry!"

After a cold drink, Dandy has raised his huge palm like a bear's paw and slapped hard at his abdomen!

Lin Chen, who is preparing to make the most powerful attack, of course, sees this strange move of his opponent.

In a flash, he also aimed at Dandy's abdomen actually had some remarkable change!

In dandy's hard clap, his abdominal muscles were immediately patted by himself, but then he took the black light in his hand?

Only white uranium can emit such light?

What dandy has in his hand is White uranium? Is it white uranium implanted in him? He was able to force uranium out of the body?

Lin Chen was surprised, and Chen Xuan's warning suddenly rang out in his heart!

Chen Xuan once said that Leu is a rare element with extremely strong radioactivity, which is extremely unstable. Although this kind of thing can help human beings break through the energy barrier of seven spirits and make ordinary people with X gene become "Superman" instantly, it is also a time bomb with super power!

Once it's detonated, the power is absolutely extraordinary! Even if it's only 0.1g, it's a million equivalent nuclear bomb!

Therefore, when Lin Chen holds back to see that dandy actually took out that 0.1 gram of white uranium from his body, his heart Also mentioned the throat in an instant!Is this guy crazy? Does he want to use such means Die with yourself?

Gray on one side, although he dare not face Lin Chen, he can see dandy's strange behavior!

When he saw that dandy forced the white uranium out of the body and held it in his hand, his face turned pale instantly!

"Are you crazy? It's over! The three of us It's going to die here. "

At this critical juncture, Lin Chen immediately withdrew his eight door hexagram palm.

Although this will cause him some internal injuries, for now He can only run out of this warehouse as fast as possible!

In the middle of the air, he made a strange gesture towards the front, and the Yang style return wind palm was suddenly used.


A strong shock wave quickly attacked dandy and Lin Chen withdrew from the warehouse in an instant, just like a loaded shell!

After landing, Lin Chen immediately swept back. Although he had never seen the power of the white uranium explosion, he had a premonition that it was an absolutely earth shaking explosion!

However, when Lin Chen ran forward for more than 10 seconds, the terrorist explosion that he had been worried about did not come.

As soon as he stopped, he immediately turned back and looked at the old warehouse in the distance.

Another half minute passed.

The warehouse was still standing there in perfect condition. There was no explosion, no vision.

At this time, Lin Chen suddenly realized: bad! Then dandy is playing psychological warfare with me! He certainly won't choose to blow himself up!

After reading this, Lin Chen immediately returned to the original road again and rushed to the warehouse.

When he stood in the original fighting position of the warehouse, his eyes glared and an incredible picture appeared in front of him!

Dandy was lying on the ground with blood all over, motionless. Beside him, Gray was lying on the ground quietly. There was no movement

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