Chapter 1221

This words, not only Lin Chen's heart shock, even the side of the silent Sally, Shuangtong also revealed a touch of panic!

Hongmen, a super underground force no inferior to the four ancient clans!

In Lin Chen's career as a mercenary, he had heard the name countless times.

Hongmen is the largest Chinese organization in the world. Its core members are all Chinese people or descendants of Chinese people.

This organization has a very long history. It has existed since there were immigrants.

However, this organization has always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile. In the whole world, it does not show any mountains or water, but quietly develops its various industries.

After entering the era of peace, the name of Hongmen has long disappeared from the ears of ordinary people. However, the huge energy contained in this organization is that even the Western powers are quite afraid of it.

The helm of Hongmen has been replaced several times, but no one knows it. But Hongmen's branches are all over the world, and their existence is a strong deterrent in any country Almost no one wants to provoke them!

However, with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the development route of this organization has also changed.

Some die hards believe that they should abide by the tradition and insist on maintaining absolute force, while others focus on economic development, believing that personal force is no longer important in the contemporary world.

As a result, gradually, the internal contradictions in Hongmen were intensified, and many branches split off on their own and began to develop according to their own wishes.

Of course, all the Hongmen branches still carry the signboard of Hongmen to deter potential enemies who threaten them.

Coupled with their low-key behavior, young people who know that they exist are just as rare.

In the whole underground world, the word Hongmen is still a synonym that can not be provoked!

There is no force willing to oppose them, including the once invincible dark world!

Even, many old people think that At that time, the dark world suddenly disappeared. To a large extent, it was because Hongmen United for a rare time and carried out an unknown suppression on the dark world!

Under the strong pressure of Hongmen, the dark world was forced to stop and disappear before the eyes of the world.

In his ten years as a mercenary, Lin Chen has heard of the origin and strength of Hongmen many times. He is also quite afraid of this organization.

If the gossip is not true, then it can be true!

The eight trigrams are controlled by the people of Hongmen, so it's safe.


Lin Chen knew little about Hongmen. After hearing about the whereabouts of the Bagua pan, he immediately said:

"if the Bagua pan is in the hands of Hongmen in Canada, Kerry and others will surely fight for it. But are you reliable? Ye Xingchen did not clearly point out the specific location of the Bagua disk in the feedback from the snow wolf agent organization. "

"Hongmen is very strong, but I'm not bad! Don't worry, this news is true!

What's more, I can tell you that the headquarters of Hongmen in Canada is in a hilly area just outside the north of W city!

This is the "private territory" of Canada's Hongmen branch. Even the Canadian government dare not send people into it easily

Lin Chen frowned and said in a strange way:

"is Hongmen so strong here? Don't even give credit to the Canadian government? "

With a sneer, he said truthfully:

"you underestimate these underground forces with hundreds of years of history.

Canada is a highly open developed country. Here is a vast area with abundant resources, but the population is sparse, so the former immigrants have brought considerable development speed here.

I can say that once the Hongmen branch of Canada collapses, Canada's economy will regress by at least 10 years!

It's not a joke, it's a fact. The Hongmen branch of Canada operates industries involving transportation, forestry, minerals, real estate, new energy and other major fields.

These industries are enough to affect the Canadian economy. That is to say, after hundreds of years of development, the Hongmen branch has had an influence beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

If something happens to them, the consequences of Canada will be unimaginable.

Do you think that the Canadian government will have nothing to do with such an organization as the God of wealth?

That hilly and mountainous area is also the private land that the Canadian government allocated to them decades ago in order to thank Hongmen! "

After listening to Yu Ru's account, Lin Chen also had a new understanding of Canada's Hongmen branch.

He never thought that Hongmen here had become an indispensable part of Canada.

In this way, the dark world, an organization that can only live in the dark, certainly does not dare to confront Hongmen openly.

He carefully analyzed all kinds of information he had now, and then said:"Since Hongmen is so powerful, will Kerry and others really attack them? Go to their territory and grab the gossip plates? "

She nodded and said:

"they will go. Judging from Kerry's tone just now, the plot in the dark world is coming to the surface. Combined with what happened in Japan before, I'm sure The dark world reappears in the world for the ultimate secret!

Lin Chen, with your intelligence, don't you understand? "

Lin Chen looks like a Lin, such as the top of a bright!

The dark world led by the ghost faced man has made such a big stir in the Japanese state in order to get the key to the ultimate secret - five ancient books!

The dark world led by Kerry abducted Ye Xingchen at the National Capital University of Canada in order to solve the mystery of the gossip disk!

It is not a coincidence that the dark world appears in Japan and Canada at the same time. It is a seamless arrangement!

Although Kerry and others put the cart before the horse in their actions. They should have got the Bagua disk first, and then took Ye Xingchen, who can crack the mechanism of the eight trigrams disk, their next goal must be to sneak into Hongmen and get the crucial Bagua disk!

Now that the enemy's next target has been determined, Lin Chen's heart is full of confidence.

After thinking for a while, he asked again:

"in this case, we should also make some preparations. It's just What should we do? We may not go directly to the territory of Hongmen and tell their helmsman that the people in the dark world are going to do something about the gossip board?

What's more, we don't know whether the Hongmen people here know the real value of the Bagua pan! "

Chen Ru took a serious look at Lin Chen and said with a smile:

"the question you raised is just one of my worries!"

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