Chapter 1171

At this time, the Japanese people had long been in chaos because of Lin Chen's various deeds.

And the Japanese government, which was alarmed by Lin Chen, their parliament building is just a few kilometers away from this courtyard.

The earth shaking sound has made it even worse for senior officials who have already made a mess!

Japanese Prime Minister suddenly disappeared a few hours ago, which made the Japanese government a mess. Just now, someone found out that the prime minister was in a private closet in his office.

It's just that his face is haggard, his lips are white and his muscles are atrophic. From this, it can be seen that the Japanese Prime Minister should not stay in the closet for a few months.

As one of the world's great powers, Japan's chief executive is locked up in a private closet in his office This incident, like rolling thunder, was suddenly bombed by Japanese political circles.

After deliberation, they decided to cover it up completely!

In the eyes of the outside world, the prime minister is not missing, nor is he confined to the closet. The prime minister has just been overworked recently and collapsed in his office.

After the prime minister was sent to a senior hospital for rehabilitation treatment, several of the prime minister's deputies became the leaders of the Japanese government for the time being.

They have made the office of Congress their home, 24 hours a day talking about how to deal with the enormous challenges from all sides.

Although the prime minister's affairs can be concealed from the public, behind this vicious incident Who is behind the scenes?

What if they are other big powers that have attempted to attack Japan? The whole story of the matter must be clarified.

Therefore, the Japanese government has to deal with Lin Chen and others, while also investigating the truth of the whole incident. At this time, they are already in a hurry and have no time for themselves.

However, at this juncture, there was an earth shaking explosion near the Capitol. It was like the last straw that crushed the camel, which completely exploded the Japanese government.

In one of the big offices of the Congress, several deputies of the chief executive have already stood up and asked the army self defense force to find out the location of the noise!

Of course, in the minds of many political figures, they still prefer to believe the loud noise before, but it is only the gas pipe fault there, rather than the killing God or other mysterious forces

A moment later, a well-trained army self-defense force was running at full speed towards the explosion point. The time they arrive is only 20 minutes at most.

In the courtyard.

The ghost face man gave a full blow to Da Qing and Yu Ru, two strong men, and flew out of the courtyard. Then he stood still and looked at Lin Chen and his son.

Although the ferocious mask covered his whole face, his eyes made Linchen and his son silent!

Too strong!

This ghost face person just one blow, then hit Da Qing and Yu Ru two super strong person to have no trace.

And his next action seems to be to do it by himself?

Lin Chen and Lin Xiao looked at each other and saw a determination in their eyes.

Now, even if the ghost face man has been powerful to invincible, but they can only do their best!

At this time, the ghost faced man gave out a gloomy and horrible laugh, and then said to Lin Chen in a deep voice:

"hand in those five ancient books, I can consider sparing your life."

Spare your life?

The attitude of the ghost faced man changed 180 degrees, which also made Lin Chen and his son suspicious.

But Lin Chen had an idea, he already understood the real intention of the ghost face man.

"Oh, you have made such a big noise. The Japanese * * team should have noticed it, and it should be on the way to come.

Are you afraid that you will be surrounded by Japanese people and you will never get out of here again? "

The ghost man did not deny his idea, but said in a cold voice:

"even so, what can you do? Hand in the ancient books obediently. Don't make me do it. You can see the end of those two Chinese warriors. "

After hearing this, Lin Chen's fear in his heart was reduced a lot. He grinned and said: "those ancient books are my talisman. I have hidden it in a safe place, ha ha Do you want it? You could have restricted everyone's action in a flash, but you were reluctant to do it. It seems that you are very concerned about the five ancient books

Are you afraid that after killing us easily, you will lose the whereabouts of those five ancient books? In that case, you can come after me! After me, I can think about it for you

Before the words fell, Lin Chen had already thrown out all his strength and immediately swept towards the courtyard.

When his words were completely introduced into people's ears, his figure had become a small black spot in everyone's eyes

At this time, all people are one Leng.

However, the ghost face man was the first to react, and his eyes became extremely angry!"You guys, get out of here at once! I'll go after the boy Remember, don't make trouble again

With that, the ghost faced man quickly chased Lin Chen's escape direction, while those dark world masters ran in different directions, and soon disappeared into people's eyes.

Until now, Lin Xiao and others realized that it was impossible for Lin Chen to defeat the ghost faced man, and even had no chance to live under him. Therefore, he adopted the most direct method to get rid of the difficulties: thirty six strategies, take the first step!

Qiao Yejing, who had been holding back for a long time, was also silent after seeing the terrible power of the ghost face man, and then came back to God.

The two men followed her in silence, waiting for her instructions.

After pondering for a moment, the wise man said to Bai saixue:

"master, the strength of the ghost face man is so vast that ordinary modern weapons can't do anything about it. And our personal strength is just like dust in his eyes. Why don't we go back first and then plan and move later?"

The purpose of Qiao Yejing's visit is to get the ancient recipes in ancient books. But after confirming that there are only some martial arts in the ancient Japanese period, she has given up the fight for the ancient books.

It is only because these five ancient books have attracted so many top powerful people that even the ghost figure who has been hiding behind the scenes has also appeared here. She wants to see the development of the situation.

However, the absolute strength of the ghost face made her immediately give up this idea. Since the object she was trying to plot did not exist, it would be meaningless to stay here again.

It's still at night and Joe has decided to go.

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