Chapter 1139

According to common sense, both Japan and Huaxia are important economic powers in the world.

In this era of peace, all countries are committed to developing their own economies and enabling their people to live a happy and healthy life. Even if there is no absolute principle problem, even if there is a fight between countries, it is also a secret struggle, and it is impossible to set off too big a wave.

However, a few months ago, Japan was out of the ordinary. It was not only extremely high-profile, but also united with Western powers to publicly declare that it would launch a financial war against China?

It would be perfectly normal for this matter to be put on the eve of the war years. But this is a time of peace! No country will take the initiative to place itself in the vortex!

Let alone the consequences of this, it is very likely to trigger a world-class war!

Therefore, the Japanese people's behavior is not only abnormal, but also illogical.

What's more, after decades of development, China's national strength is becoming stronger and stronger, and its international status is also among the top three. It's really unwise for Japanese people to try to challenge China's economic status in such a way!

After sorting out all the things that happened in the past few months, an idea gradually sprouted in Lin Xiao's mind:

do you mean In fact, the actions taken by the Japanese people in the past few months are not their original intention?

Since then, in fact, the people of the dark world have been secretly arranged in the territory of Japan, and finally contributed to the present chaotic situation?

If Did the people in the dark world contribute to the abnormal behavior of Japanese people? Now the chaos makes sense!

After removing the unreasonable parts and adding appropriate reasoning, we can find the truth hidden under the surface!

After some thinking, Lin Xiao has already believed in his bold speculation as much as seven percent!

Only the current situation can be explained clearly!

And his son Lin Chen, in fact, is only the use of the object behind the scenes.

Because of Lin Chen's rapid rise like a comet, and he has done so many big events in Japan, the defense forces of the five Japanese shrines, which were heavily guarded, have declined rapidly!

If the leaders of the five shrines stay in the shrines with their believers, even if there is a very strong force, they will not be able to break through their defense network!

In addition, the Japanese * * team is also a powerful armed force. Anyone who comes to the idea of the five shrines will end in tragedy!

But! It was because of Lin Chen's role as a troublemaker that led to a vacuum of power in the five shrines, and he had the opportunity to acquire the things in the four shrines!

In this way, the original purpose of the secret agent may be the key to the ultimate mystery buried in the five shrines!

But oneself, is only a little lucky just, each time all snatches in front of each other!

In addition, if there are people in the dark world who are behind the scenes in the Japanese government, then the "financial war" which was ready to go out a few months ago is aimed at creating a huge contradiction between Japan and Huaxia, so that the whole world is in chaos!

In peacetime, economy is king.

Once a country's economy has been seriously threatened or challenged, it will inevitably lead to a world-class financial Tsunami! And the whole world will also bear the unprecedented economic crisis because of the arrival of the Tsunami!

Who can profit from the chaos in the world? All sorts of signs show that only those in the dark world are most willing to see this situation! They are the most powerful destroyers and destroyers!

And their ultimate goal in planning this financial storm so carefully should be to fish in troubled waters and sneak into the Kunlun Mountains of China to capture the ultimate mystery under the chaotic situation of the world!

Take the key first, and then take the secret!

People in the dark world, in the past few months, should be around the "ultimate mystery" mentioned on the stone tablet!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao did not feel relaxed, on the contrary, in a flash, his whole body of hair stood up!

Not good!

If you're right to infer Then, the dark hand behind the scenes will surely rush to the jade palace and rob the last thing!

The code on the stone tablet is very clear. Only by acquiring all the "things" in the five shrines can we "synthesize" that key!

Four fifths of them are already in their own hands, and now I am in the jade palace Change to any excellent layout, will be on their own hands!

Lin Xiao's eyes, burst out a fine light, the idea of a move in the heart, he has raised his hand, heavily placed on the huge stone tablet!


With a loud noise, Lin Xiao, with his superb martial arts accomplishments, not only made several pieces of this huge stone tablet, but also shattered all the Japanese names carved on it with internal force!

This stone tablet is of great significance. The ten words hidden in the name of the Japanese state in the first half of the monument can never be known by others!It was with this belief that Lin Xiaocai made a decisive move to shatter the stone tablet and turn those carved names into puffs of dust and smoke.

Although the latter five words, Lin Xiao can not understand it in the first time. But he has already written down all the Japanese names, so long as you give him a little time, he must have a way to infer.

And from the perspective of the first five sentences, the last five sentences must involve the specific location of the ultimate mystery!

Therefore, without hesitation, Lin Xiao directly destroyed the most famous stone tablet in the jade palace, also in order to completely destroy this clue, so as not to let those who have the heart to get it.


Just after the stone tablet fell down, Lin Xiao's eyes glared, and he found that under the base of the stone tablet, there was a trace of a dark road?

Under this stone tablet, is there an unknown secret road? Where does this dark road lead to?

Oh! by the way! I almost searched the jade palace, but I didn't find any similar black package!

In the front of the four shrines, those four things are stored near the statues, which is very easy to search, but the fifth one is not found at all

I'm wondering Why is the fifth "thing" hidden so deep that there is a hidden way here?

Is this the fifth thing hidden in the dark?

Oh, it's really unintentional! I destroyed this stone tablet with the intention of keeping a secret, but I didn't expect The key thing may be hidden in the place where the dark passage leads to!

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