Chapter 1032

Lin Chen, from a high position, overlooks three shivering Japanese people.

His eyes were very calm, like the giant ice floes in the Arctic ice sheet, which not only made people feel extremely cold, but also could not see any emotional changes.

The old man of Japan knew that today was a dead end. Although he sighed in his heart, he still had a pride in his heart.

He is a famous master of martial arts and Taoism in Japan. He once trained powerful Japanese like Okamoto. Although he is now suppressed by Lin Chen at will, if he wants to bow down and submit himself to the throne, it is more difficult than killing him.

He gave the two young men a silent look, indicating that they would act according to their circumstances.

Then, his straight body, again burst out a breath of astonishment, that gray hair suddenly inverted into the sky, eyes are a faint flame of anger!

A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!

The Chinese man in front of him, only in his early twenties, was astonished by his strength, which was greatly beyond his expectation.

There is a strong feeling in the old man's heart: this boy will become a big trouble in the future of Japan! His existence will become the biggest stumbling block to Japan's ambition of global hegemony!

What's more, the whole country of Japan's judgment of the secret power of China is extremely wrong!

Before that, Japan had conducted a full investigation into the secret forces of China. They learned the specific information of all the millennial families in Huaxia middle school.

Among these millennial aristocratic families, the four ancient aristocratic families are the leaders. Therefore, in order to weaken the secret power of China, we must start from these four ancient families!

As a recent ancient family, the Qiao family collapsed suddenly overnight and the whole family surrendered to Japan. For such a family with traitor genes, even the Japanese will not have much favor with it.

The two sides just gather for profit. Once the interests are gone, it will be sooner or later to break up. As for a runaway family like a drowning dog, whether it exists or not does not matter in the eyes of Japanese people.

As for the Su family and the Ye family, these two ancient families have attracted the absolute attention of the Japanese state.

These two ancient families have experienced thousands of years of precipitation and accumulation, and their deep foundation makes the Japanese people fear it.

But in modern society, force is not the best way to solve the problem. The best way is to compete with financial resources and means.

Therefore, the Japanese secretly launched a financial war, starting with the Su family and the Ye family, and spread the war to the whole of China.

In this way, it can not only make the two ancient families disappear from the earth without any effort, but also make the economy of China suffer heavy losses!

As long as we gain great advantages in this financial war, the economic development of China will be seriously curbed, and the ambition of Japan in Greater East Asia will be guaranteed.

This is a plan to kill many birds with one stone.

In this financial war, Japanese people can gain countless benefits. Other Western powers have long been unhappy with China. Of course, they also want to give China a heavy blow in this way!

In the whole plan, as long as they take the lead in overthrowing the Su family and ye family, the secret power of China will be greatly reduced. At that time, through this fuse, the war will be burned to the authorities of the state of China, then the overall situation will be determined and the ambition of Japan will be realized!

As for the Lin family, whose population was withered, the tragic war directed by the state of Japan more than ten years ago has already defeated this once most powerful ancient family.

Even if in recent years, a wonderful young man has been born in this family, what can he do on his own?

In today's world, economy is king.

The Lin family's industry has long been carved up and cleaned up, and the Lin family's details have long since disappeared.

In addition, Lin Zheng, who is still alive, has been buried in the Kunlun Mountains. Even if the boy named Lin Chen has gathered some industries again, that industry is like a drop in the ocean in the eyes of Japanese people, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Japanese old man, is with such cognition, as well as arrogant mentality appeared in the headquarters building of Lin's group.

He thought that if he could move his finger, he could make the flattered young man fall from heaven to hell. But what he never thought of was this young Chinese man. In fact, his strength was unfathomable and had already exceeded his imagination!

Japan's upper and lower, although collected enough accurate information, but to this man's judgment, produced the fatal mistake!

Personal strength, perhaps, is not so important in today's economic torrent. But when a person's strength exceeds the imagination of all ordinary people, then he has the ability to break all the patterns!

Rules are made by the strong.

When the power of the individual exceeds everything, then the rules will be made by him!

Lin Chen, who has the power of terror, will definitely become the biggest resistance to the implementation of the Japanese plan!

This is the most important conclusion that the Japanese old man came to after a short fight with Lin Chen!

But this news, must let own two disciple pass back. Only by letting the people of the shrine fight, can they compete with this boy!Otherwise, the whole country of Japan may be upset by this boy!

In an instant, the old man of the state of Japan made up his mind to stop Lin Chen here temporarily, so that the two disciples could go back and report the news.

So, he used the most powerful secret that he was good at!

He only used this secret once in his life. It was in the 1970s and 1980s, in order to annihilate an elite army composed of fighting nations!

This time, for the sake of this terrible young man, he had to use it again.

Perhaps, this is the last time he uses this secret skill in his life, but as long as two disciples can escape from the heaven, it is worth it!

Lin Chen saw that the old man's strength had improved a lot, and naturally thought that he was going all out to stop himself.


After the adventure of Kunlun Mountain, his strength is not comparable to the Japanese old man?

With a smile, he was ready to go, and he said:

"well, you old man has good momentum and is determined to die. As a martial arts person, I can give you a happy!

It seems that you can only do this from your two disciples. "

As soon as the old man of Japan heard this, he immediately changed his face and immediately said:

"you go! I'll stop him

Voice just fell, Lin Chen with that touch of light smile, the moment came to the old man in front of.

"Old man, before you die, let you open your eyes again! See clearly, this is the real eight gate hexagram palm! One hundred and twenty-eight forms of astonishment