Chapter 833


Ye ninghan felt extremely guilty. She always thought that if Lin Zheng didn't give her that "meeting gift", she would not be like this now!

Lin Zheng deliberately raised his face and said solemnly:

"OK! I am the elder, you are the younger generation, the younger generation must listen to the elder's words! You can't say anything more.

You little dolls have a hundred hearts. I'm not such a fragile person! I'm going to take you to the Kunlun Mountains to stop the Qiao girl! "

Lin Zheng's complexion returned to normal.

Lin Chen looked at him carefully and relaxed his mind temporarily. And ye ninghan is silent down, do not know what to think.

The snow wolf, who had been silent, knew what Lin Chen and his wife were thinking, so he took the initiative to say at this time:

"let's not be too pessimistic. I also believe that with the strength of old master Lin, it should be no problem to overcome those difficulties.

The top priority is to study the countermeasures first!

We must save the two elder martial artists of Ye family and Su family. But how to save it, we must find a way out as soon as possible! "

Lin Chen took the lead in regaining consciousness and said calmly:

"judging from all the previous signs, this is indeed one of the strongholds of the dark organization, but it is still difficult to say whether the two elders were detained here. What do you think of it, grandfather? "

Lin Zheng adjusted his breath, looked at the light in front of him and said in a deep voice:

"before I met you, my plan is to take this stronghold in one pot!

If the two old friends are not here, I will go straight down the road to the headquarters of the dark organization! Oh, by the way, the base camp of the dark organization is in the secret passage behind this stronghold! "

"Is there a secret road behind the stronghold? To the stronghold of the dark organization? " Lin Chen's three people spoke in the same voice.

"Yes. I've been fighting the underworld for months. Although I have limited manpower and it is difficult to collect intelligence, I am sure of this information! After all, my two old friends and I played those two trumps in the base camp

Lin Chen three people at the same time silent down, began to think quietly about the countermeasures.

It didn't take long.

Lin Chen suddenly raised his head and said his analysis.

"From our analysis, Stanley must have set up a lot of ambush here or in the base camp.

Their first goal is to deal with granddad. Now, we don't think about any countermeasures! Why don't you just go straight ahead!

Grandfather, you pretended not to have met with us, and then went to the dragon pool alone! Then the three of us will act in secret around you as your backup!

Stanley is anxious to get hold of you so that he can get to the secret place, so when you show up, he will take action!

At that time, perhaps the place where the two elder martial artists were held will be relaxed, and the three of us will be able to rescue the two elders without being aware of it!

Although this strategy is somewhat simple and crude, it is the most efficient one under the current situation! "

Several people thought about it and finally approved Lin Chen's proposal.

After the discussion, Lin Zheng walked in the front, twisted his neck and moved his muscles.

Then, looking at the light in front of him, he confidently said with a smile: "OK, just follow the plan! If those two trumps appear, I will hold them for the time being! Go and look for the whereabouts of your two old friends

Having finished speaking, Lin was striding forward alone.

When he came to the sentry next to the light, the one who was in charge of guarding in the sentry immediately found Lin Zhengwei an's figure!

This is a third-order shockwave!

At the moment when he saw Lin Zheng, he had already raised his hands and sent out a strong shock wave to Lin Zheng!


Lin Zheng glanced at the man with indifference, then waved lightly. The shock wave made a dull sound, and then disappeared in front of Lin Zheng!

The man was shocked and immediately realized the identity and strength of Lin Zheng! So he ran out of the guard and tried to tell the news.

But just as he moved, a huge figure was standing in front of him.

"Hey, little boy, since the body has become different from ordinary people, we should make good use of these abilities to do something good for human beings! You are too ambitious. So you and your ambition, bury here together


In a flash, the man was already bombarded by a powerful force, and fell directly into the snow under his feet!

His eyes, terrified!

Until the moment of his death, he did not see Lin Zheng's action clearly.

Lin Chen's three heads once saw Lin Zheng's official move, but also inexplicably surprised. Ye ninghan carefully pulled the corner of Lin Chen's clothes and asked, "the old man's temper is very hot! Have I behaved impolitely just nowLin Chen chuckled indifferently, patted her palm and said, "don't worry. My grandfather is extremely protective. You are now Lin's daughter-in-law. Who dares to bully you! However, your joke makes us relaxed a lot, thank you, wife! It's time to get down to business. Let's go

Then, Lin Chen and his three men hid in the dark snowy night, and quickly swept towards the stronghold from another direction

after Lin Zheng dealt with the sentry by means of thunder, he went to the bright place openly.

The light is getting closer.

It turns out that this is a huge searchlight! It's buried in the snow, and it's just lightened by the light.

Lin Zheng came to the searchlight and chuckled. Then he suddenly urged the huge internal force of yin and Yang towards the lamp shade of the searchlight!

After a loud noise, with the searchlight as the center, the snow in the area of more than 10 meters nearby suddenly vibrated violently.

And that searchlight, is already by Lin Zheng a blow to the ground to pieces!

Under Lin Zheng's strong fists, a passage appears under the original position of the searchlight.

The passage is narrow enough for only one person to pass through. The passage is slanting downward, as if it is still connected to a vast space?

Br >

, if the voice of the cold ground moved down the channel, it would startle Lin.

When Lin Zheng finished the passage and came to a spacious and bright room, Stanley had already brought a group of subordinates and appeared in front of Lin Zheng!

"Hey, old man, I've been waiting for you for a long time! I didn't expect you to come so soon Stanley gave a scornful smile.

"Oh? So you're in such a hurry to die? Then I will help you