Chapter 817

Mu Chen stood behind the German leader and took back his hand.

But he was also worried and asked, "boss, if these Germans don't cooperate, I'm afraid they will destroy our plan!"

Lin Chen swept this group of "transformed" Germans and said with a light smile:

"they have no ability to destroy our plan. After sunset, we set out for the villa in the countryside. Qiao Yejing has prepared a feast for everyone. We just need to get there before it starts.

According to the information collected by snow wolf, the reason why Qiao Yejing chose the auction around Munich is to let me go easily.

Therefore, on the way to go, I believe there will be no obstacles. But at the auction site, it was dangerous. These Germans can only get us to the auction venue without fear or danger, but there we will face a fierce battle

The auction hall, of course, is the main stage arranged by Qiao Yejing.

Whether it is the pope or the underground emperor of Europe, spike, is a chess piece in her hand. If she wants to win the chess game, she must set up a surprise move in the auction hall, so that Lin Chen can not get rid of the dilemma.

Under the reminder of Lin Chen, the companions see this fact clearly.

Su qinglue pondered and listed the possible situations one by one.

"According to the information we have now, there are three possibilities for Qiao Yejing's deployment.

First, before the auction, we locked in Lin Chen's real body position, and then made a violent attack to capture Lin Chen and us together.

Second, because we set up suspects, perhaps even Qiao Yejing himself, did not know Lin Chen's real body. So, she probably won't do it until the auction starts! And the time for her to start is when a certain force gets the whereabouts of Lord Lin!

Because it is only in those circumstances that we have to act. And once we show our horse's feet, with Qiao's shrewdness at night, we will be caught off guard.

Third, maybe Joe Yejing won't act throughout the auction. She will wait quietly

when she informs a certain force of the specific position of Lord Lin, that force will become the target of public criticism!

A fierce fight is essential. At the same time, she will restrain her ambition and wait quietly for us to take the bait!

We can't let those people go to the disadvantage of old master Lin!

At that time, Qiao Yejing will do another trick to catch cicadas with mantis, and we will be in a disadvantageous situation.

We have dealt with Joe Yejing many times. Personally, I think she is likely to use the third strategy.

That is to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, let those forces fight against each other, and finally she will come out to reap the benefits. "

Lin Chen nodded and agreed with Su Qing.

"I quite agree with sister Qing.

We've talked about it before. Maybe Joe Yejing has learned the true location of the secret through the magic bronze mirror! Therefore, she does not need Chinese national treasures.

And the reason why she pointed the spearhead at her grandfather Lin Zheng is that his grandfather himself may have the key to enter that secret place!

And with Qiao Yejing's brilliant strategy, she will not make any move before the auction is over.

Her strategy has always been to maximize her own interests! "

After listening to Lin Chen and Su Qing's words, other companions have no objection.

The next step is to determine the specific action steps.

That night.

Lin Chen and others "escorted" the group of Germans, mounted their military vehicles, and sped off toward the outskirts of Munich.

Along the way, bartner and Chris were extremely cooperative, and had a long chat with Lin Chen.

From their words, Lin Chen knew who the real enemy of Germany was!

It turns out that when Lin Chen proposed to go to Germany to accept cell proliferation technology, Germany was divided into two groups. One group advocated friendly treatment of Lin Chen and formed a close strategic cooperative relationship with Huaxia, while the other insisted on capturing Lin Chen and obtaining China's national treasure from him.

After success, the German side will send its elite forces directly to the Kunlun Mountains in China to find the secret.

In the end, German moderates did not win the final victory in the debate. The radicalism's claim is supported by many military personnel.

So even though bartner and Chris didn't want to fight against Lin Chen, they were still forced to join the team.

However, even they did not expect that Lin Chen had already lost his bag with his double, which completely failed their plan.

"You are so good!" "We thought we could force you to show yourself by holding your partner, but we didn't expect that you would have been mixed up in this group. Hey, I warned that politician a long time ago! I must not be an enemy to you, but he won't listen. Now I've become your prisoner. "Lin Chen was dumbfounded and said with a smile, "bartner, we don't know each other. I'm glad you can be so frank. Don't worry, I'll let you go after the auction, but it's not the time yet. "

Chris suddenly thought of something and immediately asked in surprise:

"Linchen! Now the situation is very complex. You've tied us agents and that politician. The radicals will not let you off easily. Even if you can get out of the auction, the radicals will send someone to hunt you down!

This is in Germany. You're under surveillance. I don't think your method is very sound. "

Lin Chen said with a light smile: "thank you for your reminding. After the auction, the radicals in Germany will not find me. Even if I could find it, I did it on purpose "

this group of vehicles drove into the suburbs of Munich without any obstacles.

By the time it was completely dark, they had arrived at the foot of the hill where the villa was located.

At this time, the white snow again from the air to the earth, the cold wind whistling across the ears, so that just get off the people can not help wrapping up their clothes.

Lin Chen got off at the foot of the mountain on purpose. Because he wanted to let the forces from all over the world see that the "German" has captured Lin Chen's companions!

And those forces will pay all their attention to the villa on the hillside after they know this news!

Lin Chen, will certainly be there to rescue the companion!