Chapter 814

Spike's strategy is simple.

Use a revolver with a long and narrow barrel to receive Lin Chen's three shot stunts in the air, and then launch a timely counterattack with another pistol!

But it is not easy to do such a thing!

It's much more difficult to catch a bullet with a barrel than to take a sharp edge with empty hands!

The timing of spike's counterattack was just right. At the moment when Lin Chen showed his surprise expression, his bullet had already followed.

Spike's performance is beyond Lin Chen's expectation, and it is obvious that his gun barrel receiving bullet tactics is one of the kill moves carefully prepared for Lin Chen!

Everyone knows that Shashen has three consecutive skills, but few people can crack him. Unfortunately, spike became one of them.

There are not many chances to win against the masters.

But Lin Chen showed that fleeting flaw, this flaw was firmly grasped by spike!


A clear sound rang through the whole room, Lin Chen was hit by a strong impact, the whole person flew backwards.

Bang Dang, he hit a wall, his brain came to a dizzy feeling.


Lin Chen's reaction is also very fast. The bullet with great lethality was blocked by the shell of desert eagle, which did not cause fatal damage to his body.

With the help of Bai saixue, although his body recovered, he could not use his inner strength at the moment.

Bai saixue's warning is still vivid.

In order to cope with the more fierce fighting in the future, he can not completely surrender his old man here.

Therefore, when he regained consciousness in his mind, he decided to use the most inexplicable one of the thirty-six strategies!

Lin Chen showed a faint smile, again to spike used three consecutive stunts.

At the same time, with a movement, he swept rapidly along the corner towards the gate.

His three bullets, intended to draw spike's attention, his real intention was to leave the dangerous place immediately!


A dark shadow passed by Lin Chen. Before he arrived at the door, he took the lead in standing at the door.

This figure not only blocked Lin Chen's way, but also aimed at Lin Chen's eyebrows with a black muzzle.

This shadow, this muzzle, did not let Lin Chen's mood produce any fluctuation.

However, the shadow of the eyes, but let him shake!

It was spike who blocked Lin Chen's way. And spike's eyes are red with blood?

This is not a pair of normal eyes.

Lin Chen stares at this pair of eyes, in the brain flashed a lot of ideas.

Powers? A mutant with a special constitution? Or something else? In short, spike's eyes make it impossible for him to connect the invincible emperor with normal people.

"It's strange, isn't it? My eyes? " Spike pursed his lips and grinned strangely.

Lin Chen gave him a light smile and said calmly, "nothing strange. Since you are known as the strongest man in the European underground world, you will naturally have some skills different from ordinary people. Unfortunately, no matter what kind of person you are, even if you are an artificial monster, you can't stop me! "

At the end of his speech, Lin Chen's wrist suddenly trembled. In his left hand, there was a desert eagle with explosive bullets!

Two men, four guns, the two most powerful men in the underground world, actually put out the same shape!

Speaker was a little stunned. The powerful explosive bullet had already shot out of Lin Chen's gun.

Spike wanted to do the same thing again and use his gun barrel to catch the bullet.

But just before he was ready to fight, the Pope, who was watching the battle, cried out in a loud voice: "get out of the way!"


After a loud bang, the blasting bullet exploded, and the door of the whole room was blasted to pieces!

For a moment, the dust and smoke were everywhere, and the smoke was all around.

When spike regained his mind and tried to find Lin Chen's figure, the Chinese man had already swept to the middle of the corridor and left a figure of his back to him!

"Damn it! Don't let him run away! That woman said, now is his weakest time! If you let him go at this time, there will be endless troubles later! What's more, the national treasure of China may be on him

This is the last chance for him to escape!

Spike nodded, did not speak, but directly through the dust and smoke, and then his red eyes again covered with a grim red light, his whole person's speed also increased a lot!


The morning stopped in the distance.

He turned his head and laughed at spike, and then he said in a loud voice, "spike, I'll write down today! After a while, I'll certainly double it! The underground emperor of Europe, let's say goodbyeThe red light in spike's eyes was even more intense.

Although he didn't know why Lin Chen stopped, there was no place to hide in this straight and narrow corridor.

Lin Chen either ran the corridor directly, and then went downstairs from the spiral stairs over there, or was caught up by himself and lost in his own hands!

Except for these two results, spike could not see any hope of Lin Chen's escape. Therefore, he did not understand why Lin Chen would laugh at this time.

He runs faster, like a cheetah running on the African grassland!

But just when he just chased Lin Chen five meters in front of him, Lin Chen Chao used his unique skill of three consecutive rounds, so that he had to change the direction of running and dodge to the side.

And when he looked at it again, Lin Chen's figure had disappeared in place?

Spike, with his eyes wide open, swept the corridor in disbelief. But above the corridor, is already empty, there is no trace of Lin Chen?

What's going on? What about that kid?

In about ten seconds.

Lin Chen's voice came to spike's ears from the hall at the bottom of the imperial palace?

He hurried to the edge of the corridor and looked down. At this time, spike found that Lin Chen was standing in the middle of the bottom hall. He waved to him and said with a loud smile:

"spike, you and the pope must take good care of yourself! Don't die in other people's hands before our official contest begins

After that, Lin Chen chuckled and ran out of the palace. On the corridor on the top floor, spike looked at Lin Chen's figure disappearing into sight.

Until now, he did not know that Lin Chen had just used the means to get to the bottom hall in an instant?
