Chapter 757

The Japanese soldiers and their companions are fighting with modern weapons. The dense gunfire can not make Lin Chen's mood fluctuate.

What can make Lin Chen show a shock expression is a cry from the back of the laboratory!

Such a call, some familiar, but some strange.

In the past, these monsters will make similar calls after they are injured against those level biochemical beasts. But at this time, this kind of call into the ear does not have any meaning of crying, on the contrary, it carries some human emotions? Although some unreasonable, but Lin Chen can hear clearly!

Are those Japanese people so anxious that they begin to attack the hostages?

Lin Chen's heart was tight, thinking that Japanese and Qiao Yejing should never be allowed to make arrangements. So he picked up the black sword and black sword not far away, and then quickly rushed to the armored vehicle and joined his companions.

He glanced at everyone in a hurry and found that his companions were in no way in the way. In addition to yugongqin's left hand was just abandoned by the monster, other people did not suffer any damage.

He looked up at the darkness in the distance of the laboratory, then frowned and said:

"everybody, the situation is urgent, we can't spend any more time here. Listen to the news just now, maybe the Japanese will attack the hostages!

Sally, if you still want to save your companion, please join me in the assault!

Before I entered the laboratory, I used Japanese weapons to blow up the whole laboratory! And, I've also planted some timed high-energy bombs around!

The power of those high-energy explosives is enough to make the whole laboratory collapse!

I set the time for 50 minutes! Now, about 15 minutes have passed. That is to say, we must not only rescue all the hostages in 35 minutes, but also let all our own people go back alive! "

Sally and the others were in a hurry.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Thirty five minutes? I think it's too little time to rescue the hostages! Why don't you discuss it with me? "

Sally's face showed a touch of anger, she thought that Lin Chen's action was too risky!

Several of the new members were indifferent. Because in their eyes, Lin Chen, in addition to not flying, is a superman who can do everything. Listen to him, he must be right!

As for Annie, Lin Chen's most loyal partner, she explained to Sally with a smile:

"Sally, the work style of our God killing mercenaries is always the same. If you are afraid that you will become cannon fodder, you can quit now! What we need is a companion who can fight side by side and advance and retreat together, rather than a person who is worried about gains and losses and hesitates in the future. "

Lin Chen chuckled indifferently and added:

"Oh, Annie is right. We God killers do things like this. This lab is one of the lifeblood of Japanese people. Of course, I will blow it up completely!

Well, it's not the time to talk nonsense with you. I'll give you a brief account of the plan and remember it clearly!

Although I set up a lot of time bombs around the lab, they don't go off together in 35 minutes! I'm not a fool. I won't give us any way back.

I buried a total of six powerful high-energy explosives. And I set the explosion time in sequence.

First of all, in ten minutes, the first powerful bomb will explode in the south of the lab, the farthest point in our view!

The second bomb will explode in 15 minutes to the west of the lab! The third bomb, buried north of the lab, exploded in 20 minutes.

As for the remaining three high-energy bombs, they will explode together in the top of the laboratory in 35 minutes!

Before I came in, I had examined the general structure of the secret laboratory and the distribution of electrical equipment. As long as the last three bombs explode together, it can destroy the power equipment of this laboratory, make everything here fail, and cause chain explosions!

That is to say, the power of those three bombs is enough to blow down the ceiling of the laboratory and drive countless chain explosions, so that the whole laboratory is permanently buried underground in an instant!

So, we really only have 35 minutes. Oh, I've said a lot. It's only thirty-four minutes. So, now you cover me and Sally with fire. We're going to rescue the hostages

With that, Lin Chen wanted to raise his weapons and plunder them in the direction of the Japanese. But at this moment, Sally stopped him.

This woman with a strange pair of pupils, frowning, from her face to see only doubt.

"Wait a minute! You said to save the hostages? Just rush to the rescue? We don't even know where they are! You are too reckless to do things! Your plan is too rough! I have a lot of complaints against you now! "

Lin Chen laughs and doesn't explain. He just grabs Sally's hand. Under Sally's surprised and inexplicable eyes, he runs directly along the surrounding cover towards the Japanese people?Sally was so surprised that she just wanted to shake off Lin Chen's hand, but she heard his low voice first coming into her ears.

"Don't say a word. Listen to me first. I'm not an impulsive person, and I won't make fun of myself and my companions!

I will use Chinese national treasures as bait to have a short negotiation with Japanese people. If they are willing to release people, we will save a lot of trouble, but if they do not want to release people, we will quietly wait for the first high-energy explosive bomb to explode!

That bomb is going to distract them! It will certainly cause their confusion! At that time, if you use your means to confuse them for a while, I can quickly find those hostages and lead them out of here! Do you understand?

There are only two things we can do before the first high-energy bomb explodes. The first thing is to determine where the hostages are, and the second is to delay!

Now it's less than ten minutes before the first high-energy bomb goes off! "

Although Sally is full of complaints in her heart, at this moment, she has no choice but to act according to Lin Chen's plan.

She glared at Lin Chen with hatred, and then took the initiative to speed up the pace, and with Lin Chen quickly toward the Japanese people.

At the same time, that makes Lin Chen some palpitation cry, but has been in the ear, which makes him very confused.

What the hell is that?

But when Lin Chen and Lin Chen left, Fujita had already given orders to those soldiers who confronted Lin Chen's companions to withdraw immediately and quickly stand together with themselves?