Chapter 702

Sally calmed down and said again:

"those Japanese experimenters belong to the Japanese official radical faction. They set up a large number of secret laboratories in Hokkaido. And those labs are all in the forest or underground.

Even the Japanese authorities, only a very small number of people know where they are.

Because 70 percent of the land in Hokkaido is forest. The most prosperous area is Sapporo. Most of them are inaccessible areas except for others.

Lin Chen, we have limited manpower and are on each other's territory. It will take at least several months for us to find out the laboratory we are looking for in the huge forest area, even if we do not encounter any resistance.

I know that your intelligence is obtained from the Tianyan mercenary regiment. Although I have many channels, the information I get is almost the same as yours. Tianyan mercenary regiment can only find the last place where they disappeared, but now they have entered the secret laboratory in Hokkaido. It is very difficult to find their trace with your own hands. "

" this is a problem indeed. "

Lin Chen frowned and was also extremely worried about future actions.

Sally has put forward the problem they are facing, and this problem is probably the biggest one!

If we can't solve this problem, they will be headless flies, and they will have no success in the end.

Both men were silent at the same time.

For a long time.

Lin Chen suddenly thought of something and immediately asked:

"you just said that some people in the Japanese official radical faction know the specific location of those laboratories? What's more, you know the exact location of Joe's family and Kato? "

Sally was stunned and immediately replied, "yes. After all, the funds and manpower of those laboratories need the support of Japanese senior officials in order to maintain them. "

After hearing this, the corner of Lin's mouth appeared.

"Now that someone knows, we don't have to go to Hokkaido."

Sally looked at Lin Chen's expression and suddenly realized.

"You mean we go straight to the insiders? And then intimidate him to spit out the information we want to know? "

Lin Chen said with a smile:

"that's what I mean. We are now in a situation where we know that there are tigers in the mountains, and we are inclined to go in the mountains of tigers. But we will not be so stupid as to treat our lives as trifles and give them to Japanese or Qiao people at will.

Since they may have already laid down the heaven and earth, we will find them in our own way

After thinking about it, Sally immediately agreed to Lin Chen's proposal.

"You are right. It's better to find a breakthrough in the way you say, rather than blindly looking for it or even killing ourselves!

However, your method also needs a maximum precondition! "

Lin Chen, of course, understood what Sally was referring to. With a confident smile, he said in a deep voice:

"you mean that we should first know who is in charge of these laboratories among the Japanese official radicals, right?"

Sally nodded heavily

"That's easy. I have already thought out the general scope of the target character just now!

First, this person must be from the Japanese Ministry. Because only the top of the military department can lead these laboratories. No matter what kind of monsters the Japanese want to develop, they will eventually be put into the battlefield. And the military department is the biggest beneficiary of their research results!

Secondly, since it is inferred that the target person is a senior official of the Japanese Ministry, his position is also on the way out.

Japan's sea, land and air self defense forces, the top leaders of these three services are obviously not the target. Although I don't know the specific division of Japanese species, the target person must stay in a relatively humble position. "

Sally's eyes brightened, and agreed with Lin Chen's inference.

"Good. Let's get off at the next stop of Shinkansen! Then we use our own channels to find out the real identity of the target character first! "

"I think so too."

The silver bullet train soon disappeared in the sight of Lin Chen and Sally.

After they got off the bus, the person in charge of the tour group was very surprised, but because both sides paid the tour fee, the person in charge did not say much.

Then, Lin Chen and Sally in a small county town to find a temporary stronghold, temporarily settled down.

Three days later.

Lin Chen and Sally sat in a hotel room again, smiling at each other.

"Looks like you've found the target?" Lin Chen was the first to speak.

"Yes. I'm sure you found it, too Sally laughed back.

"Well, let's write his name together?"

"No problem!"

So they wrote down a Japanese name on a piece of white paper: Ichiro Fujida.Sally looked at the name and said with a smile:

"Ichiro Fujida, 50 years old, is the Minister of Japan's special warfare department. Although his official position is not comparable to the top commander of the Shanghai air defense force, his position in Japan is not inferior to the three top leaders. More importantly, this is an extremist with radical blood flowing through his bones! "

Lin Chen chuckled indifferently and added: "well, because his parents died in the war of aggression, Fujita yiro was lonely and helpless from childhood. With his extraordinary perseverance, he stood out in the family, and then began to rise in a straight line that people envy. A few years ago, he became Minister of special operations. According to the information we have obtained from the Japanese Ministry, this man is most likely to be in charge of those secret laboratories! " As like as two peas of Sally's

and his own, he was also somewhat excited. But the excitement soon faded with her face. She turned her lips and said as if she were coquettish:

"but even if we know the real identity of the target character, we can't do anything about it! He stayed in the army and would not leave for 365 days a year.

Even if we are brave enough to break into the Japanese Ministry, we will not come out alive "


Let Sally some surprise is, Lin Chen for her words, just indifferent smile.

"What are you laughing at? Am I not right? "

"You are quite right. But you ignore the fact that Ichiro Fujida is also a normal human being, and he also has the weaknesses that normal people have. Like his family. "

"His family?" Sally took out a piece of information from her bag and unfolded it in front of Lin Chen. "This is the information I got about Ichiro Fujida. I didn't find out what family he had now? "