Chapter 468

Lin Chen stopped the retreat.

Then, with one foot on the ground, he leaped forward, away from the dangerous sea of molten slurry behind him.

After standing still, the doubts in his heart increased instead of decreasing!

The woman in red Can you use not only the eight trigrams step, but also the shockwave power? From the strength point of view, it is really much stronger than ye ninghan!

Do you really admit your mistake? Is this woman just like his wife?

as like as two peas, but how can she be exactly the same on her right leg?

What's more, I just picked up a shock wave from her. Judging from the power The shock wave level of the woman in red is much higher than that of naspike!

When Lin Chen's brain suddenly turns, the woman in red has already been Jiao to drink a sound, again toward Lin Chen's rapid attack.

This time, she swept over like a rocket from more than ten meters away Her feet didn't even touch the ground!

This scene reminds Lin Chen that when the woman came to the death arena, she came from "flying in the sky"!

Not good!

According to the power level, this woman's shockwave power I'm afraid we've reached the third level? Or fourth order?

I'll go! This woman is a super enhanced wife!

After Lin Chen's self mockery at the bottom of his heart, the light smile on his face has been completely withdrawn.

Looking at the fast-moving figure, he knew that he could not have any more hands left!

In a flash, long silver hair moved without wind!

At the same time, Lin Chen threw out the internal strength of yin and Yang, and without fear waved the black sword of ink sin in his hand, and stabbed at the woman!

The woman in red also wore a pair of dark black boxers on her hands.

This boxing set is also made of black chrome, and it is also made of high-grade black chrome. Its hardness is even better than Lin Chen's ink sin black sword. Therefore, even if Lin chenting stabbed, the women in red still did not slow down!

She believes that she can absolutely surpass Lin Chen and take his life!

The black sword and the boxing set collided heavily in mid air.

The dull and harsh sound of impact spread far away, even with bursts of echo.

Two people fire full open, under the hard fight, actually is to spell a equal!


The woman in red seems to have the same experience as Lin Chen. When she failed to hit the target, she immediately turned quickly in the air. She didn't even need to use the force from the ground, but directly rushed to Lin Chen from another strange angle.

The distance between the two sides is very close.

The angle of this punch of the woman in red is extremely tricky. While Lin Chen frowns, he also shakes his wrist, which makes the black sword of Mo sin take a piece of sword flower.

This piece of sword flower immediately wrapped the fist of the woman in red!

Lin Chen is still practicing the water point sword technique for many years, but it has never been shown before the eyes of the world.

This set of swordsmanship is light and swift. Its sword intention is to use dragonflies to defuse all the fierce attacks. In the attack, this set of swordsmanship is also intended to attack the key points of the opponent, rather than being fastidious, accurate and fierce like other sword techniques.

Obviously, a woman in red has never seen such a sword.

When she saw that her fist was surrounded by the shadow of the sword, she did not break through the net, but Open your hand and send out a secret shock wave!

Her shock wave level, really reached the third level! Compared with her, spike's shock wave is quite different.

Lin Chen can walk away from spike's shock wave, but he can't escape the shock wave of the woman in red!


Such as the sound of spring water dripping on the hard stone came to Lin Chen's ears.

At the next moment, he and his swords all went back!

After quitting several meters, Lin Chen's just reluctantly inserted the ink sin sword on the ground and stopped his retreat again.

This woman Very strong!

At the moment, I can only fight with my left hand. It is impossible to defeat the woman in red with one hand.

And the most important thing is After several rounds of fighting with this woman, Lin Chen always has a strange feeling in his heart.

This kind of feeling, cannot say clearly, the road is not clear. In a word, it's like a fishbone in my throat. I feel uncomfortable all over.

And it's almost impossible to defeat this woman, or to get out of it.

But whether this woman is her own wife has not been determined. If Lin Chen really has a killing heart and wants to separate life and death from this woman What if she's a wife?

Lin Chen hesitated and hesitated.


There are not so many women in red morning clothes. In her heart, there is only one thought, that is to put Lin Chen on the right track!

This hateful man, in front of so many underground residents, claims that he is his husband? And offended the most beloved sister! Even if I kill him now, although some of them violate the "order", but with the prestige of my father, we can easily settle this matter!What's more, he was a newcomer to the underground world! He wanted to curry favor with our Ye family and deliberately fabricated a lie, which has been found out by himself!

For such a dishonest person, the woman in red thinks that she has moved to kill her heart, which is also reasonable.

Next, Lin Chen, who did not want to be the enemy of this woman, took an absolute defensive position.

And the woman in red is not polite, the incarnation for a female superman flying in the air, launched a wave after wave of fierce offensive against Lin Chen!

If you attack hard, you will gain; if you defend, you will lose.

After a while, Lin Chen's strong body was hit several times by the woman in red. Gradually, he fell into the downwind

Right now.

The flickering figure of the woman in red fell on the ground.

She disdainfully looked at Lin Chen, who was a little embarrassed, and said coldly:

"why don't you fight back? I can't fight a person who doesn't fight back! "

Lin Chen sighed and took the black sword of Mo sin back to his waist.

In his heart, like overturning the five flavors, all kinds are not tastes.

"I don't want to fight. You and I have no injustice or hatred. Why do you want to kill me? Your sister wanted to buy the body by force. After I refused, she moved to you as a rescuer. As for me calling you "wife" in front of people, it's because you are so similar!

And, until now, I'm not sure if you're the same person! Although I don't know what the problem is But I have a strong feeling We're really familiar! "

As soon as this remark came out, the woman in red wanted to scold Lin Chen for two sentences. But in her mind Also burst out a kind of familiar feeling suddenly?

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