Chapter 228

What kind of play is this?

Looking at the "internal fight" between these special police, Qiao Yunshan was shocked.

And Li wanwan also at this time the black muzzle of the gun aimed at Liu manyun's eyebrows.

"Captain Liu, I'm sorry."

Liu manyun obviously did not expect this sudden change. She glared at Li wanwan with her beautiful eyes.

What are you doing? Li wanwan, aren't you Interpol? Your information is absolutely true! You can't be a fake Interpol! Why do you do this? "

Li wanwan gave a cruel smile and said calmly:

"Captain Liu, most of the time, the truth is hidden under those who are taken for granted. I am indeed an Interpol, but it does not prevent me from cooperating with the future leader of the deinocide mercenary corps! "

"You! You work with these mercenaries? Are you out of you mind? What do you want? " Liu manyun said angrily.

"Oh, Captain Liu, you are so excited. I am not crazy, I cooperate with them, naturally want to get the whereabouts of China's national treasure! On the contrary, it's you. Some of them are so stupid! I casually made up a reason, you believe it, but also reported to the above in a big way, so that the official sent so many special police.

But it's best. Without the presence of these special police, how can my people sneak in quietly? Hee hee, Captain Liu, thank you for your extremely responsible attitude towards work. "

Hearing this, Liu manyun basically understood everything. But she has another problem that she doesn't quite understand

"Are you here to rob a treasure?"

"Of course. I've told you a lot of truth in order not to let you die in a muddle. Now, stay by your side, or I'll let you swallow the bullet now

Looking at Li wanwan's ferocious eyes, although she had a lot of questions in her mind, she was still silent.

Pick came over and said to Li wanwan:

"let's do it now. There are a lot of masters on the island, and we want to make sure that these people don't become trouble for us. By the way, are these people from the Gao family? "

Li wanwan chuckled and nodded. Suddenly, she looked cold and ordered:

"do it!"

Suddenly, abruptly

A burst of gunfire, the real special police officers all turned into hornet's nest, have fallen to the ground.

Although Liu manyun has experienced many serious cases, the bloody scene in front of her still makes her look pale.


Li wanwan said with a strange smile: "Captain Liu, I will save your life for the time being. Only by your presence can I legitimize my behavior. Ha ha... "

Hearing this, Liu manyun immediately understood that: this ruthless Interpol will definitely make an article on himself to explain why these special police officers are buried on this desert island!

"Don't waste your time! I will not compromise! Kill me Liu manyun sees death as his way home.

"Oh, Captain Liu, don't worry. You will go down to accompany them, but not now."

With that, Li wanwan looked at Qiaoyun mountain again.

"Pike, did he tell me where the national treasure is?"

"Of course he won't be so stupid. That's the last guarantee of his life. All right, let's go. Get out of the island. And then Let those who still hope to obtain secrets be buried in the sea

Underground laboratory.

With her own strength, the woman in purple stopped the three Chinese masters of snow wolf, which not only made Gao Yuan and Yang lie lose their fighting ability temporarily, but also made snow wolf unable to move.

Snow wolf once again throw out all his strength, and this mysterious master fight several times, but in vain.

And after these exchanges, he has been very sure of the strength of this mysterious woman in purple It has reached the triple internal strength!

The snow wolf fought many times and was already exhausted.

At this time, he was gasping for breath, while he was staring at the woman in purple!

He is an agent, recognized as the strongest agent in China! He can not give up, the task has not been completed, even if the front is full of thorns, he also has to move forward difficultly!

After a short breath, he urged Gu Nei Jin again to prepare to meet the powerful woman in purple.

"Do you want to fight?"

"Yes, I will not fall until you fall." Snow Wolf said in a deep voice.

"You can't beat me."

"If you can't fight, you have to fight."

Snow Wolf's tone is very calm, no panic.

If you change to someone else, you will think that he is because of his own pride and mission, supporting his never flinch. But the woman in purple is slightly narrowed eyes, aware of his real intention.

"Oh, you want to delay? Do you want to delay the arrival of reinforcements? "

The snow wolf did not deny the real intention of the woman in purple.

"Yes, I can't beat you, but there is a man who should be able to fight you.""You mean the Chinese named Lin Chen?" Under the mask, the woman in purple was quite amused.

"If you know him, why are you so calm? Do you have the confidence to defeat him

The woman in purple did not answer this question.

She just stared at the snow wolf and warned, "don't do it again. It takes too much energy and money to train a top secret agent like you. If you lose your life in vain, you really fail to live up to the expectations of those big men. "

This purple dress woman's words, actually with a kind reminder?

The snow wolf is surprised in the heart, is determined that this mysterious master is from China!

"Since you are a Chinese, why do you want to cooperate with those foreign forces? Don't you know that if the national treasure falls into the hands of foreign forces, the consequences will be unimaginable? " Snow Wolf asked reluctantly.

"You have two misunderstandings. First, it is impossible for any foreign power to obtain China's national treasure; second, those people are not qualified to cooperate with me. They are just my pawns. "

Snow wolf more confused.

This mysterious woman in purple, in order to cover pike and Qiao Yunshan escape, block her three people here. They thought the woman was with pike, but from her tone of voice Doesn't that seem to be the case?

"Well, your mission is over, so you can recuperate quietly here."

With that, the woman in purple moved and ran towards the exit

After the figure of the woman in purple completely disappeared, Lin Chen rushed to the underground laboratory with several team members.

When he saw the snow wolf sitting on the ground in pain, his brow was deeply wrinkled.

"And the master?"

Although Lin Chen has guessed a general idea, he still can't help asking.

Snow Wolf nodded, weak back: "a woman in purple. I'm afraid the inner strength has reached the triple level

Three internal forces?

This just more than half a year did not see, her internal strength to break through this degree? I remember Before I retire, should she be as good as me?

Of course, Lin Chen didn't know that his relatives, who had been most dependent on, had been hiding their strength in front of him

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