Chapter 84

The stars in the sky reflected the young man's young face.

His appearance is extremely ordinary, not showing mountains, no dew, complete public face.

In the middle of summer night, although the heat has faded a lot, it is still extremely hot.

In such a temperature, the young man was still wearing a dark suit and trousers, which was quite surprising.

At this time, his left hand is negative behind him, and his right hand is casually hanging down. Drops of bright red blood slowly fall to the ground from his right hand. The ticking sound is like the sickle of death striking the ground.

After realizing that this is a top level master, Lin Chen naturally dare not be careless. He slightly narrowed his eyes, seemingly a little careless, but in fact he was ready to go all out.

After Liu manyun calmed down, he immediately ran over and said anxiously, "Lin Chen! This man is very strong. Let's deal with him together

With that, she also put on the posture of fighting, ready to cooperate.

Right now.

Lin Chen turned back and gave her a gentle smile. Liu manyun did not respond to it. He felt that his eyes were dark, and he could no longer feel any breath of the world.

The young man widened his eyes and watched Lin Chen knock Liu manyun unconscious with a knife. He couldn't help laughing and said:

"why? Isn't it good to have another helper? Two people together have a better chance than one. "

Lin Chen sneered: "she is just a burden to me. Well, now we're the only two of us. Before the fight, let's talk? "

The young man's skill is too shocking. Lin Chen suspects that the other party is probably the son of the Millennium family mentioned by LAN Miaoxin, so he wants to find out the identity of each other.

After hearing the speech, the young man chuckled indifferently and replied:

"I don't want you to be a ghost. Injustice has its head, debt has its owner. Remember after you go down The man who killed you is called joffy

"Joffy? What's your relationship with Qiao Yunshan? "

"Qiaoyun mountain? I don't know. Who is he There was a shrewdness in the eyes of the young man.

"Don't you know Qiao Yunshan? Well, let me ask you another question The Qiao family you are in is one of the millennial families? "

Hearing the "Millennium family", Qiao Fei's expression changed obviously. But in a flash, his face reappeared that faint smile.

"These questions don't matter. Well, we're almost ready to start! "

At the end of the speech, Qiao Fei's pupils shrank, and a strong momentum burst out from the inside out. Around him, there was a light wind that kept spinning.

Such momentum Only those who have inner strength can have it!

Such a vision Only a real master of ancient martial arts can create it!

Qiao Fei is obviously an expert in ancient martial arts!

Lin Chen didn't dare to be careless. In an instant, his dark short hair turned into silver, which fluttered with the wind. This magical change also surprised Qiao Fei, who was full of confidence.

"Oh? You are a very strange person. Have you learned some kind of martial arts that can change the state of your body? "

"Oh, you'll find out if you try!"

Lin Chen was bored to drink, his feet suddenly stare, the whole person has been rowing across the field like a meteor.

Qiaofei will not be slighted at present. After he took a deep breath of air, he quickly took out his palms and vowed to stop his opponent's strong attack!


The palms of the two people suddenly collided in the air, which aroused layers of air waves and raised countless smoke and dust.

When the two sides met for the first time, they fought with each other, and there was no win or lose!

At this time, both sides quit the fight and start to think about their strength.

Lin Chen's transformation time must not be too long, so he intends to make a quick decision!

After making up his mind, he tried again. The four palms seemed simple and direct, but in Qiao Fei's eyes, they were changeable!

It's the eight gate hexagram palm!

Four palms Four movements of xiumen?

It is said that the eight gate hexagram palm needs talents with strong talent to practice. And after practice, the difficulty of each type is several times as much as that of the previous one!

This young man, not much older than himself, could actually play the four movements of rest door?

Shocked, Qiao Fei showed a serious expression for the first time.

Hum, it's just a move to close the door! Then you can try my Shaoyin finger!


In ancient times, the Han people imagined the seven dwellings in the East, West, South and north as four animal images, which they called "four elephants". In Chinese traditional culture, the four images refer to Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque and Xuanwu, which respectively represent the four directions of East, West, South and North.

The concept of "four images" is highly valued in ancient Japan and the Korean Peninsula. These countries are often called "Four Saints" or "four sacred beasts".

In the book of changes, one of the Chinese classics, the four images refer to the sun, Shaoyin, Shaoyang and Taiyin derived from the two instruments (Yang and Yin).According to the principle of the four images, the ancient warriors studied and developed four sets of powerful fingering. The "Shaoyin finger" used by Qiao Fei is just one of the four fingers!


In the night, Qiaofei's body strength is all over his body, his hands are pinched into two sword fingers, and the fingertips are faintly covered with faint white light. In a moment, his whole momentum has reached the peak!

Lin Chen eyebrows a pick, according to memory, he naturally recognized this is the ancient martial arts "four elephant fingering"!

Taiyang refers to the majestic atmosphere and advocates a frontal attack; Shaoyang refers to being upright and unafraid, and advocates attacking later; Taiyin refers to taking surprise and advocating defending instead of attacking; while Shaoyin refers to being cold and vicious, advocating hitting with one blow!

The four Xiang fingering has different emphases. Lin Chen doesn't know what kind of fingering his opponent is using, so he goes all out to break all kinds of fingering!


After a loud noise, Lin Chen's four movements of rest door only hit Qiao Fei's left chest with his last palm. At the same time, the other party's little Yin finger poked under his armpit!

As we all know, there is a acupoint under the armpit of a martial artist. If the acupoint is attacked, it will be paralyzed for a while, and if it is serious, it will directly waste an arm!

Lin Chen's left armpit was stabbed by Qiao Fei, as if struck by lightning. The feeling of paralysis spread all over the body in an instant.

Oh, no!

in his heart, he had a sudden drink, and just wanted to jump out of the field to adjust his breathing. A ghastly finger was carrying a light white mane again.

Lin Chen can't dodge. Qiao Fei stabs him in the right armpit again. In a flash, he felt nothing but two arms!

His arms fell feebly, and joffy stopped pursuing.

"Your eight door hexagram palm is very good. But in front of my little Yin finger, the heat is not enough. I didn't see you on the road immediately because I thought you were very interesting. You still have what pressure box bottom unique skill, all use! It's too early to kill you. It's no fun! "

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