The annual meeting is over, and the news spreads.


Another sour slice.

"Other people's company: Navigator Group!"

"15 billion yuan, 50,000 yuan per capita!"

"The key is the house. I heard it's at least 150 square meters, with three bedrooms and two living rooms."


Compared with previous years, it is actually not so sour. What happened last year was too exciting, aliens appeared, and everyone was worried about whether there would be a tomorrow.

It is equivalent to saying that the collective has passed through the gate of hell.

to money.

to the house.

There is no such deep obsession anymore, although it still exists, it has also weakened a little. When countries announced the existence of aliens, many people did not fall asleep.





In the end, after the mood stabilized, it gradually turned into indifference.

Looking back on a lifetime.

In a hurry.

busy studying.

busy with work.

busy getting married.

Neglected too much, such as parents, such as some people.

That night, many people felt that they had a great enlightenment, and they were not so attached to things outside the body. If you don't bring them with you when you die, why do you care so much?


It is impossible to say that I am not envious at all.

Although I have some insights, the desire for a home is rooted in my thoughts, not entirely for marriage or the like, but also for the need for a sense of security.

A place for a tile to hide is like a person needs to wear clothes.

. . .

Facing the arrogance of piloting.

Most business owners pretend that they haven't seen it, and the year-end bonus of 50,000 yuan per capita is still conceivable, but the goal of one apartment per person is a bit too big.

Can't learn at all.

With this money, why not do it wrong, I have to give it away.


Next year, Espier will no longer have orders for Star Coins, so let's see how you can do it.

. . .

In fact.

The next time he placed an order, Shu Fu had no intention of giving Pilot. As the outside world complained, Pilot's age was really too short, only three years.




Accumulation is not enough.

The current glory is too empty, just like several generations of smart phones, all kinds of products are almost made by myself and my guards, and I have been involved too deeply.

It's like a 'company is full of rice'.

Obviously, this is not what Shu Fu wants.


He is not going to let Pilot have smooth sailing, and there will be food to eat while lying down. In the next few days, Pilot Group will start a self-reliance mode, and it will not be opened.

Take at least five to ten years.

To raise the background of the Pilot Group, as long as it does not cross over, ten years of transformation is enough for the Pilot Group to accumulate a fighting spirit that will no longer be questioned by the outside world.

Rather than relying on 'luck' all the time.




Pilot Group, if you want to take a breath, you have to come here.

Otherwise, if you feed every day and don’t think about making progress, when the time comes, you will become more and more lazy, you will not be able to whip the whip, and you will fall back when you beat it, then you will be depressed.

Therefore, in order not to make yourself depressed, Pilot Group needs experience.

The only thing I have to do is to control the situation and not to go bankrupt. Of course, the benefits will continue, no matter what, to the employees who work for me.

At least have a place to live.

. . .

After the annual meeting, the Spring Festival is coming.

the next day.

On January 26th, Shu Fu returned to Mingshan City.


"Thank you for sending us."

"Small things."


Shan Rao and his two daughters also boarded his plane. They are both juniors now. After courses, they will go to practice piloting. It has been several months and they came back by the way.

Watching Shu Fu's car disappear outside the community.

"Let's go, go back and eat delicious food."


"Hey, I didn't expect that it was just a non-staff internship, and there was an annual award of 6,000 yuan." Jiu Xinqin was cheerful, although it was not much, it was also an annual award.

Others often spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, which belong to others.

The more than 6,000 in my hand was also exchanged for labor.


The small treasury is drumming again.

Even though the person sitting in the same car just now was the richest man in China worth several trillion yuan, but no matter how much it was, it belonged to others and had nothing to do with him.

Even if you want to have a relationship, people don't like it.

If you can see it, you should start early.

Although she is naturally beautiful, she claims to be beautiful.

However, there are so many good things in the world, the richest man is the only one, and he even recruited a very beautiful secretary. I don't know if something happened.

Young president and female secretary.

Think about it, it's so exciting!

. . .

the other side.

Shu Fu came to Xingfu Lane and revisited his hometown.

at this time.

The demolition and reconstruction here has been completed. People have settled in for more than half a year, and they come to their own houses, which are also the ones they have lived in for nearly twenty years in their previous lives.

same location.

The house type remains unchanged.

Even the decoration has been recreated.

When I came to the balcony and looked outside, I felt a familiar feeling. There was an opening leading to the roof of the first floor of the balcony outside the balcony. I used to like to carve it outside.

This will remind him of the small yard back then.

In the past twenty years, I have never regretted it.

In the years to come, he needs to inquire clearly. The power in his hands is too powerful. If he gets lost in it, it may cause unimaginable disasters.

. . .

Memories for a while.

half an hour later.

back to the room.

The disappearance of the figure, coming to the alien star, and being busy here is not only to exercise the power of the soul and become stronger, but also a kind of restraint for oneself.

When people are idle, distracting thoughts abound.

Just like most people won a lottery of 100 million yuan, how many people can calm down?

Xiangche beauty.


There is no one in sight.

Show off your might.

I am also a mortal, not very noble, and my moral level may be a little higher, but I have not reached the realm of a saint, and it is a disaster to suddenly gain a lot.

Not to myself.

but others.


Shu Fu turned himself into a laborer, busy as a dog, doing something useful.

. . .

at this time.

The construction of the entire sub-city area is almost complete, and most of the houses have been decorated. Shu Fu followed behind and placed some furniture. It is not far from moving in.

There is still half a month.

air conditioner.



Some of them are products from the earth, and a lot of them have been delivered this month, and the installation work is simple. However, Shu Fu hardly ordered such products as washing machines.

It's like not selling a car.

Instead, prepare to promote bicycles.

People, it's better to move.

Do laundry.

Take a walk.

Take a ride.

Isn't that good?

Even if there are safe non-exercise weight loss pills on the planet of refuge, Shu Fu is not going to sell them on Earth. Being lazy is not a good thing.

Shut up.

Stretch your legs.


It is good for your health, which is worth advocating. As for some pathological obesity, it is a disease, and the medical equipment sold in the past can be cured.

In short, he will not satisfy some demands on the Internet.

This is also a training of willpower, and it cannot be lost like this.

Lying there, motionless.

I also want to lose dozens of pounds, tighten my loose skin, and have eight-pack abs. I will never gain weight after eating, and everyone will have a fit body, twenty centimeters.


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