For this 'Galaxy Island' project.

This time, Shu Fu paid a lot of money.

Ten ships!

A total of ten ships were thrown out, and five trillion banknotes, although distressed, still need to be invested, and nothing is taken out. What are you doing to make money?

Next, continue to stack capacity.

18 million tons of gold, the current production capacity is five or six years.

As for exploring new civilizations, at least after the Spring Festival.

There are a lot of things at hand!

. . .

It was the next morning, December 17th.


"Exchanging land?"

"Can Star Bank move the stargate?"


After listening to it, all countries were shocked.

before that.

I also thought about the relationship between the Star Gate and the Star Bank, but when I asked, they kept silent, so everyone just guessed and couldn't confirm it.


People from Star Bank came to the door and said that they had been in transit for too long, and they could move to any place for taking care of it. The specific countries will discuss and decide on their own.

But there are two requirements.

First, it does not belong to any country, lest everyone argue without a result.

Second, the sea is shallow and can be reclaimed to make land.


Everyone also blushed, the other party was right, if they were in the mainland, they would probably be quarrelsome, who wouldn't want the Stargate to be right in front of their house.


The origin of Star Bank is unknown and may be dangerous.


Even if you are not in the mainland, if someone has no good intentions, is there no danger?


Under this logic, everyone of course hopes to be closer to the Star Gate, so that it is convenient to do everything, but Star Bank considers this and chooses to fill the sea.

. . .

This news cheered everyone up.

At least a week for shipping, time consuming indeed.



Even though they say they can't be in the mainland of each country, they all want to be closer. Regarding the position of the star gate, they are still arguing, as if they are about to fight.

United States: Atlantic, Pacific, whatever.

Europe: Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, whatever.

Africa: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, whatever.

India: The Indian Ocean, nothing but here.

Each had their own demands, and they were at loggerheads. After three full days of communication, on December 20th, there was still no satisfactory result that everyone agreed with.

have no choice!

If this continues, what will Star Bank do in a hurry?

Even if you are not in a hurry, you will feel that they are too slow.


Each of them came up with a plan for Star Bank to choose. They originally wanted to draw lots to decide, but there were still differences, and no one had anything to say about Star Bank's decision.

. . .

On December 21st, submit the proposal.

the next day.

Star Bank makes a decision: Plan No. 8.

"Number eight?"




Everyone suddenly remembered that Huaxia's plan was not at the door of the house, but in the North Pacific Ocean. Immediately afterwards, everyone also knew the reason for being selected.

- Not too far from all parties, especially major commodity suppliers.


The representatives of various countries were slightly silent. In this regard, they lost a bit, but they were convinced. From the very beginning, Huaxia did not propose to land not far from their home.

It's just that all countries have their own small minds, which is unreasonable.

In the end, this plan was approved by Star Bank.

What else can I do, of course I accept it.

This result can be regarded as leaving everyone speechless.

Afterwards, the countries began to prepare. The stargate migration time will be one week later. Freighters that have not yet left the port will adjust their time, and those that have left the port will continue to open.

at the same time.

The construction power of Star Bank will complete this land reclamation plan.

"Build it with what?"

"I do not know!"

"I heard that a spaceship will come the day after tomorrow to take charge of this matter."


Countries are also curious.

I thought that this kind of thing would be handed over to countries to undertake the construction, but I didn't expect to be taken over by Star Bank, and they didn't even need any materials from them.



For such a large project, how big is the spaceship used to transport materials.

. . .

A week later, on December 28, they saw the incoming spaceship.

"This is?"

"Let's explore the terrain, what a small spaceship."


In the North Pacific Ocean, a shallow reef sea area, the fleets of various countries have already blocked the surrounding area. It is about 60 kilometers away from the main channel, and there are few ships usually passing by.

A pair of eyes looked into the distance.

I thought they were here for exploration, but suddenly, a burst of smoke and dust exploded in front of me.


Blue lightning flashed densely, covering a diameter of nearly one kilometer. Everyone couldn't see what was inside. Many people immediately thought of weapons.

But he quickly shook his head, there is no need, Star Bank wants to release weapons, so there is no need to pick here.

In addition to being shocked.

"Look, waves."


"Is this a tsunami?"


I saw a high sea wave coming from a distance, and the satellites in the sky found that the sea wave was spreading around the area covered by the blue lightning.

It's like throwing a stone into the water, making ripples.

The height reaches several meters.


For the surrounding ships, it's nothing. The waves of a few meters can't pose a threat. It's just a little strange, what happened inside.

. . .

In the lightning ball screen.

Shu Fu was busy.

Every time it is retracted, there are millions of cubic meters of slag. This is a shallow sea reef terrain. Relatively speaking, it is easier to reclaim land from the sea than to build land in the deep sea.

The average depth is 10 meters, and the reclamation depth is 12 meters, which means it is 2 meters above the sea level. If you want to fill a square kilometer, you need 12 million cubic meters.

After ten times, the slag in the source was empty.

A total of just over three square kilometers was filled.


not enough.

Release a building, bind it, go back to the slag mountain that has been prepared a long time ago, with a thought, 40 million cubic meters of slag was collected by Shu Fu.

Come to the island and continue reclamation.

The ball curtains exploded one after another, covering him.

The new generation of dome screen is not an entity.

That's right.


The large-scale camouflage technology was used on the previous generation of starships. After this upgrade, we created such a technology to confuse it and create a little special effect.


An island of eighteen square kilometers has been filled.

Next, build the port.


Giant cofferdams smashed into the sea one by one.

Collect seawater and silt.

Machine drill foundation.

Lay out the reinforcement.

Foundation pouring.

Like the previous island, the construction of the entire port took a day.

. . .

outside world.

Looking at the ball screens, everyone was speechless. It has been a day and a night, and the lightning ball screen has not dissipated, and the wind can't blow it away, and it has been maintained for a long time.


What are you doing, afraid of stealing your teacher?

Just when everyone is complaining.


"The lightning is going out."


I saw that the countless lightning bolts were no longer as tyrannical as before, as if the battery had been exhausted. After a while, there was only a cloud of smoke left, and the smoke was also fading.


A scene that horrified them appeared in front of them.

an island.


is a port.

turn out to be.

Before, people were not bragging, saying that one day was just one day, and the amount of construction in front of them was larger than that of the previous port, but it was still completed in one day.

What kind of fairy speed is this?


At the end of the month, ask for votes!