on stage.

Looking at the pair of eyes below, Zhao Qi couldn't help but feel proud. Such a scene was almost unimaginable in the era of Nanyu Empire.


But you can often see what the people of the Federation want.

"When the food is sold, go buy it."


"We have a large family. If we sell food, we may not be able to eat enough this year."


Not all villagers can afford even one or two. When some villagers were distressed, Zhao Qi made the atmosphere lively again.

He said loudly:

"If you don't have money, don't worry. According to the market price, you can exchange food for it. You can even get it without food, but you have to work hard."

"What? That's okay too?"

"Group Leader Zhao, is it true?"

A large number of eyes looked at the stage in unison.

"Of course it is true." Zhao Qi nodded.

"Next, the Federation has a lot of projects to be built. After the autumn harvest, when the farm is slack, you can sign up to join, as long as you complete the prescribed construction tasks."

"There is no need to give money and food."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was excited.

"Long live the Federation."

"That's great, I don't have to pay, and I'm just idle in winter."


One by one almost made up their minds to exchange labor, which one does not have the strength? After the autumn harvest, there was almost nothing to do in the fields, so I was just looking for something to do.

The federation's policy is not to be too nice, and it is always for their sake.

. . .

And this kind of scene happened in all the villages under the entire federation.

Baicheng area.

Los Angeles.

Announcements were also posted on the busiest streets.

"What does it say?"

"Iron pots, one tael of silver each, and each family is limited to one bite. Later, the clerk will go door-to-door to register the invoices, and then you can buy them with the tickets."

"Really just one or two?"

"It's true, this is a benefit that the Federation gives to all the people."


Similar to the villagers, urban workers can also use their household registration to buy a pot and shovel for a tael of silver. If they have no money, they can also use labor to exchange them.

Looking at the announcement, the residents' eyes lit up.

Especially under the announcement, there is a sample.

One or two iron pots are simply too cheap. With that weight, it used to be enough to make a few good knives, but in the hands of the Federation, it turned out to be such a big deal.

"Too extravagant!"

"How much high-quality steel is wasted?"


Some martial arts practitioners couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

There must be no lack of this, so I will send it like this.

"One household, one, is that enough?"



If you are worried, someone will explain.

"It is absolutely guaranteed that every household has one. There is an industrial city in Nanqing that produces various commodities day and night. There are more than 100,000 such iron pots a day."

"Ten... a hundred thousand?"

Hearing this, the collective clicked their tongues. The output of at least a hundred thousand pots a day should be so scary. After a year, they can't produce 50 to 60 million pots?


What a horrible manufacturing capability this is.

Seeing that everyone was shocked, the insider was proud for a while: "Know how it is produced? It's not manual beating, but a machine."

"Fresh iron."

"With a clang, a pot is pressed out."

"Workers only need to check the quality, pack and transport away, and don't even need to manually polish the rough edges. This is just the beginning, and the output will be higher in the future."


The more I listened, the more shocking I was. It turns out that there is no need for humans at all, but machines. One breath can produce one, which can directly close all blacksmith shops.


For the time being, probably not.

Ding Dang Dang, looking into the distance.

The business of the blacksmith shop has never been interrupted. The federal order, just for farm tools, is said to be scheduled for production in major blacksmith shops after a year.

. . .

In the crowd, Feng Changchang sighed.

In a short period of time, he has won the hearts of the people and introduced such a policy to benefit the people. Now he wants to do good things, but he can't even find anything to do.


Looking around, there are refugees? There are beggars? Are there any homeless people?


None of them, the Federation has gathered all of them to provide food, drink, and clothing. It is not his turn to do anything else. As for giving money?


The meaning of the federation is obvious. It is okay to raise lazy people, but not to encourage them.

Take care of food and drink, regardless of money.

If you give alms by yourself, it is easy to make it more lazy.


The city guard specifically emphasized at the meeting that don't give alms, if you really have money to spend, donate it to the federal charity, Feng Changsheng is very supportive.

That's good, his kindness is not for lazy people.


Donate a way.

Build a bridge.


The old ways of doing good deeds are not working now.

The city guard said.

The federation has a unified plan, and the overall planning of roads, bridges, water conservancy, towns, etc. within the entire territory is led by the federation and built in a unified manner.

Estimated investment: astronomical figures!

Feng Changsheng had learned about the infrastructure situation in Nanqing.

Tut tut!


For Nanqing alone, if the investment is calculated in terms of silver taels, it will be at least two billion taels of silver. If the whole federation has the same standard, it will start at ten billion taels.

So rich!

More importantly, he is willing to spend, and he is even more willing to give flowers to the common people.

Although it may be based on the fact that countless large households were ransacked.


People are willing to take it out instead of kicking their pockets, which is worthy of admiration.

. . .

After reading the announcement, after a while, Feng Changsheng came to a shop. The watch shop that he cooperated with Shu Fu at the beginning is still there, but it was transferred to him.

took a look.


Go to a shop across the street.

"Shopkeeper, the quality of this pot is simply too good, if you use it carefully, it won't break in decades."

"Yes, there are plenty of materials."


The guys under him were full of praise.

Hearing this, Feng Changsheng smiled.

not long ago.

He has obtained the agency right for industrial iron products in the city, which means that the iron pots to be sold in the future will also flow to the market from him, and he is still preparing.

The bulk goods will arrive in three days, a total of 3,000 pieces.

The official sale date is five days later, the same for the Federation.

Considering the supply demand, he only supplies the market in the city. According to the federal policy, many villagers will definitely choose to exchange their labor for iron pots and shovels.

According to regulations, those exchanged shall be directly registered with the working group in the village.

Don't come to him.

. . .

Soon, the large-scale autumn harvest began.

The entire mainland is busy. In the world, the villagers are full of smiles. Most of them used to be planted for the landlords, and they could only keep some of them.

There was simply not enough to eat.


But help yourself to collect.

The food tax was also cancelled, and everything seemed like a dream.

Before the autumn harvest, I often woke up in the middle of the night and almost thought it was a dream. Looking at the heavy grain in my hand, I was full of energy and laughed from ear to ear.

hundred cities.

a certain village.

"I heard that the village needs to restore the river course, and at least dozens of fields have to be dug up."

"what a pity."

"It's a pity, the federation is to solve the flood. Nanqing did it last year, and it has achieved good results this year. There has been no flood."


"What are you doing to lie to you? My brother who runs transportation said that."

"In that case, it's not bad."


"Not only the river, but also the walkways. The entire Baicheng area needs to re-plan the sixth-level roads, but I don't know how much farmland will be taken up."

"Whatever it is, as long as there are two lands, whatever the Federation says is what it is."


As long as the beauty in front of us does not disappear, we will support the federal policy with both hands and feet.