the other side.


In the huge manor of old Fez.

"Good! Good!"

"Really good!"


His face is full of joy, and in his hand is a corporate performance report invested and managed by Short these days. From the data point of view, there are almost no mistakes.

Such as pilot technology.

Once it is listed, the value of its equity will definitely skyrocket.

In fact.

At the beginning, he was not very optimistic about piloting.


Because there are too many competitors, there are a bunch of established companies.

The threshold of such an integrated innovation model is very low, which directly makes countless start-up companies see hope, come in to speculate, and prepare to get a big share of the pie.

As a result, the glory of piloting will no longer exist, and sales will definitely suffer.

But since Short insisted, he didn't say much, if he lost money, he should learn a lesson.

five billion dollars.

I can afford it.


Things are not going badly.

It's really... the peers are too embarrassing, and the products that are released one by one in a hurry, such and such problems appear frequently, and indirectly made another wave of advertisements for Pilot.

Not only did he not hit the leader, but he also assisted.

Up to now, its position is completely stable.

As predicted.

By the end of this year.

-cell phone.


-Peripheral hardware.

-software service.

Adding up these four categories, the annual sales of Linghang Technology will exceed 50 billion U.S. dollars. The normal valuation of such a company is at least 100 to 200 billion U.S. dollars.

If it is listed, it is likely to be far more than that.


Short's investment this time has made a lot of money.

At least five billion US dollars can be doubled several times, gratified!

My juniors are so outstanding, I have to wake up from my dreams recently with a smile.

. . .

Not only that.

Old Fith looked at the second report.


This company is also growing rapidly, with more than 30 million global users, which is definitely a huge number among start-up Internet companies.

If it continues to develop, it will be another unicorn-level enterprise.


I am so satisfied.

Having such a successor is simply God's favor!

Before that, I was worried that Xiao Te would drift away if he had a father like himself. At present, the worry is unnecessary, and he has not relaxed or slack in the slightest.



social contact.

They all show super talent and motivation, and they are tough, persistent, but smooth.

Not to mention having no bad habits, and getting married recently, it is estimated that the Fiss family is not far away.

. . .


He looked at another stack of reports.

These are the projects that Short plans to invest in in the next step. Although Short has been allowed to take over a large number of industries one after another, Old Faith will still help to close them.

At the top is a project of 500 million US dollars. I looked at the names of the people who were invested.


The name is familiar to him, and after a closer look at the information, he is really that genius scientist.

"High performance lithium battery."

Old Fith murmured.

It said that this is the latest breakthrough in Gust's laboratory, and Short plans to invest 500 million US dollars to jointly develop the market for this technology with Gust.

Turned over the technical parameters and investment analysis report.

Old Fith nodded involuntarily.


This technology is indeed very promising.


From a competitive point of view, vigorously developing this kind of battery is bad news for its own oil business, but Old Faith is also very clear.

Oil has a finite lifespan.

When a new energy storage technology revolution emerges, it is likely to be knocked out with a stick.

$500 million.

Not much.

The key is to make a friend.

Although the family behind Gust has little money, it has a bit of background.

His father is a member of Congress, and his grandfather has a certain influence in the military, not strong, but after all, he is retired with four stars, which is already the highest rank in active service.

five stars?

six stars?

That is not a military rank, but an honor, which has only been awarded to some famous people in history.

The last one in the United States with five stars on its shoulders went into the ground thirty years ago.


This cooperation is very important to the old Fez. He only knows how to make money and has no future before. Although he has accumulated a huge wealth, the construction of the relationship network is weak.

But there is no rush.

It can only be added slowly.

It's only a few hundred million dollars, and it's okay to lose.

. . .

Los Angeles.

In a laboratory.

"Ha ha!"

"So it is, so it is!"

"So beautiful!"


Looking at the technology in his hands, Gust was very excited. He is a technology fan. The only thing he is interested in is exploring the unknown. He has been a super academic since he was a child.

At the age of 20, he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Ph.D. in Materials Science.

The following year, he received a Ph.D. in chemistry.

Since then, he has been engaged in research on energy materials, focusing on advanced batteries.


Over the years, progress has been mediocre.


A lot of results have been achieved, but there is still a distance from an epoch-making product. After an experimental accident, he lay in the hospital for three months.

When he was about to be discharged from the hospital, a person found him and wanted to recruit him.

ten minutes later.

He made a life-changing decision.


Since then.

Opened the door to a new world.

Soul contract!

Conscious communication.


Although it may be just the tip of the iceberg, this has completely subverted his three views, followed by ecstasy, isn't this what he dreams of?

It is already a great fortune to be able to come into contact with it in one's lifetime.

since that day.

He has a new identity: subordinate.

after that.

As I wished, I got access to many new technologies, whether it is material technology or equipment technology, many of which are the core confidential level of major companies.

Now, like a beautiful woman..., it is open in front of my eyes.




Sleepless all night, researching all the time.

But he mainly looked at it. The Lord said that without permission, the relevant technology must not be disclosed. Of course, Gust agreed to this. What he likes is technology, not publishing it.

To be able to see a wider world is what he wishes for.

at the same time.

I also learned about the relationship between the Lord and Short.

Slightly clicking his tongue, such an existence is actually a subordinate of the master, it's really a bit...taken for granted.

God is omnipotent.

Gust also received the task to develop himself.

Use some technologies provided by the master to accumulate capital and develop power.

In this regard, Gust has great confidence.


I am usually too obsessed with scientific research, and my family should move around more. Although I don't like socializing, I have to contribute to the great cause of the Lord.

ten minutes later.

drive out.

Gust was ready to talk to his father.

As a member of Congress, his father had many resources at his disposal.

Although Short can be found for the funds to start the company, but he cannot be relied on entirely, and he has to do something himself.

In many cases, asking for help is also a way to build a strong relationship.


Even if there are some things you can do by yourself, you have to do it properly.
