

This word made many people feel that the sky in front of them was a bit blue.

The air is also fresher.

Is it an illusion?


It was a sudden feeling that he was really taken seriously.


There are also some people who are not very good-looking, such as landlords who own large tracts of land. The new dynasty wants to buy back the cultivated land. Should they sell it or continue to hold it in their hands?

"Definitely not for sale!"

"that is!"

"We have worked hard for several generations to achieve the current situation. If we sell it, what will we do in the future?"


Most people who have a lot of land in their hands certainly don't want to sell.

Land, throughout the dynasties, is the foundation of survival.

After several generations of hard work, the current situation has been achieved. Although it is said to be a market price, the money will eventually be spent, and the land can continue to produce.

However, some people still think a little bit more.

"The town guard said that if there are less than two leaves to make up for, those in the village who don't have enough will move to other villages, or even open up wasteland. In short, we must ensure that the family has two leaves."

"So, here comes the problem."

"If other families have land, who will plant our field?"

"If it is left unused, the new dynasty will take it back."


After some analysis, my head suddenly became dizzy.

yes! Even if you are allowed to cover it, who will plant it?

Even after planting.

Because the land area exceeds the standard, a lot of taxes have to be paid.

It is equivalent to saying that the new dynasty does not support the excessive concentration of land in the hands of some people. If you think about the original intention of the legislation, if you have to hold it tightly.

Will he offend Lord Guardian?

this is a problem.

It is a basic cognition to make good friends with local parents and officials.

If you don't sell it, and people can't complete the task, what should you do if you make a note for yourself in your heart?

Thinking about it this way, the persistence in my heart gradually wavered.

. . .

the next day.


Population registration officially started.

Not centralized registration, but door-to-door.

a certain village.

Start with the first family at the head of the village.

"Master Guardian."

Seeing the guard, the head of the family was a little restrained, and the whole family stood at the table.

"Relax, sit down!"

"Don't dare!"


He didn't dare to sit down, seeing that it was like this, if every house was like this, it would be very troublesome in the future, so the guard communicated with the superior through the chip.

Soon, the guards of the registered population at the grassroots level in Nanqing were ordered.

---Do not persuade to sit.

inside the room.

Everyone saw the guard take out a register.



"How many people are in the family? What are their names?"


It didn't take long to fill in the basic information of the family. According to the order of entry, even the house number was compiled, and finally the lower side of the carbon paper was torn off.


"This is a certificate, which will be used in exchange for the account book in the future."

"As for when to pick it up, it will be delivered to your door then."


After finishing speaking, he turned to go to the next house, and the village chief followed him. He felt that Xinchao's work style was very different. How could he come to the village to register before.

And he also promised to deliver the account book to the door, which is too diligent.

. . .

at this time.

East Island.

A huge printing shop.

Click! Click!

The printing machine was running quickly, and the pages of the account were printed out one by one. Compared with the contents of the household registration, the printed pages contained some more information.

---ID number.

According to certain numbering rules, there will be a number after entering the information.

Shu Fu picked up a stack.

The paper is fine.

special material.

Impossible to be counterfeited.

With unique identification, many things are easier to handle, such as the next step of dividing land and confirming rights, there will be relevant documents to clarify individual rights.

The main thing is peace of mind.

Having a certificate represents a kind of recognition.


real estate.



Various contracts will also begin to be replaced one after another to improve the ownership system.






A series of things have to follow the ID card, which is very important.

Even if the guard registration is a bit slower, it can avoid some troubles.

After this step is done, it will be much easier after that.

And the speed is not too slow.

A village has hundreds of thousands of people, but the number of households is not that many. On average, it takes half a day to register a village, and it takes about ten days for a town.

The most authentic grassroots data will be the basis for a lot of work in the next step.

She flicked through the account page and put it back in place.

These are not divided into households, and they are still a stack of papers, so there is no need to worry about confusion. The assembly work is completed by machines, and the household registration documents are made according to the entered information.

Not as thick as a Huaxia account.

It's just a plastic case, and it's also sturdy.

Where does the plastic come from?

Of course, it is a product of oil refining. In fact, in the middle of this year, Zhengyuan Industrial Zone began to supply some plastic products, which is not unusual.

In the beginning, the paper was sold, and the outer packaging was plastic.

Later, electric fans were all plastic shells.

Therefore, it will not be too super-class when it is sent out.

In the past year, Zhengyuan Industrial Zone has produced many new products.

Heavy-duty carriage, facial tissues, sunglasses, paper towels. . . They were all products launched in November last year, and now it has been a whole year.

The product line is extremely rich.





Over the past year, another large sum of money has been circled.

The stimulation made the eyes of all forces turn red.

Just when they were about to 'harvest', Ban Xian rebelled and disrupted the plan, and it is estimated that they are still plotting Dayan.

Let's share this piece of fat together.

To this, Shu Fu can only say: Dreaming!

It's not certain who took who.

. . .

Strolled for a while.

Shu Fu's figure disappeared into the printing workshop.

After a while, they came to a field.

This is the continent with the sixth largest area on the alien planet. It is endless and full of plains. At this time, a car is working within the horizon.

Level the land.

Build buildings.

Later it will be developed into arable land.

no way.

It is really difficult to expect mechanization within the sphere of influence of the Quartet. The tax exemption below the two lands reduces the amount of food handed over at first.

In the event of a large-scale natural disaster, the center must have food.

Expect to turn in? Forget it, it's better to grow it yourself.

Not just food.




They are all the necessities of life, not because they are really lacking, but because they don’t want to be unable to get them at critical moments. The entire Alien Star is currently in the stage of lacking food and clothing as a whole.

And he is a very hard-hearted person.

If unified.

It is impossible to guarantee the material supply like the earth, but it is also impossible to have enough food and clothing.

This continent is located in the southern hemisphere.

Autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere.

It's spring and summer here.

The mechanization is quickly cultivated, and the seeds can be planted immediately.

The seeds of the staple food can be purchased from foreign stars, and there is no problem in cultivating millions of acres.

As for cotton, there are similar plants in Aliens, but there are not so many seeds. Therefore, we can only buy it on the earth first, and plant some to meet the demand.

At the same time, large-scale biological cultivation of alien cotton-producing plants.

The same goes for sugar production.

Start by substituting earth beets and sugar cane.