

In the hearts of the mission, Ban Xian has some more labels.


What a pity for the rich! The house was ransacked by the evil rebels, and the family business of several generations was emptied. As for the so-called "just trials", there must be water.

It's all just an excuse.

The purpose is to rob the rich family.


It must also be admitted that this trick is very effective, and the support rate of the people is extremely high, and they all think of Ban Xian's good, sacrificing the interests of a few people in exchange for the support of the majority.

The mission did not like this behavior.

Because from a certain level, he is also a big family.

. . .

It was at this time.


imperial capital.

The curfew was enforced before it was dark, and the people were a little confused, what's going on? How the bell for the death of an important person rings twice in one day.

By specification.

Once as the emperor and once as the crown prince.

It is certain that the first emperor did die, but what does the latter mean?

I really can't figure it out.

"I don't know who is enthroned."

"I think it's the third prince, and it's his turn to succeed in the line of succession."


"The fourth prince is also possible. Behind his mother and concubine is the first assistant royal family."


The people were discussing in low voices at home, and could hear the sound of iron hoofs stepping on the street from time to time, and everyone was a little nervous, but at this moment, the sound of shouting and killing came.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

Some curious people sneaked into the room, and then immediately shrank their heads in fright, with a look of horror on their faces.

"The city guards and the city guards are fighting."



This is scary!


It's still the city guards, this is going to be a big deal.

. . .

Under the darkness, the Emperor Dayan was fighting everywhere. The emperor died in the morning, and the new emperor was taken away by a wave in the afternoon, which directly disrupted all plans.


be on guard.

Everyone thought it was the other party who did it, the eighth prince killed the sixth prince, and was immediately beheaded by the sixth prince's personal guards, the clues were broken.

The respective staff members are also very powerful, almost the same inference:

"If this is a conspiracy, then the opponent must be fully prepared, and it is very likely to start before us, so we can't wait any longer."

"Long nights and many dreams."

"If you don't do it tonight, you may lose your chance tomorrow."


After listening to the staff.

The princes felt reasonable and didn't care too much, so they began to prepare.

One made a move, and the other saw that there was indeed a conspiracy, and then... it was rolled up. As the evening approached, all parties immediately fought into a ball.

Not only the city guards, but also many forces outside the city who were prepared to intervene.

In short, they all want to take advantage of tonight to kill a few opponents.

Not just frontal bars.

Some dark hands also moved.



But almost no success, it is staged everywhere: I already knew that you have placed people by my side, and you want us to be like dogs, there is no way!

In a short period of time, I don't know how many big plays have been staged.

Fortunately, most of the conflicts were at the upper levels, and no civilians were involved.

. . .

early morning.

When the sun shines, it illuminates the imperial capital.

at this time.

The shouting, beating, and killing still continued. With the intervention of new forces outside the city, some places in the imperial city became battlefields, and people from all sides continued to fill in.

Dead bodies littered the field.

Blood flowed like a river.

There was a bloody smell in the entire imperial city.

Why no one stopped?

very simple.

Most of the elders of the royal family were entrusted. Nanyu's royal family is mostly in the imperial capital, and Dayan's royal family is mostly in the local area. The imperial capital is mainly the emperor's family.

There is not a single prince in the imperial capital.

The Queen also died many years ago.

In such a big imperial capital, even if some royal families are of high seniority, they are not of sufficient status to suppress such a situation, so they can only stay at home honestly.


I didn't fight in vain all night, and there are still victories.

The east gate is occupied by the third prince.

The south gate is occupied by the fourth prince.

The north gate is occupied by the Fifth Prince.

Ximen was occupied by the imperial army, and the six princes died. Strictly speaking, no one can mobilize them for the time being, unless someone becomes the emperor to command them.

Therefore, all parties found the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army, not seeking to join, but only seeking neutrality.

. . .

East Island.


Looking at the situation in Dayan, Shu Fu was also speechless. Things were developing a little too fast. In a blink of an eye, all parties were directly at odds, and they thought they would start a war of words.

Unexpectedly, the old emperor died without a national funeral, so he started fighting.

How many conflicts have accumulated during this time, I can't wait for a few days.

hit now.

No one wins.

Next, some lively people watched.


Shu Fu turned his gaze to the southeast, where the million-strong army was ready to go.

. . .



The continuous battle horns sounded, and the cavalry in the lead set off, quickly throwing off the soldiers behind. The main purpose of the cavalry was to make a surprise attack, not to attack the city.

cross the border.

Along a surveyed out-of-the-way, go directly to the rear of the state army that Dayan is preparing here, and wait until you see the continuous army passing by Qu Mansion.

It's too late.

"what's the situation?"

"The Nanyu army... is coming!"



The soldiers of Dayan were stunned, they shouldn't have fought, but they were beaten instead, and the number of them was completely crushed by more than two hundred thousand of them.

Just camped for a few days.

Waiting for the soldiers from behind to arrive one after another, while waiting for the order to attack.

But I didn't wait for an order, but I waited for a wave of cover, which was different from the plan.

"Meet the enemy!"



In a panic, he began to deploy his defenses. At this time, the scouts also sent news that the enemy's army was millions, stretching endlessly, and he was still surrounded.

Dayan's deputy chief shuddered.

"Is the start so disparate?"



The pride of the imperial generals did not allow him to surrender.

ten minutes later.

"I surrender!"

Facing the blade on his neck, he really didn't have the courage to say no. It was completely unexpected that Nan Yu's spies sneaked into the camp and captured them all alive.

The news is out.

Not only the soldiers of the Dayan Empire were taken aback.

Their opponents were also surprised for a while, and then excited.

This is the beginning, love it.


When the collection of prisoners began, the soldiers of the Dayan Empire couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, they didn't want to fight, and they didn't even know the reason for this battle.

But soon I found out why.

They were silent!

Depend on!

It turned out to be because of this reason, it was simply messing around.

Why does the empire have to get involved in Nanyu's affairs? This battle is simply to stand up for a subjugated dynasty. They think it is completely meaningless.

Fortunately, the deputy commander-in-chief 'Wise' voted in seconds.

Otherwise, dying in such a battle would have no sense of honor at all.

Come to think of it, this is a kind of 'strategic surrender'.

Once the empire expresses that it will no longer interfere with Nanyu's affairs, the other party will definitely withdraw. After all, Dayan is so powerful that Nanyu's rebels dare not easily provoke him.


Things don't seem that simple.



"My clothes, don't."


After watching some rebels in Nanyu put on their state army armor, they all felt that something was wrong.