

The waves beat up and down, making Shu Fu feel cool.


He felt his feet being bitten by two rows of sharp teeth, splashing, splashing, Shu Fu opened his eyes and found that it was a carnivorous fish more than one meter long.

Variety... hard to say!

Although there are people in Alien, there are horses in Alien.


The overall species overlap is only about one percent.


The fish in front of me are similar at most, but there is no such thing on the earth.

at this time.

It was biting Shu Fu's leg with its sharp teeth, its body was swinging violently, splashing waves, however, it couldn't bite through Shu Fu's skin at all.


sit up.


Punch up.

Fish eyes rolled.

Shu Fu stretched out his hand to grab the tail of the fish, and slowly dragged it ashore.

half an hour later.

The fish is grilled!

Go down in one bite.



After the last upgrade, the strength of the cells can be strengthened. Although it has no attack power when released outside, it can generate strong defense when it is running inside the body.

Can't block bullets.

But generally there is no pressure for chopping with knives and axes.

This fish has a good bite, but that's about it.

meet him.

It's like giving a lunch, the meat is tender, and if it's on Earth, it's most likely to be sashimi, but Shu Fu is not used to that way of eating, so he still likes grilling it.

Just like tuna, which the guards brought, Shu Fu would not eat it raw, and the fried fish fillets are also good.

. . .

It was at this time.


In the coastal area, a large group of people are busy.

Dig the field.


sun salt.

Collect salt.

Every process is carried out in an orderly manner. Many people are surprised, how is the first-class salt produced? I heard that it was mined in a special place before.

if not.

If it is sea salt, well salt, lake salt, etc., only third-class salt can be produced.


There are many impurities.

And now.

They found out that this kind of salt can be "extracted" to produce first-class salt, and it is still in large quantities, and they immediately understood that it was so cheap.

In the vast sea, this kind of salt is endless.

The only question is, what method to extract?

I am very curious!

But it can only be suppressed. They are just drying the salt. After collecting it, they will be transported to a factory. It is not clear how to extract the first-class salt.

Looking at coarse salt all over the floor, no one took it privately.


Now the price of first-class salt has plummeted, and everyone can afford it.

If you can't afford it, there are even free distributions for everyone.

steal what?

Take it back and give it to who?


court death!

The five states have banned the sale of non-first-class salt. Against this background, the value of these things in front of them has plummeted, and they cannot be sold if they are taken back.

On the coast, watching the busy merchant ships.

Many people feel that Xi is actually dreaming.

"Once again we are anti-people."


"What's even more amazing is that compared with the previous uprising, it achieved greater success and controlled the land of five states."


"The pirates were wiped out."


"The Nanyu navy surrendered."


The various news that have come out recently are too explosive, and the amount of information is really a bit large, but it is very exciting, just like now, the pirates have been wiped out.

They can work along the coast.

The people along the coast who moved inland to guard against pirates all returned home and resumed normal life.

. . .

the other side.

Some of the former big salt merchants on the Tri-State coast felt terrible.

1. Most of the property will be confiscated.

Second, the salt industry is not allowed to intervene.

3. The empire continues to fail.

A lot of bad news came, which caught him off guard.

"Three passes are lost, if we continue, the empire may not be able to stop it."

The new news is even scarier.

The expected return of the dynasty, and then the idea of ​​regaining the industry, is estimated to be cold, especially as the longer it is ruled by the rebels, the more trouble the five states will be.

Being in five states, I have a deep understanding of what the rebels are doing.

popular support!

Buy people's hearts!

flat salt.

flat grain.

It directly cut off the huge profits of salt merchants and grain merchants.

Like salt, the five prefectures promulgated a new law three days ago, that is, the right to purchase grain in the future, the government will take it back, and major grain merchants will not be able to harvest grain in the autumn.

And directly gave the official price, which is very high.

On the contrary, the official grain price is much lower.

can imagine.

At that time.

In the entire five states, the people's aspirations, the empire wants to fight back, and there are many difficulties.

Because everyone knows that the current salt and food prices will definitely not be so low when they return to the empire era. When they think of this, many big households will go blind.


Because of the hope that the empire will suppress the rebellion.

The major families kept their distance from the new management, for fear that the empire would come back and settle accounts after the autumn, but now, they had to reconsider.

Once you really can't call back, should you save yourself first?


The formation of a new ruling class will not have their share.


Encouraging some distant relatives to find an official job, after all, a bit of culture, starting and future development, should be much better than those mud legs.


one to go.

It was discovered that the so-called fame and past knowledge were not recognized by others.

Everyone has to go through pre-job training, starting from running errands.

And the work assessment is very strict.




In order to stand out under such assessment conditions, even accepting bribes of more than one tael of silver would have to be fired directly and never hired.

It can be said that seeing that assessment standard, how many people retreated.

How can this be an official, it is simply suffering!

But some gritted their teeth and chose to join.

After all, since ancient times, being an official has been the most desirable profession, not one of them.

. . .


state city.

It has been "occupied" for dozens of days, and the people are still living in peace and stability, and found that the quality of life has not declined because of the war.

on the contrary.

It has also improved, and with the losing streak of the empire, there is no need to worry so much.


Outside the office of the Ministry of Industry and Construction, there was a long queue.





"Okay, let's go in!"


After a simple registration, the young and strong entered through the side door one by one, with some joy on their faces. The Department of Engineering and Construction was a new yamen organization that was recently established.

As the name suggests, the main building.

build roads.

build a bridge.

build a house.

I heard that it is related to construction, and I can do anything.

The point is that there are a lot of recruits, even unlimited, as long as you have a lot of strength, you can make money, and the treatment is very good.

This was unthinkable before.

Jobs, how scarce that is.

a city.

There are only so many business names, and the big players are limited.

Regardless of the current person.

Still an apprentice.

They are all facing extremely fierce competition, and the land in the countryside is limited. Many want to work in the city, but if it doesn't matter, they don't even think about finding a job.

There are people.

Now, this is a job offered by the Yamen, and it is a great opportunity for those who have no way out.

Join, must join!

In addition to the Department of Engineering and Construction, I heard that there are many other such yamen, not only recruiting men, but also women, and even some old and weak are also recruited.


The gospel of many people.

. . .

"Currently, the total number of employees of the Ministry of Industry and Construction: 2.03 million."

Earth, home, Shu Fu nodded after listening to the report.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction, which is regarded as the prototype of a state-owned enterprise, plays a very important role.

The infrastructure of Alien Star is really backward, and the labor of 2 million is not enough at all. It is completely unsustainable to spend on each project.

Therefore, we have to keep recruiting.

Even if it's not too much.


In fact, it is not very useful, and the salary and benefits are mainly settled in salt, grain, and cloth.

As for money, the disbursement was not much.