Apple headquarters.

Seeing the sales volume, the new CEO was speechless for a long time.

Such performance.

Can be called dismal.


Jobs was right. When such a product was brought to the market, there would not be many other results except mediocrity. At this moment, Apple's board of directors regretted it.

I thought, at least some blood could be recovered.

And now, vomiting blood is almost the same.

"Will the original marketing continue?"

On the emergency board, the CEO asked.

You know, the advertising fee is also very expensive, don't get it back at all.


Gritting his teeth, the majority of the board of directors voted to decide.


The launch of the Apple 4 has already begun and cannot be interrupted. Even if the project does not make money, it must save face, or it will be an admission of failure.

At that time.

It will be more difficult to close, and the stock price will plummet.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

. . .



The discussion about Apple's new products continues to heat up.

“Unremarkable, very disappointed!”


"The press conference was like reading a manual, which is really boring."

"The key is that Apple 4 doesn't have a camera beauty function yet. As a girl, I prefer Pilot."


If there is no Linghang, Apple will be the most dazzling existence this summer. However, Linghang is released one step earlier, which directly makes people's expectations soar.

However, Apple did not meet the expectations of users, and even a company that has been established for half a year is slightly inferior.

in this way.

The status in people's hearts has been greatly reduced.

on the contrary.

The popularity of piloting soared.

"Iphone 4 has no bright spots, so I decided to buy Pilot."


"Everyone should support Pilot and let Apple know that we like Apple, but we don't want to fool around. Let performance stimulate Apple's progress."

"good idea!"

"Buy pilot!"

"I like the theme function of Espier, but the iPhone 4 can only change the background, bad review!"


I am very unhappy that I have produced such an "unremarkable" product, just like some remarks, I have to stimulate Apple's mind.

As a result, more and more people are clamoring to buy Pilot.

Apple has a look.

Hurry up and post a message, appealing to everyone to calm down, Apple will also launch similar themes and beauty features.


These remarks did not save the situation.

"Apple is copying?"

"It seems that we still haven't understood the key point. What we want is innovation, not a certain function."

"I'm even more disappointed with Apple."


Apple's post was directly scolded as a dog. Apple's new CEO has already scolded him, saying that it is you who want the theme, and it is you who want to beautify.

In the end, it was said that this is not the point.


Why is it so difficult to serve, I feel that everything Apple does is wrong now.

. . .

In this way, under the influence of various negative remarks.

The next day, Apple sold 180,000.

On the third day, Apple sold 130,000.

On the fourth day, Apple sold 90,000.

On the other hand, navigating.

The next day, 980,000.

On the third day, 810,000.

On the fourth day, 660,000.

Although the daily sales volume is declining, the base is not at the same level. In contrast, the performance of Apple 4 is not bad, but the leader is very stable.


Don't forget, Pilot has not completed the process in Europe and America.

Once gone.

Start pre-sale.

This number is likely to usher in a big rebound, because from the analysis of the popularity on the European and American networks, leading the fire is already an unstoppable trend.

Established for half a year.

Squeeze the apples.

It's a miracle.

For a while, countries once again pushed the pilot to the heat.

. . .

May 8th.

early morning.

In the land of Huaxia, work and life after the festival began.

"Pilot's global sales exceeded 5.6 million! "

"The Birth of a New Giant! "

"Leader's weekly sales exceeded RMB 20 billion. "

"In the United States, the word-of-mouth of Apple 4 has plummeted, and Pilot, which is about to be launched in Europe and the United States, is expected to achieve great results again. "

The major media reported one after another, almost boasting about Linghang, everyone was envious, it was only a week, and they had sold such a large amount of sales.

last year.

Penguin's annual revenue: 12.4 billion yuan.

Baidu's annual revenue: RMB 4.5 billion.

Ali's annual revenue: 3.9 billion yuan.

do the math.

How much is the sum?

It’s only 20.8 billion RMB. It’s true that Linghang is a physical product company, and it’s not as high as virtual services such as the Internet, but the amount is huge!

Weekly sales, nearly the sum of the three companies last year.

If things continue like this, are we going to chase after Huawei? Last year, Huawei's revenue was more than 180 billion yuan. Well, it should be impossible for Pilot to catch up.

A mobile phone, how can it be so profitable.


They don't understand this world.

half year ago.

The company is not well-known, and no one outside the world knows about it.

Half a year later, the world will know.

Not only that, but also stepped on the big luck and was hacked by foreign media, but instead achieved its brand status in China and created the sales myth in front of it.

Otherwise, without the hacking incident, Pilot's sales would be one third of what it is now.

. . .

at this time.

The major Internet companies in China have to admit that Linghang has become a new giant. Logically, it is not an Internet company that sells mobile phones.


Espier itself has Internet attributes.


Today's headlines.

Software system.

Linghang's business is not just selling mobile phones.

at the same time.

There is also a feeling that the storm is coming.

Such as Sina.

Such as whoosh.

Such as Netease.

And Penguin News.

They have seen Toutiao's determination to become a mobile news portal. They didn't care about it before, and even laughed at their self-sufficiency several times.

Now I find that it looks bad.

With a patron father like Pilot, at least they won't go bankrupt.

Work hard, and it is likely to make a difference.

"What should we do? Linghang has a strong determination to be a mobile portal, and is now negotiating with some smartphone manufacturers about the pre-installation business of Jinri Toutiao."

"This opponent is too strong."

"For the time being... can't afford to mess with it."

"Then avoid its edge first and consolidate our original business."


For some discussion, we can only take a look first. As long as it does not seize the web page traffic of the traditional Internet, everyone will live in peace and not conflict with it for the time being.

This company is so weird.

Its fortune.

its growing.

It's not normal at all.

look at yourself.

How difficult it was to start a business in the past, starting from a small age, growing step by step, and experiencing so many difficulties, it can be said that it was all tears!

Pilot, on the other hand, was founded only half a year ago.

It seems that God is chasing after the food. When it was first established, there were investors who invested, and it was one billion yuan at once. The most important thing is that the equity requirements are still very low.

Ten percent!

Depend on!

This is the real angel investment, rushing to send money.

after that.

Ka Ka Ka!

After a few moments, she grew up to this point. To be honest, she was so envious!

With sales of 20 billion, even if the profit is only 10%, it is still 2 billion, let alone more than that. According to preliminary calculations, the profit is 20%.

In other words, earn 4 billion in a week.

How about...let's invest in mobile phones too?