this night.

The employees of Linghang Technology were surprised that their boss was so young, and at the same time they were a little excited because of the cake that Shu Fu drew in his speech.




A bright future belongs to the future of Navigator.

To this.

They don't doubt it, because if Linghang develops at the current speed, it is very likely to become a giant, with a valuation of tens of billions of dollars just now.

Can't it be higher next year?

Moreover, the profit of Linghang mobile phone is not low.

With money.

Everything is not a problem.

I like my boss so much, I didn't talk about the vision, I didn't talk about my dream, I didn't talk about my personal value.

Said vulgar things very directly.


Very down to earth.

Isn't that right, coming out to work and salary are the most common needs.

Don't talk about salary, and talk about some nonsense, don't play hooligans.

. . .


The news that Pilot has a young boss spreads.

"real or fake?"

"Do not believe."

"Maybe it's the second generation, do you have a picture?"



Not taking pictures together does not mean that speeches must be banned, but there is not much news spread out, only the names are known, but it is not clear where they are and what they are doing.

The two stars know more details, but nothing has been rumored.

. . .



Watching the news spread on the Internet, Shu Fu didn't care. He didn't deliberately expose his identity, and he didn't deliberately suppress it.

As long as it doesn't hack him.

if any.


Then let's see who is more black.

Fighting the navy, we are professionals.

. . .

It was at this time.


Apple headquarters.

Gang Leader Qiao got the Pilot mobile phone, a total of four, in various colors, and it feels bad when holding it in his hand. The hand feel alone is better than his own.



Choose the English version.


ten minutes later.


Putting the phone on the table, rubbing his head, he was in a bad mood, because from all aspects of experience, his own iPhone 4 was slightly inferior.

First, boot speed.

Pilot is three seconds faster than our own, a full three seconds, which is not a small number.

Second, the system.

Although it is Android, the system is only a few hundred M, which is smaller than our own. In this way, although Linghang's Qualcomm processor is not as good as its own A4.

However, it works perfectly and has a very good user experience.

Third, personalization.

The emergence of themes allows users to have more choices. I have to admit that the current several official themes of Espier are very good and satisfy different groups of people.

Apple 4 is too rigid.

Fourth, execute.

The entire program execution level is optimized to make the screen respond faster. Although the Apple 4 has the same design, it also means that it has no advantages.

from the inside out.

from top to bottom.

After the comparison, Gang Leader Qiao couldn't help but feel powerless for a while, because it is indeed excellent, and there are no flaws at all, if you have to say that there are flaws.

Just the size, the screen of Espier is bigger than that of iPhone 4, not small enough.

However, that's not a big deal either.

User habits can be changed.

In short.

This is a very good product.

turn around.

Glancing at his mobile phone, he started to operate it.


A thought popped up: what the hell is this!

Is this what the subordinates have worked so hard to develop for so long? Suddenly it felt a little ridiculous.

If this is released, it will not be laughed to death.



must be changed.

If it doesn't satisfy him, I'd rather not release it than go out and lose face.

Soon, Apple executives were summoned.

"have a look."

"This is Linghang's mobile phone, which is as good as it advertises."

"Hardware is not great."

"It's the appearance and software, especially the software. On a Qualcomm chip that is worse than our processor, it has achieved an effect comparable to A-4."

"It's scary!"


When the high-level executives tried it, they were also confused. The project with high hopes was surpassed before it was released. Such a result is unacceptable.

What to do?

"Can Linghang be acquired?" an executive asked.

heard the words.

Someone shook his head.

"Difficult, why did they sell it? And Linghang's valuation has already reached tens of billions of dollars, and most importantly, its self-valuation is 50 billion dollars."

"So tall? Crazy."


Some executives complained that it was simply arrogant.


Gang leader Qiao didn't join the ranks of complaining, because he felt inexplicably: reasonable!

He is a perfectionist.


Linghang's excellence touched him, but he also knew that Apple couldn't afford so much money.

"I think the Apple 4 project needs to be re-started. This product is outdated." Jobs shook the Apple 4 prototype in his hand.


The executives shook.

"How can this work, it will be released soon."


"We have invested so much time and energy, and we need funds. Although Linghang mobile phone is excellent, we are not too bad, and we have brand advantages."

"That's right."


For this project, they have invested a lot, and now they have stopped, and the loss is not small.

Even if it is a little bit close, but if it goes on the market, it can return some blood.

Therefore, they have been discouraged.


Gang leader Qiao didn't waver, and he couldn't accept the release of a product that was inferior to others.

"The release of this product is slapping us in the face."


There are big differences.

In the end, the meeting did not come up with a conclusion, and it was useless for Chief Qiao to persist.

the reason is simple.

He is just the CEO. When he left Apple before, he sold almost all his shares. Now his share in Apple is less than 1%.

to be honest.

Just a professional manager, not a real boss.

The suspension of a long-prepared project must pass the board of directors.

Therefore, this proposal was submitted to Apple's board of directors.

. . .

Two days later, an explosive news came out.


Seeing the news, Shu Fu almost spit out a mouthful of tea. The change brought about by his own butterfly effect is really unexpected.

--- Leader Qiao resigned.

That's right.


Leaving Apple again.


Before that, Shu Fu was wondering whether the appearance of Linghang would make Apple 4 stillborn.

Now it seems.

Apple 4 will be released on schedule, maybe even earlier.

Check carefully.

Learn why.

Apple's board of directors resolution: not in favor of major changes to the Apple 4 project.

As a result, Jobs, as a perfectionist, could not accept the resolution of the board of directors, resigned brazenly, and was unwilling to release an imperfect product.

Such a result, although unexpected, is within reason.

Someone asked: Is the board of directors stupid? Without Joe, will Apple 4 be affected.

The answer is: The board believes the impact is limited.

After all, the current Joe has not been deified yet.

Apple's "image dependence" on it is not so strong, changing a person to release is just changing a CEO.

Due to the limitations of his cognition, he didn't think that Jobs could bring Apple to the giant position in Shu Fu's cognition, so he just wanted to make a fortune.

In addition, it is the persistence of Chief Qiao.

Finally, there is the body of Master Qiao.

Regarding his physical condition, the board of directors must know that there are risks for a person with a short lifespan to serve as CEO.

There are many reasons for this result.

All right!

Shu Fu quickly accepted it, and was very happy. Without Qiao's leader, it was much more difficult to make Apple, and he also released an Apple 4 that didn't have any distinctive features as scheduled.


Apple board, a good assist.

Send you a pennant, thank you.