


This is what Zhu Xianming feels at the moment.

Guessing is one thing.

But I still felt sad when I heard my daughter-in-law say that she didn't want him to go back.

Think back then.

He was not very supportive of his son marrying this foreign woman, but his son was so fascinated that he insisted on marrying, and seeing that he couldn't stop her, he had no choice but to accept it.

after marriage.

He treated his daughter-in-law very well.

Eat, drink and dress.

luxury car villa.

Not much of the same.

When his grandson was born, he also let go of the last bit of grudge.


In an accident, a white-haired man gave away a black-haired man. In addition to grief, Zhu Xianming cherished the only blood of the Zhu family even more.

And now.

But he was told that the grandson was born to his daughter-in-law and an outsider.


He was also planning to kill him and seize property.

For a moment, Zhu Xianming's vision went dark due to the huge stimulation, and he lay down on the sofa, but he didn't faint immediately, but panted heavily.



"Quick, give the master some medicine."


The old housekeeper rushed back to Zhu Xianming's room, and when he came out, he had a few extra pills in his hand, and he was about to stuff Zhu Xianming into his mouth.


Shu Fu grabbed the old housekeeper's hand.

"What are you doing?" The old housekeeper glared angrily.

"Mr. Zhu, is this medicine right?"

Shu Fu forcibly spread the old housekeeper's hand, Zhu Xianming was not dizzy yet, he could see the medicine on it clearly, he almost fainted after seeing it, there was an extra one.

He didn't know the medicine.


Zhu Xianming shook his head vigorously, uttering a word with difficulty, with a trace of fear on his face.

If he had eaten just now, he might never wake up again.

heard the words.

With a flick of his hand, Shu Fu threw the old housekeeper to the ground, scattering the medicine grains all over the floor.

"catch him."

Seeing that the poisoning plan was revealed, the old housekeeper yelled at the two bodyguards that the two had been completely bribed, without hesitation, he immediately rushed towards Shu Fu.

Although Shu Fu showed a good fight just now.

However, it deals with old and infirm housekeepers.

And they are professionally trained bodyguards, they are very confident in dealing with Shu Fu.


This confidence was crushed by Shu Fu in the next moment.


It is better to strike first, Shu Fu didn't intend to fight fiercely with the two of them, so he took advantage of his underestimation and stepped forward with his left foot, then quickly kicked out his right foot, which landed on a bodyguard.



It was kicked directly and crashed through the screen behind it.


At another moment of astonishment, the bodyguard resisted with both hands when he whipped his leg.


Shu Fu temporarily changed direction, lifted up a little bit, kicked his wrist and broke his wrist, instantly pushed forward, and turned around to the opponent's side.


Dazed with a hand knife.


The person who crashed through the screen was also knocked unconscious by Shu Fu.

This kind of bodyguard has amazing physical strength, it's better to knock him unconscious.

. . .

It took Shu Fu less than ten seconds from the time the old butler yelled to the end of the battle. The old butler on the ground was stunned and couldn't believe what he saw.

On one side are two elite bodyguards.

On one side is a young engraver.

No matter how you look at it, Shu Fu will definitely lose.

However, the combat effectiveness of the two sides was reversed, and the two big men were easily knocked down.


Could this be Chinese Kung Fu?


This is impossible.

No matter how much Huaxia Kung Fu has to abide by the Basic Law, although he doesn't want to believe it, the old butler knows that things can't be done, and wants to kill Zhu Xianming.


I have no chance, so I can only look forward to the young lady's successor.

You know, the young lady's friendship is very powerful, even if it can be found out that there is something wrong with the lawyer, but the relationship between the young lady and that person is absolutely unknown.

. . .


Zhu Xianming smiled wryly, no wonder Shu Fu said just now that he was not afraid of jumping over the wall in a hurry, so it turned out that he had such strength.

Even if you want to dance, you have to be able to dance.

In front of Shu Fu's personal force.

Jump over the wall?

Think too much.

It's almost the same if the number of people is several times larger, or there is a rush.


This is in China, not in France, so it's impossible for his bodyguard to be equipped with that thing.

The scene in front of him put Zhu Xianming in a good mood, and he didn't know if it was a hallucination. He felt that his breathing became smoother, and he wasn't as dizzy as before.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

After exhaling a few breaths, Zhu Xianming looked at the old butler with a look of disappointment.

"Now, what else is there to explain?"


The old butler was silent.

It's all this time, why explain?

He did use a grain of poison just now, and now it fell on the ground. If he directly called the police, he would be able to find out immediately, and he had no way to quibble.


Zhu Xianming sighed.

"So far, haven't you spoken yet?"


Keeping silent, the old butler thought that all the games had not been lost yet.

"You can keep silent, but it's meaningless. Do you think there is still hope for a comeback, and the hope lies with Julie's lover?"

Zhu Xianming's words made the old housekeeper tremble and his eyes widened.

I was terrified.

How did Zhu Xianming know?


It is impossible for him to know, he should be cheated.

However, in the next second, Zhu Xianming's words made the old housekeeper lose his last chance of luck.


When the name was revealed, the old housekeeper almost jumped up with the expression of seeing a ghost, his face was full of disbelief.

"Impossible, you can't know."

In the next second, he regretted it. These words obviously gave Zhu Xianming a final confirmation.

Indeed, Zhu Xianming was completely convinced when he heard what the old housekeeper said.

His son was greened by Hans.

His grandson is Hans' baby.

And he.

I almost gave my family wealth to such a married couple.

"You can't know."

"You can't know."

The old butler murmured that his last hope was shattered by Zhu Xianming's words. Once he knew about Hans, Zhu Xianming could directly stay in Huaxia.

You do not need to return to France to amend your will.

Everything is out of control.

"Don't tell me? Your last reliance is useless." Zhu Xianming said.

"For so many years, I have treated you well. At this time, I hope you will tell the truth."


The old housekeeper recovered and continued to remain silent.

Out of control is out of control, but it's not the last moment. If you don't say anything, you will die and go to jail.

But if he told everything, Hans would kill someone.

His family cannot escape the black hands.

Therefore, silence is his only option.

"Mr. Zhu, he should be afraid of being retaliated by Hans. You can't ask anything." Shu Fu said at this moment.


Zhu Xianming couldn't help but nodded.


The old butler was afraid of himself, and even more afraid of Hans.

It is impossible for him to harm his family, but Hans, who has no bottom line, is cruel and merciless, so he doesn't care about any rules. It is normal for the old housekeeper to be afraid.

"What should we do next?" Zhu Xianming asked.

At this moment, he completely trusted Shu Fu.

"Call the police!"

Shu Fu smiled and said that he had no right to detain these people. In the territory of Huaxia, he didn't want to expose too much of the power of his subordinates.

It's impossible to let it go, let's hand it over to the police.