at dusk.

Shu's courtyard.


"I'm so full, I'm full again."

The two women looked satisfied.

The disadvantage is the system of not getting fat, otherwise you have to worry about gaining weight.

"Today's dishes feel very different! Where did you buy them?"

Shan Luo asked curiously.

When I came back before, I planned to go to the vegetable market together, but today Shu Fu said that the vegetables have been bought.

"Farm food."

Shu Fu explained with a smile that after planting for so long, the vegetable garden on the top of Qiheng Mountain has begun to produce, green and pollution-free, and the soil is also very fertile.

The vegetables that grow are very tasty.

Not like Earth.

Even if pesticides are not applied, the patches of arable land have been treated with chemical fertilizers, and there are residues of chemical fertilizers.


In Shu Fu's view.

There are almost no pure natural vegetables on the market. Only those grown on natural arable land are called pure natural, and those currently on the market can only be called natural. . .

never mind!

It's useless to say, anyway, everyone has to eat, if you don't eat, you will be hungry, and you have no choice.




It is almost impossible to have all three.

. . .

After sitting idle for a while, it was getting late, the two daughters left, and only Shu Fu was left alone at home, so he simply cleaned up and sent it to Qi Hengshan.

The blue moon hangs in the sky.

Cool breeze.

Shu Fu walked into a factory.




The sound of equipment running kept ringing, and looking around, I saw more than a dozen automated equipment processing lighter casings one by one every second on average.


Die casting.


spray paint.

Fully automated, the technical content of this thing is not high, so the price in Yixing is very low, and almost every household can afford it, so it won't be too distressing.


The cost of 100% imitation is not low, but the substitutes are easy.


Cotton wick.


The core ignition principle is made up of these three materials, all of which are available in other planets, and with a little brainstorming, similar ones can be produced, and they can simply be used for a large amount.

Although the price is low, the profit is astonishing in terms of volume.

. . .

at this time.

Ten kilometers away.

Inside Tao's shop, oil lamps flickered.

"Come and rub some salt."



"Give me a lighter."

"Hold on."


Another one was sold, Tao Shan was delighted!

These days, with the goods provided by Shu Fu, the conditions of their family have improved significantly. First, they made a lot of money by selling watches, and then there were more and more varieties.




A lighter was also added a few days ago.

Click it.

The flame will appear, which is very convenient.


Turn on the water.

The fire was sold immediately. Because it is not expensive, many families can afford it, and it is very durable. It has almost revolutionized the way of making fire in the village.

The only problem is that these days children play with fire and burn the pyre at home frequently.

But after all an example.

Not too expensive though.

But it's not cheap, and most of the adults in the family will take good care of it. As for the problem of children playing with fire, you can't give up eating because of choking. There is no reason for that.

. . .

Thousands of kilometers away.

yuan city.

Yanlefang Zhengyi Street.

"I want a lighter."


"I want three."

"Sorry, there is a limit of two per person."


A shop selling lighters opened not far from the watch shop, and there are many customers. Although it has been sold for many days, there are still many customers.

that auction

The power of the watch agent was not photographed, and everyone was very disappointed.

After the lighter agent auction, they felt a little more balanced. Although the unit price is not as high as that of watches, they can be sold in volume and the profits are not thin.

This is a consumable.

It's a long term business.



Cotton wick.

Each one is a profit, and the accumulation of less makes more. In the long run, it is no less profitable than selling watches.

They also want to make their own.


The conclusions given by the craftsmen are very helpless-manufacturing can, and even cheaper alternatives can be made, however, they cannot compete with them in terms of quality.

after all.

The finished products of others are very good looking.

metal shell.

Smooth and flat.

The connection is seamless.

Exquisite carving.

In terms of details, there is no place that is not perfect. If a lighter sells a cheap watch, they can still compete.

But they didn't do that. Instead, they ate up the low-end market and didn't keep a bite.



They have made it so hard for them to reach, how can they play this? I can only be an agent.


Despite the desperation, all parties gave the same order.


Crack parts manufacturing and crack processing technology.

. . .

Dayan Empire.

imperial city.

Ministry of Industry.

Although it was night, a building was indeed brightly lit.


"It shouldn't be."


"How exactly is it processed? There are no gaps on the five sides of the shell. Could it be that it is made by casting molds under high temperature?"

"But like that, what kind of pressure do you use? How much pressure?"


A group of people were scratching their hair, thinking hard.

As the elites of the Imperial Ministry of Industry, they feel that they have eaten so much for nothing all these years. In their cognition, this kind of equipment should not exist at all.

But what about the finished product in front of you?


Obviously not, but the craftsmanship is beyond their imagination.

This moment.

They also secretly resented in their hearts, after so long, how come the minions of the Nine Governor's Mansion and the empire haven't caught each other's craftsmen, and they can't afford to spend money to buy them.

Why do I have to toss my little hair here.

. . .

Like the Ministry of Industry of the Dayan Empire, I don’t know how many people can’t sleep and want to reverse this process.

To this.

Shu Fu can only say: I wish you good luck!

Industrial processing technology.

It's never something that can be solved with a slap on the head. Forging equipment, at least one must have a breakthrough in two aspects of air pressure and hydraulic pressure.


I can only rely on tapping and beating, and it is difficult to process some parts.

It was also because of the strong strength of the partners in the two auctions that some black hands were restrained.

Just like Los Angeles.

Once you become a person with vested interests, you will naturally maintain the safety of the benefit provider to a certain extent, not to mention a single heart, but it can block a lot of prying eyes.

They will help solve many malicious things.

In this way.

It can be regarded as the initial formation of interest groups.


Shu Fu intends to bring in more people. Interest groups are not afraid of being big, but they are afraid of not being big enough. Only when they are big enough can they better protect his business.


Seeking skins from tigers is like walking a tightrope.

very dangerous!

Perhaps one day, these interest groups may no longer be willing to be "second-rate dealers", tear off their masks, and unite to attack him.

But Shu Fu is not afraid at all.

If that day really comes, Shu Fu will teach them a truth:

---Your father, after all, is your father!