
Today is very lively again.



"Brother Shu, I respect you."


Shu Fu didn't drink, but fruit juice.

The alcohol here is pretty high. Shu Fu's drinking capacity is not bad, but he worked outside this summer vacation in his previous life, and he didn't drink, so he seemed a bit out of place.

no way.

Had to learn this 'survival skills'.


My legs were gone, and I started to have a faint pain, so I drank some wine to relieve it. After his body fully healed, without these social interactions, he gave up drinking.

Shu Fu has no interest in drinking.


don't drink.

One of the purposes of his efforts is to do nothing if he doesn't want to do it.

Compromise with the dunya?

What are you trying to do?

To this.

The people present didn't notice anything, as Shu Fu had said at the last lunch that he would not drink alcohol. And here, there is no wine-fighting culture, it all depends on each person's wishes.

The more important the occasion, the less forced.

. . .


A house owner said:

"Brother Shu, you don't have a better place to stay in Los Angeles yet. I have agreed to have a house. If you don't mind, I will give it to Brother Shu."

"I also have a house there."


Everyone wants to sell well and strengthen the relationship.

See here.

Feng Changsheng said hastily.

"Actually, the house Fengmou prepared for Brother Shu has already been tidied up and is about to be given to him."

If you want to send it, where can you get other people.

Then he said to Shu Fu: "Brother Shu, you can move in tomorrow, don't refuse."

heard the words.

Of course Shu Fu did not refuse.

"Okay, thank you."

If the relationship with others is shallow, how could Shu Fu accept it.

But unlike Feng Changsheng, in addition to watches, there is also a very profitable business of banknotes.


Relying on banknotes, the money Feng Changsheng earns is more than just a small house.


He received it with peace of mind.

For example, the last time, the Tuoyue family sold 60 banknotes in other city-states, and Feng Changsheng said that he could divide them into 811 taels.

Earn money!


What a harvest day!

. . .

Seeing that Shu Fu accepted it, Feng Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief, he was not afraid that Shu Fu would not accept it, but he was afraid that he would not be able to send it out.

I wanted to send some maidservants, but forget it.

Afraid that Shu Fu would think too much.

after all.

It is easy to be misunderstood and suspected of being watched by someone who finds someone to take care of his daily life.

Drink enough.


Xi San.

Same as last time, Shu Fu rejected Fengyue's invitation for the second round, and everyone naturally stopped persuading them, thinking that Shu Fu was going to be busy with supply matters.

After most of the guests leave.

Among the few people left, Yue Ye was among them.


Several people came to the hall, and Feng Changsheng asked someone to hand over a wooden box.

"Brother Shu, this is eight hundred and ten taels of gold, please order some."


After taking a look, Shu Fu closed the box and said with a smile, "No, how many copies do you want this time?"

"two hundred."

Feng Changsheng glanced at Yueye, and said to Shu Fu.

Yue Ye's eyes were eager. Last time, the sixty cards were almost snapped up, and they were sold for a lot of money in nearby city-states.

The reason, of course, is proper publicity.

And after so long, the news has also reached the ears of neighboring city-states.

Enter much more.

Earn more.

But it has to be done step by step.


Shu Fu nodded, two hundred sheets, only 20,000 yuan.

So, under the dumbfounded gazes of the two, Shu Fu took out two towers of banknotes from his pocket.


Feng Changsheng was speechless, the last sixty cards were like this.

The current two hundred cards are still the same, aren't you afraid of losing them?

Yueye felt distressed, put it in her arms, walked and exercised, and didn't bend?


As a result, when I looked at it, I didn't find the slightest trace of folding, and the pieces were bright and smooth.

"This kind of paper has a certain memory function, and the creases can be restored."

Shu Fu said from the side, this feature was also discovered not long ago.

So many were sold, but no one noticed, probably because they were too well protected, and they were reluctant to bend things worth tens of gold, mostly for ornamental purposes.

"memory function?"

When the two heard it, they couldn't help but take a breath.


What an amazing material!




Shu Fu took out one at random, and crumpled it into a ball of paper under Yue Ye's distressed eyes.

He squeezed it hard, and then threw it on the wooden table.

"Ah! Recovered!"



Under the surprised eyes of the two, the banknotes slowly unfolded.

very slow.

But it's going on.

One minute.

two minutes.

ten minutes later.

Smooth as new.

"My God! A miracle!"

"Unheard of."


The two exclaimed in amazement, picked it up and took a look, but didn't see any creases. It seems that this one was not folded just now, it is too durable!

Yueye laughed happily:

"Haha, it's another publicity point. If Brother Shu had told us before, he would definitely be able to sell it at a higher price. I wonder if there are any other specialties?"

heard the words.

Shu Fu smiled.

"The magic, you can explore it yourself, so that it makes sense."


He also didn't know much about the characteristics of banknotes, so he had nothing to say.

But it was unfathomable to the ears of the two of them.

It seems.

In addition to the current knowledge, this piece of paper should have other strange properties.


Go back and test it out, and take one to test, it's still worth it.


Another big box was placed on the table, which contained 1,600 taels of money. Shu Fu took a look at it, and asked the guards to load it into his carriage.

"Go, go and take a look at the house prepared for you." Feng Changsheng said.


Yueye also followed.

After going out.

He saw Shu Fu's carriage.

"Brother Shu uses something different!"

"What's this?"

Seeing that Shu Fu had different parts from the normal carriage, Yue Ye pointed to the wooden tires, Yue Ye asked curiously. I've never seen a wheel like this before.

Without further explanation, Shu Fu asked with a smile, "Would you like to go up and sit down?"


The two happily agreed.


When I first bought it, I bought a big one considering that it was going to be delivered. It should not be too simple to accommodate a few of them, but the inside is a bit crude.

Without the luxury of their carriages.

However, the two of them didn't come to see the luxury, but to experience the feeling.


The carriage moves forward.

"It's really stable! The shock absorption ability is excellent, and the gear shaft is smooth. Where did Brother Shu buy it?"



Yue Ye gave a thumbs up. He was not young, and he didn't feel any discomfort when he flattered a young man, because the other party was indeed qualified.

As a businessman, if it can bring him benefits, it is great.


The convoy came to a big house that was only two streets away from Fengfu.

Compared with the previous house with only a few houses, this place is more than ten times larger.



main hall.

Side room.

Everything is available.

There is also a small garden, which is already considered a big house in Los Angeles. After all, Los Angeles is not an open city, but is surrounded by walls.

The total area is fixed and there is no so-called undeveloped land.