Chapter 830

Name:His Forced Love Author:Guo Zi Yuan
Anlina goes to Anqiu's office to find Anqiu.

"Why did you come?" Anqiu raised her eyes and frowned.

"Brother, I..." When anlina saw a nurse knocking at the door, she immediately stopped.

When the nurse finished speaking and left, she said anxiously, "brother, who is the authoritative doctor who does AIDS examination here?"

"What's the matter with you? Why do you ask this all of a sudden? " An Qiu is puzzled.

"I I want to check. " Anlina didn't say anything about Longhai.

An Qiu despised one eye and said, "you deserve it! Who made your life a mess. Now you know you're afraid? "

Anna glared at him. "Yes, I deserve it! I don't know who gave me bad advice and asked me to find a man to get pregnant. Hum

"I asked you to find one, but not you and N, just like a social flower!"

"I'm a social flower. I like it. I'm happy. Not like you, hanging on these two trees all your life. Is that interesting? "

"You still regard those as your achievements and pride, don't you? What are you doing now? Go on, I'm not afraid of it. That's proof of pride, isn't it

"You Anna is angry.

After a long time, she said, "well, I'm in a bad mood and I don't want to argue with you. If you're my sister, you should be a doctor

"OK, let's go." An Qiu Bai one eye, did not continue to quarrel with her. Pack up things, take anlina to the doctor to open a check list, and then go to the hematology department for blood test.

During the waiting, anlina was restless.

Anqiu did not accompany, but went straight to the ward area busy.

An hour later, anlina picked up the report and sent it to Anqiu.

An Qiu glanced quickly and said, "Congratulations..."

Before Anqiu finished speaking, she listened anxiously and said, "Congratulations, what? Did you get it or did you? "

She was a little nervous.

"I said, are you nervous? What do I say congratulations? Or do you want it? " Ann gave her a look.

"Really? That's why I'm ok, isn't it? " Anlina was excited again at once.

"If you're afraid, you'd better check it again after a while, or go to the CDC to have a diagnosis again." After that, Anqiu throws the report sheet to anlina and turns away without looking back.

Anna sniffed and left at ease.

Nothing happened, and Longhai died again. She was in a good mood at this time.

Singing all the way out of the hospital.


Lin Mu Yan returned to the company and completely recovered to Yolanda's workaholic appearance in the past.

The shadow of the past psychology has long disappeared.

At the moment, in her heart only revenge, only think that they have to become stronger than others in order to defeat each other.

So she drew and drew fiercely, and when she was not satisfied with it, she crumpled it up and threw it away, and then drew another one. A ball of draft paper full of baskets.

Li Junxi was worried, but he couldn't stop him. He could only run downstairs to see her from time to time.

"Yan Yan, you can have a rest. It's no use trying so hard. If there is something wrong with Huo's headquarters in M City, then you are doing well now, and the result is mu Zifeng's Li Junxi reminded.

Lin Muyan then responded, "yes, what should I do? Isn't it that I didn't help, but encouraged him and could not get revenge? "

"Silly girl, Mu Zifeng has mu Jinyu to deal with, so don't think too much. He asked you to help look at the branch here. You just have to take care of it, especially Xiaojiang, and keep an eye on it. Don't let him pass on any useful information in the past. "

Li Junxi gently took her hand and continued: "as for Huo Zhenting and anlina, if you want to deal with them personally, you have to wait patiently. I have told Zhe and Rui to help with the investigation, and they will find out their flaws."

"But how long will it take? And they are so cunning, how can they be so easy to check? " Lin Muyan pouted.

"Foxes always show their tails. Besides, after all these years, they can't be perfect in everything. There will always be mistakes. What's more, your brother-in-law has sent someone to investigate in country y. his staff are all excellent teams, so you don't have to worry about it. I can't think of any results in a few days. "

While Li Junxi was talking, the door of the office was knocked.

"Come in, please." Lin Muyan's words fell, and the cold moon entered.

"Junshao, Madame!" Leng Yue nodded his head and said, "this is a gift from Mrs. Mo, after passing a document bag to Lin Muyan

"Gift?" Lin Muyan is puzzled.

"Yes Cold moon nods.

She took the document bag, tore it open, and then pulled out a few documents inside to see, the whole person was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Li Junxi took those documents from her hand and glanced at them with surprise."No, no, no, how can I accept such a valuable gift?" Lin Muyan recollected and said that she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Ding Yumo.

After talking with Ding Yumo for a few words, she was relieved to accept it.

"What did your sister say?" Li Junxi asked curiously.

"She said that if I didn't want it, she would lend it to me first, and then return it to her after I finished my work." Lin said.

"Oh, that's a good idea." Li Junxi smiles, "this time, your chance comes. Although you may not be able to compete with him completely, at least you can pull out their teeth first. As for the others, we will investigate them slowly later."

"Um ~" Lin Mu Yan nodded. At the moment, her face was full of confidence.

At this time, Li Junxi received another call.

It's Huo Yuntong from state y.

"Are you all right?" Li Junxi asked.

"Fine, thank you." Huo Yuntong's voice with a faint cry, is sad, more is moved.

In the past few months, Li Junxi has paid little attention to her.

Now, in her opinion, everyone is unreliable. Only Li Junxi can appease her and relieve her worries.

She wanted to spit out all her grievances to him these days.

If Li Junxi was around at this time, she might even embrace him. She wanted to hold him tightly for comfort.

However, at the moment, she is in the hospital and has something to say.

Even though the tears trickled down slowly, she still tried to pull back her mood, sniffed and said, "my grandfather has something to tell you. Wait a moment."

Huo Yuntong said, will put the mobile phone in Huo Qinghua's ear, "grandfather, is junshao, what do you have to say it."

Later, Li Junxi listened to the voice of Huo Qinghua on the phone: "can I ask you something?"

"Well, you say so." Li Junxi said politely.

"Can you come to country y tomorrow? I want to see her. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!