Chapter 789

Name:His Forced Love Author:Guo Zi Yuan
With this in mind, Mrs. Huo suddenly sat up with her heart racing.

Her hands trembled as she picked up the phone.

"Zhenhua, has your grandfather made any news recently?" She asked.

"No. But I've been coming home a lot lately Huo Zhenhua said, "Mom, how are you doing there? I'm already preparing for what you asked me to arrange, but... "

"But what?" Old Mrs. Huo got nervous.

"Starting in the afternoon, it's strange that a mysterious company is buying a lot of our shares." Huo Zhenhua words down, see the secretary took an express to him.

Huo Zhenhua analyzed the situation of the company with Mrs. Huo, and opened the file bag at the same time.

When he saw the paternity test about himself, the whole person was stunned. Obviously, he didn't hear a word of what Mrs. Huo said later.

"Zhenhua, Zhenhua!" Old lady Huo saw that there was no movement on the phone for half a day, and she called anxiously.

Huo Zhenhua woke up and said, "Mom, something's wrong!"

His words made old lady Huo's heart throb and almost jump out of the chest.

"What's the matter?" She asked nervously.

"Paternity testing I just received a paternity test report. " Huo Zhenhua's voice trembled.


"I I'm with dad. " Huo Zhenhua felt a chill all over his body.

"What are you talking about? You Did you get it, too? " Old lady Huo's eyes widened and her hands shaking.

"Is mother also..."

"Yes. I received it in the afternoon, so I called you Ask your grandfather about it. "

"Mom suspected that grandfather knew, so she did that?"

"Um ~"

"then why didn't grandfather just give it directly and set those conditions?" Huo Zhenhua is puzzled.

"I think it's just a perfunctory thing we did for us. And I'm afraid he's trying to test us. "


"Well, if I'm right, he's not sure, so he's trying to see what we're going to do. If you destroy it, I'm afraid... " Old lady Huo dare not think about it any more.

Huo Qinghua's sinister terror is beyond her ability.

She was shaking all over her body, and the fear kept coming out of her bones.

She didn't know how to hang up or fall asleep.

Even when Hobart came back from the party, she didn't know.

The next morning, Huo Bai woke up, and Mrs. Huo was still asleep.

It's not the same as usual. It's very different.

Huo Baiwei squinted, reached out and touched it, "Jane, wake up quickly."

However, only the weak groans and the red face.

Huo Bai felt uneasy and hastily reached for her forehead.


He withdrew his hand and immediately called Xu Kun.

"What happened to the old lady yesterday or did she eat something she shouldn't eat?" Asked Hobart gravely.

"No Xu Kun didn't dare to say more.

"Tell the hospital to send the best doctor right away!" Huo Baiming said.

Xu Kun nodded and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Ten minutes later, several doctors and nurses in white coats arrived.

They did a series of tests for old lady Huo and hung up some drops for her.

"The old lady's fever has been abated. But because the old lady is older, she must be sent to the hospital immediately, and the special person will take care of it. It is also convenient for observation, just in case Said the doctor.

"Well, then hurry up!" Huo Bai was anxious.

See a few staff carrying a stretcher into, and then will Huo old woman on the stretcher to carry away.

Hobart followed.

He went to the hospital with the car, accompanied by a series of examinations, and then entered the ward.

"The old lady's high fever and shock is mainly due to the depression in her heart. She needs to be recuperated and dispelled slowly. Try not to stimulate her. What's more, the food should be light... " Come on, said Dr. Fang earnestly.

"Good, good, thank you!" Nodding in vain.

When a group of doctors and nurses left, Huo Baicai collapsed into a chair.

Looking at old lady Huo lying in bed, his heart felt inexplicably flustered.

Although he had no love for old lady Huo, he still had some feelings after fifty years together.

Thinking of Huo Yuntong suicide is still in the hospital, now old lady Huo suddenly fell down, his eyes will not consciously wet up.

For the first time, he felt powerless.

When he came to Binhai City, he was as cursed as if he had let Luo Yuqin, Huo Yuntong and Huo Laotai fall down one after another.

Before he could breathe, there was bad news from Hawkes.

Huo Zhenhua hesitated for one night. He thought that the mysterious company was just buying money in a hurry. I didn't expect to go to the company early in the morning to hear more explosive news. Because Huo Yuntong's black history was picked up, coupled with her suicide gossip flying all over the sky, as well as old lady Huo's secret operation, she has collapsed at this time.As soon as the stock market opened, Hawkes' share price fell sharply. Mystery companies continue to buy.

And at this time, more than one company, another mysterious company to fly the general speed of the purchase, like a competition, the two mysterious companies catch up with each other.

Huo Zhenhua had to call Huo Bai to explain his situation.

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Huo Bai's tone had not yet eased over, and he immediately added a wound to his heart.

Fortunately, his heart was strong enough, and after he hung up, he tried to keep breathing smoothly.

After a long time, Xu Xi took out his cell phone and called him.

On the phone, he said a lot to Li Junxi. His tone was anxious, painful and helpless.

"What do you say? Is Mrs. Huo in hospital Li Junxi was surprised.

He just wanted to stimulate old lady Huo, but he didn't expect that Huo's seemingly strong body bones would suddenly become so fragile.

Damn it!

He murmured in his heart.

He thought the game would be very exciting, but he didn't expect that with old lady Huo's fall, the game would come to an end.

However, he didn't even know what the other side's purpose was.

It's still too early.


He sighed again and continued to listen to Hobart.

"Can you take care of them for me? I know it's hard for you, but I really can't. I don't know who to ask. There's something wrong with Hodgson. I have to go back to country y to deal with it. " Said Hobart sincerely.

"No problem. I'll talk to you right away." Li Junxi finished, hung up the phone, and then went to the rest room.

Seeing Lin Muyan playing with his mobile phone, he frowned slightly, but this time, he didn't have time to discipline her.

"Honey, get up and wash up. We'll go to the hospital."

"What's the matter?" Lin Muyan put down his mobile phone and sat up.

As she dressed, she asked, "I heard you call. Who's calling? Is there anything urgent?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!