Chapter 731

Name:His Forced Love Author:Guo Zi Yuan
Lengyue looks at Lin Muyan and then to Baohua and a Cong, and sighs deeply.

She turned to Lin Muyan and said, "I'm sorry! Madam, please forgive cold moon's helplessness. Tianyu has its regulations. As a first-class bodyguard, they failed to be as alert as a first-class bodyguard and didn't smell the danger in time, so I had to follow the rules. "

"Ah, how will they be punished?" Lin Muyan became nervous.

"Demote! After the task is completed, we have to go back to the training and assessment again. And all the bonus of this mission will be forfeited, and the task will not be obtained within one year. That would have a direct impact on their bonus this year. "

"Ah, it doesn't have to be that serious?"

"Sorry! I don't give up, but the rules can't be bad. " The cold moon nods.

"Can I plead with my brother-in-law? You see, I'm not hurt. OK, don't punish so much. Or what's the bonus for a mission, I'll give it. " Lin said.

"Ma'am, this is a rule. Even Gu Shao can't change it easily. What's more, if you want to give a bonus in private, they don't dare to take it. "

"The rule is dead, and man is alive. If you don't say it, it doesn't know, right? What's more, my brother-in-law has decided it by himself, so don't you think it's OK to open one eye and close one eye? "

"When all the bodyguards of Tianyu are on duty, the situation is reported from time to time. So even if Gu Shao wants to open one eye and close one eye, I'm afraid it will not work. " Cold moon has a serious face.

At this time, she was like a ghost sent by the king of hell, and had no feelings to speak of.

Looking at Baohua and a Cong, Lin Muyan is full of guilt.

"We're OK. Thank you, madam." Baohua said gratefully.

"I'm sorry! I am the one who punished you Lin Muyan was apologetic.

"It's none of Madame's business. Madam is only worried about junshao's safety, and our responsibility is not only to protect the wife, but also to make a correct judgment. But we did not detect in time, the critical moment also let his wife risk. If my wife didn't drive here in time, I'm afraid that a Cong and I would not only have suffered minor injuries. Thank you, madam Baohua sincerely thanks Lin Muyan.

"Ah, don't thank me!" Lin Muyan is even more embarrassed.

Lengyue comforts Baohua and a Cong, and leaves without saying anything along the way.

Baohua and a Cong were brought out by her. They were also the two most potential people in Tianyu training camp. When she married and had children, she recommended them to protect Gu Zijun. To be honest, she didn't want to be punished so badly.

The bonus is small, but there is a record of failure. After returning to the team, they will not only be looked at differently by their teammates, but also be hung on the Internet, which will not be good for their reputation. In the future, they will be criticized by the other party when taking over the task. The key point is that it will also affect Tianyu's reputation.

Although it is Tianyu's own website, they can completely erase those records that are not conducive to itself. However, Tianyu has become the leader in the industry because of its own quality and the principle of fairness, openness and integrity, and never cheat.

Moreover, publicity itself is an assessment of bodyguards.

If you want not to lose face in front of others, you must train hard and muddle through life is absolutely not allowed.

The point is to motivate, to promote, and to protect them.

Without excellent skills, going out on a mission will only increase casualties, destroy yourself and your family.

So for Baohua and a Cong, but also for Tianyu, the cold moon is helpless.

Seeing that she didn't say a word, Lin Muyan thought that things must not be so simple on the surface, so he cautiously asked, "sister Lengyue, is the matter very serious?"

"Yes. The company has different standards for bodyguards at all levels, and it is a serious matter for a bodyguard to be demoted. " The cold moon is not hidden.

"Is there really no room for accommodation?"

"Yes. But... " Leng Yue stops talking.

In fact, she is selfish, and she is not as cold-blooded as the rumors outside.

"But what? What can I do? " Lin Muyan's eyes suddenly brightened up.

"Because all of our bodyguards will hang up on Tianyu's website after their missions. So you need to send a statement in person and take all the responsibility on yourself. "

"That's easy. It's my responsibility. "

"No, Madame! It's not your responsibility. I mean, you have to make yourself self willed in the statement. That is to say, they remind you, but you still insist on it. Only then will this result happen. "

"No problem!"

Lengyue is a little embarrassed, but she didn't expect Lin Muyan to agree so quickly. She was surprised, "madam, do you really agree to do this?"

"What's the problem? You don't know me anyway. Even if we know each other, at most they say I am willful. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't matter Lin Muyan smiles.

"No, ma'am. The security work was done in secret. Our website will only send out the status of the bodyguard completing the task, as well as rewards and punishments, and will not expose the employer. But if you make a statement, you will be exposed directly, which will bring you danger. ""It's done. There's no danger." Lin Muyan said naively.

"No, it might be more dangerous." Lengyue analyzed: "some people know that you have hired Tianyu's bodyguard to prove that you have something worth protecting, or that you have enemies. Some people will cooperate. I'm afraid they will come to see you as soon as our people leave. "

"Ah, no?" Lin Muyan became nervous.

"It is possible. So even if you are willing to make this statement, junshao will not agree. There are Mrs. Mo and Gu Shao. They will not allow you to take this risk. And... "

"And what?" Lin Mu Yan frowned, "if I make a statement, will also implicate you?" She asked tentatively.

"Well, Mrs. Mo and Mr. Gu will surely know that I taught you this idea. If anything happens to you, not only will junshao not spare me, but they will blame me even more. " The cold moon sighs.

She's in a dilemma, too.

On the other hand, Baohua and a Cong are not allowed to be punished, and Tianyu's reputation is damaged. But on the other hand, he didn't want Lin Muyan to have an accident. He didn't want to apologize to Gu Zijun and Ding Yumo. He didn't want to let them down.

Lin Muyan looked out of the window, but she didn't make any more noise.

She was also confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

She didn't expect that Tianyu's system would be so strict. She didn't expect that two bodyguards were injured for her, not only without reward but also punishment.

She suddenly felt sympathy for the bodyguards.

Especially at this time to see the cold moon, see her face sad, Lin Mu Yan is even more miserable.

She once heard Ding Yumo say that the cold moon is cold outside and hot in the heart. Like Ding Yumo, when the cold moon looks like a sister, she can't bear it at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!