Chapter 326

Name:His Forced Love Author:Guo Zi Yuan
"I Lucas is... " Yolanda stammered. She looked at Li Junxi and said, "would you please help me carry my things to the car? I want to talk to brother Anqiu

"OK, call me if you have something." Li Junxi then nodded with an Qiu and left with his luggage.

When the elevator door closed, Yolanda turned to Anqiu and said, "he's with grandma in the villa."

"Grandmother? Villa? " Anqiu was shocked.

"Well, my grandmother was ill, so I took her to see a doctor and have a physical examination."

"So you met your aunt?"

"No, not that one. It's a new villa that brother Xiaoxi gave me in the past. "

"Are you going to move in now?" Anqiu suddenly became nervous.

"I just used to stay with my grandmother for a few days."

"What's wrong with grandma? How can I get to the hospital without contacting me? " An Qiu looks unhappy.

"It's all arranged by brother Xiaoxi, so I didn't look for you."

Damn Li Junxi!

Yu, more and more cold, in the bottom of his face.

"Sorry, brother Anqiu! I can't refuse. I haven't seen my grandmother for more than four years, so... " Yolanda murmured an apology.

"I don't blame you. Just, are you really ready to be with Xiaoxi

"Brother Anqiu ~" Yolanda didn't know how to answer him. She couldn't bear to hurt him.

"Do you want to go back to the old days? What about Lucas? "

"Brother Anqiu, I'm..." Yolanda rubbed her hands tightly, then bit her lower lip, and a faint light flashed through her eyes.

"Can't I pay as much as Xiaoxi in these years? Do you really have the heart to do this to me? " Anqiu began to play the emotional card.

Yolanda looks at Anqiu. Seeing his sadness and tenderness, her heart shrinks slightly.

Can you bear it? Can't bear it?

After a moment's pause, she squinted again and finally opened her mouth.

"Yanyan thanks elder brother Anqiu for his care over the years, but you know that he can't let go of brother Xiaoxi in Yanyan's heart. Sorry, brother Anqiu! " Yoalda says, her eyes getting wet.

Anqiu frowned and said in pain, "do you really have the heart?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Yolanda's voice began to choke.

At this time, she did not know what to say to ask for his forgiveness.

"Yan Yan, I don't want you to say sorry! I do all this because I love you, I want to live with you for a lifetime, do not you sorry Anqiu suddenly gets excited and hugs Yolanda in her arms.

"Don't leave me! You said you were going to marry me. I don't want your sorry! No Anqiu held her tightly, shaking her head and talking to herself.

Yolanda's heart aches.

"Brother Anqiu, don't do this. If we miss each other, we will never go back to the past. " She pushed him away with a strong sense of guilt.

"Can't you go back? Why did you go back four years earlier? At the end of the day, you're just using me as a plaything, right? Come to me when you need it, and throw it away when you've used it! " Anqiu suddenly became ferocious.

Yolanda's heart trembled.

"No, brother Anqiu! I didn't. Yanyan never used you. In M City, Yan Yan really wanted to live with brother an Qiu. I don't want to come back. I don't want to live in the past

"What do you choose now? Did you still choose the past? "


"It's because I don't have Xiaoxi Shuai, I don't have money, I have power and status, don't I? Well, you say, how much do you want? I can give it to you. Power and status, right? I'll quit my job and go to AXA. Give me a few years, and I'll do better than Xiaoxi. "

"That's enough, big brother Qiu!" Yolanda let out a roar.

She didn't expect that Anqiu would look at her like that.

Anqiu was stunned for a few seconds.

"Yan Yan, please, whatever you want, I can give it to you. Even if you want me to look like Xiaoxi, I can. " Anqiu softened her voice.

"Brother Anqiu, I'm sorry! You know that's not what I want. What I want is a secure home. "

"A home, I'll give it to you. I said before, let's get a license to get married, and then buy a house outside. A family of three, no, four, five, as long as you want, a few children will do, we can live happily together

"Brother Anqiu, wake up. You can't give me these."

"I can. Shall we go to get the certificate tomorrow and see the house Anqiu shook her shoulder.

"Say it, will you? How about that? " Seeing Yolanda didn't answer, he began to get a little nervous."And then? Do you marry in secret and live in secret? " Yolanda squinted and asked coldly.

"I..." Anqiu suddenly stops.

"Oh," Yolanda sneered.

“……” Time is like forbidding, the air is like being frozen. An Qiu is stunned, and they don't speak for a long time.

"If nothing happens, I'll go first." For a long time, Yolanda finally broke the silence.

However, as soon as she was about to enter the elevator, she was pulled by an Qiu again.

"Don't go! Words ~ "

" brother Anqiu, I'm sorry! " Yolanda broke his hand in pain.

"I said I don't want your" sorry. ". Even if you live such a life with me, don't you want to live this kind of furtive life with Xiaoxi? " Suddenly, Qiu an roared.

Yolanda frowned.

Hesitating for a moment, he said, "brother Xiao Xi said it would be good only in three months, and he would solve it."

"Three months? How about three months? Will the Li family accept you? "

"If not, he said he would take me away." Yolanda frowned slightly and her voice grew smaller and smaller.

She knew that Li Junxi loved him, but would the Li family let them go easily?

She has no confidence at all.

"Oh, leave? Even if he is willing to pay everything for you, cut off the relationship with the Li family and take you away. But the three generations of Li family, a large group of Li, you let grandfather to take care of it, can you feel at ease? How long can he be at ease after he leaves? Can you live a life like this? "

"And my grandfather and aunt, how could they let Xiao Xi go easily? Aren't you afraid to force you to leave as you used to, or worse, send someone to deal with you and Lucas? "

Anqiu's words hit the softest part of Yolanda's heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!