Chapter 304

Name:His Forced Love Author:Guo Zi Yuan
In the distance, there are still several couples screaming.

However, Li Junxi's eyes are no longer envious and envious.

He gently looked at the side of the arm bent to lean on the woman, tight arm between the strength, the face of the firm lines at this time become unusually soft.

"Merry Christmas!" Li Junxi said it gently and then gave Yolanda a a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you! Merry Christmas Yolanda's lips are slightly curved.

They watched the gorgeous glow, the vast sea, and listened to the sound of the waves.

A cool wind came and Yolanda shivered.

"Come on, I'll take you to breakfast."

"Good ~"

they packed up their tents and left.

To a small shop.

"What would you like to eat, gentlemen?" The boss warmly welcomed him.

"A lean porridge and a fried dough stick." Li Junxi looked at the menu on the wall and ordered one. Then he turned to Yolanda and asked, "what about you?"

"I'll have the same." Yolanda smiles and looks at Li Junxi.

This man has really become too many now.

Once he disdained to go to such a small shop for breakfast. Once he didn't even want to look at the menu on the wall, but followed Lin Moyan's orders.

But now, on the contrary, she's following him.

"Well, two bowls of lean porridge and two fried dough sticks!" The boss yelled and left.

After a while, he came out with porridge and fried dough sticks, and then presented two heart-shaped eggs.

"Are you two lovers here to watch the sunrise? It's romantic. This is for you. I wish you happiness, please eat slowly With that, the boss left with a smile.

This scene reminds Yolanda of her time in Shunhe city.

She looked up at Li Junxi with a faint smile.

"What's the matter? When I hear what the boss said, my heart is floating, ha ha ~" Li Junxi's evil spirit smiles.

"Ha ha ~"

"look at your expression. Even the boss wishes us happiness. Do you have any opinions? " Li Junxi said, and then put the dough sticks on two heart-shaped eggs, and said: "see, this is an arrow through the heart."

EH ~

cold joke?

Yolanda looked down again.

“……” Li Junxi was embarrassed.

Hateful woman, so do not understand sentiment, also do not respond.

He just glared at Yolanda.

Then pick up the fried dough sticks and break them angrily, and then poke the poached eggs into small pieces with a spoon.

He seems to be venting, more like telling Yolanda that his heart at this time is just like this purse egg, fragmented.

Yolanda couldn't help looking up at him.

"What's the matter with you? It's terrible that you make a good egg like this. It's just like dismembering

"Is it? I'm cutting it for you. Here, eat it Li Junxi pushes the plate of eggs and fried dough sticks to Yolanda.

Yolanda glanced distastefully. Without saying anything more, Yolanda picked up the plate and poured it all into the porridge.

"You eat like this?" Li Junxi's big eyes are wide and round.

"Yes, it's delicious, hee hee ~" Yolanda said and ate it carefully.

Li Junxi's anger was gone, and then he began to eat.

Yolanda takes a few bites and then unconsciously looks up at him.

See him still like in the past, will be like a child as angry, her lips will slightly hook up.

"What's the matter? Is there anything on my face?" Li Junxi felt her burning eyes and asked.

"No, I was thinking that you, a big president, would come to such a small shop for breakfast." Yolanda was embarrassed and immediately withdrew her eyes.

"Ha ha, I can tell you that I'm tired of the food at home and in the hotel. I still think this kind of small shop is full of flavor. "

"Is it? I don't know that happiness is born in happiness. " Yolanda said softly.

Although the voice was small, Li Junxi heard it.

He frowned slightly, and pulled his lips bitterly and said, "ha ha, yes, I was born in blessing, but I don't know it."

Finish saying, see his eyes dim down.

From small to large, in other people's eyes, he was born with a golden spoon, just like the stars supporting the moon.

And in real life, he is indeed taken care of by his family, clothes to reach out, meals to open mouth, like a king was held in love.

However, everyone only saw his bright appearance.

Since Luo Xin's incident, he and Lin Muyan fell in love but couldn't be together. His happiness was completely rewritten.After suffering for five years and finally getting rid of those grudges, it didn't last long.

He was once on the verge of depravity and despair.

Facing the so-called "blessing" in the eyes of the public, he had no choice but to laugh it off.

He doesn't blame Yolanda.

No one can understand the pain in his heart.

Yolanda looked at his suddenly darkened eyes and the painful expression on his face, and his heart followed.

It's not that she doesn't understand.

I just didn't expect that a careless word would cause such a strong fluctuation in his mind.

"I'm sorry," she said softly! I take back what I said

"It's OK!" Li Junxi regained his mind, sighed and continued to eat breakfast.


After breakfast, they rushed back to the rental house.

Li Jun didn't speak on the way.

Yolanda knew that his words had hurt him deeply, and he didn't know how to comfort him.

Just looking at his side in silence like that.

For a long time, she finally couldn't help saying, "sorry! I didn't mean to. If you're in a bad mood, you can vent as much as you want, but can't you be so silent and let people watch you panic. "

"Ga ~" the car suddenly pulled over and stopped.

Li Junxi unbuttoned his seat belt, adjusted his mood and turned his eyes to Yolanda.

He said, "Yolanda, if you're really the angel of speech to save me, you should understand me. In fact, I'm not as smooth as the outsiders see from small to large. My family has suffered a lot. Overnight, I lost my father and my favorite woman

As he said this, his eyes were covered with tears.

Yolanda watched, her heart tightened again.

After a pause, Li Junxi continued: "once I thought I was very happy, with a beautiful home and a lovely girlfriend. But that year, my life has changed dramatically, I fell from the sky to the ground. Do you know the difference? "

"The mission of the family forced me to bear the whole Li group at a young age. How many people's eyes have made me what I am today. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!