This kind of life, before Ann Mianmian did not dare to think.

Lu chuyang is also aware of an mianmianmian's temper, did not say anything, just explained: "the study on the side, you can use."

"No, there is a table in the room. I can do it in the room." Ann mianmianmian shook his head and refused.

"Whatever you want." Lu chuyang didn't say anything. "If you lose something first, you don't have to rush to clean it up. First you go to have a rest. I feel you don't have much rest on the plane. The time difference is not so fast. The school starts next Monday, and you still have a week to adjust. "


"When you're OK, you can go for a walk nearby. The road nearby is not too hard to recognize, and the school is not far away. I'll take you out when I'm free Lu chuyang continued.

An Mianmian is still a quiet response.

I don't mean to talk much.

Lu chuyang didn't say much when he saw the situation. After nodding, he left Anmian's room.

Ann mianmianmian is not very sleepy in fact, but a little tired. She is not used to such a long-distance flight. Even if she still sleeps in the first-class cabin, she has some blood circulation problems in her legs.

She sat down and was immediately wrapped in a soft mattress. Anmian almost exclaimed, and then she got up carefully and sat down again.

It turned out to be the same.

Finally, anmianmianmian changed to the side of the small sofa, the above soft and hard moderate, just let anmianmianmian not so unaccustomed.

After a rest, she opened her suitcase and quickly sorted out her clothes. Then she folded Lu chuyang's clothes carefully and put them on the shelf outside Lu chuyang's room on the third floor.

Then, an Mianmian just quietly went back to his room and put the suitcase in the corner.

She took a bath and tried to relax herself completely.

But it may be because of the strange environment, the strange country, and even if I didn't sleep well on the plane, I still fell asleep more or less.

So anmianmianmian is really not sleepy at all.

But anmianmianmian didn't leave the room. She walked back and forth in this square inch, as if she was wasting her energy.

However, the more we go, the more spirit.

Go to the back, anmianmianmian didn't feel sleepy at all, on the contrary, he was completely hungry.

When people are hungry, they can't sleep. The feeling of hunger is especially bad. For anmianmianmian now, it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you can make yourself do not have this feeling.

Finally, an Mianmian didn't hold back and got out of bed.

She took a look at the time. It was one o'clock in the morning.

An mianmianmian takes a deep breath, thinking that Lu chuyang's habit will definitely inform the housekeeper before he comes back. At least, the Housekeeper will prepare some quick-frozen food in the refrigerator, and at worst, there will be milk.

That's what happened when I was in the apartment in Jiangcheng.

Thinking of these, anmianmianmian didn't stay much, and got up quickly. Although it's winter now, the heating in the villa is enough, as long as you wear shorts and short sleeve T-shirt.

She walked down the stairs in cotton slippers, not even in the elevator.

To be honest, an mianmianmian doesn't like elevators very much. The elevator space is too closed, as if there is no reason, an Mian for such a closed space extremely dislike, even fear.

If there is no accident in the elevator, or if there are people in the elevator, it is OK.

Once there is no one in the elevator, or there is an accident, an Mianmian thinks that she may not be able to wait for others to rescue her, she has scared herself to death.

This is probably the short board of Anmian.

Looking at the elevator not far away, anmianmianmian spits out his tongue, and quickly steps on the stairs, walking briskly toward the kitchen.

As a result, before walking to the kitchen, an Mianmian sees Lu chuyang, who is calling by the elevator, at the stairway.

At this time point, hasn't Lu chuyang had a rest?

Is it because you can't sleep?

Subconsciously, an Mianmian's footstep relaxed.

Add the carpet that can be seen everywhere in the room, the footstep sound of an Mianmian is almost absorbed by carpet, completely silent.

Naturally, Lu chuyang did not find anmianmianmian.

In fact, an mianmianmian doesn't listen to the corner of the wall, but Lu chuyang's voice is not deliberately suppressed, which leads to an mianmianmian passively listening. The more he listens to Lu chuyang's words, an mianmianmian doesn't dare to get close to him. He always feels that he has found something terrible or has accidentally destroyed something.

Lu chuyang's tone is like coaxing his girlfriend.

Gentle and lingering.

Even because hear each other's words, helpless pinch their own forehead, but no impatient mood, listen carefully.

Lu chuyang's voice is very good to listen to, low magnetic, like those radio hosts, the effect of their own subwoofer, even if it is just so listening, it seems to be a very enjoyable thing."OK, I see. I'll take care of it for you. Is that ok Yes, I just came back OK, you can come any time you want. Let me know in advance Ok Well, the bag you like, I'll buy it for you in two days


It seems that no matter what the other side said, Lu chuyang would connive.

Even if you can't see each other, an Mianmian can see doting in Lu chuyang's eyes, or from the heart.

Is it Lu chuyang's girlfriend?

This idea, let an mianmianmian's heart thump a bit. If it is really Lu chuyang's girlfriend, who is she in Lu chuyang's family?

Subconsciously, an mianmianmian thinks of Lu chuyang's words --

this person said that when he was still interested in himself, he would not feel at a loss. This is like telling an mianmianmian that Lu chuyang is interested in himself and likes himself.

Then, an Mianmian subconsciously twisted his eyebrows, which does not mean that the first step of landing is to step on two boats.

One side is willing to coax the girlfriend, but on the other side is a woman who is raised by her side.

When such an idea comes into mind, it makes an mianmianmian feel particularly unnatural, and his heart seems to be crushed by a huge stone, which is a little uncomfortable, but there is nothing to do.

In this matter, an mianmianmian is a passive party, and there is no way.

Lu chuyang is the one who takes the initiative.

It's just that an mianmianmian never thought that one day, she would become one of the two boats trampled by others. After all, her hatred for the third party is obvious.

If there is no third party, perhaps the mother would not be so easily depressed and end.

Ann Mianmian did not say a word, but his expression became a little trance.

Until an mianmianmian accidentally touches one side of the shelf, the shelf makes a sound, an mianmianmian this just returns to God, and Lu chuyang, who is on the phone, has already seen it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!