She quickly turned around and walked in the direction of her arrival until she reached a quiet corner where she couldn't see Lisa. Then she stopped.

Her heart was still beating fast, and even her breathing was a little cramped.

The mobile phone is so pinched in the palm of my hand, I haven't spoken for a long time.

In this location, although it is a little far away from Lisa villa, Yan Qingmu can still see the light in the villa, even with a trace of warm yellow light.

It's hard to see what Shen yaoyang and Lisa are doing, but Yan Qingmu is very clear. Shen yaoyang has never left.

Even in the same place, Yan Qingmu did not know how long she stood, and then she quietly walked towards the southernmost villa where they lived. There was only the sound of waves around, and everything looked at the mending.

Yan Qingmu stands at the door of the villa.

She did not disturb anyone, so she sat quietly on the side of the plank road. Because she was pregnant, her stomach had slightly raised. When she sat down, her loose clothes hung on her stomach, and her stomach became obvious.

But the limbs are very slender, how to look like a pregnant woman should look like.

Now, at 2:27 a.m.

Yan Qingmu grabs the mobile phone, looks at Shen yaoyang's phone number above, and then presses the dial through button. She does not dodge or evade. She waits patiently for the call to be connected.

Yan Qingmu did not wait long, and the phone was almost immediately connected.

"Adoration?" At the end of the mobile phone is Shen yaoyang, calm but with a trace of surprise.

Yan Qingmu was quiet for a few seconds. He didn't give Shen yaoyang a chance to speak again. He asked directly, "where are you? I woke up drinking water and didn't see you

I admire the directness of speech.

She is waiting for Shen yaoyang to explain to herself.

When Shen yaoyang on the other end of the mobile phone heard the voice of Yan Qingmu, he also became quiet. He didn't know whether he was thinking or what he was doing. There was some silence on both sides of the mobile phone. No one broke the silence.

Yan Qingmu is patient and does not urge.

After a while, Shen yaoyang's deep voice came from the other end of the mobile phone: "I'm with Yanzhi. In the evening, Yanzhi called me. Several friends wanted to drink some wine, so they came. Yanzhi will get married tomorrow and will go back soon. "

It's very fluent, and there's no breathing.

It's not like when men and women are in bed, when they suddenly receive a phone call, even their voice seems more stable.

Yan Qingmu listens to Shen yaoyang's words, but does not have any relaxation, the mobile phone is so pinched in the hand, the sweat is wet, even the clothes on the body are followed by wet.

I can't tell.

The heart is blocked up in a flurry, almost let the words adore breathless.

Shen yaoyang lied to himself.

What does that mean?

Because Lisa didn't have any lies at all, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Ha ha --

"what's the matter?" Shen yaoyang's voice came, "can't you sleep?"

"Well." Language admiration light should sound, "can't sleep, did not see you, some are not used to."

"I'll be right back." Without any ambiguity, Shen yaoyang immediately said, "wait for me in the villa."

"Good." Yan Qingmu was silent.

After that, the person who hung up the phone was Yan Qingmu.

However, in the past two years since his engagement to Shen yaoyang, Shen yaoyang has been the one who has taken the initiative to hang up the phone. He has never been Yan Qingmu. Yan Qingmu will wait until Shen yaoyang has hung up the phone before he chooses to hang up.

It was a servile response.

But now, Yan Qingmu chooses to hang up the phone.

Shen yaoyang is not used to it. His eyebrows are slightly twisted. Shen yaoyang knows his every move of admiring Yan better than anyone else. Although he can't see Yan Qingmu for the first time, his reaction makes Shen yaoyang twist his eyebrows.

It's not normal.

Yan Qingmu's sleep after pregnancy is very good. She won't wake up after sleeping. Why will she suddenly wake up tonight.

Is it because of physical discomfort?

After all kinds of ideas rushed into his mind, Shen yaoyang became a little restless.

Naturally, he hung up and stood up.

Lisa raised her eyebrows: "are you ready to go before you finish talking? I remember you're not the kind of person who does things by halves. "

"When I get back, I'll ask Zhang Wei to find you." Shen yaoyang said, "I have basically reached an agreement on the part you want to talk about. Zhang Wei can work out the remaining small details. If not, we'll make an appointment. But Lisa, you know, I don't like Joe's women very much

It was so calm that she looked at Lisa with a warning in her eyes.

Lisa seemed to smile, but she was not influenced by Shen yaoyang: "it's not bad for me to cooperate with Shen's family. Besides, the conditions given by Shen are very good, aren't they?"

No wise man can refuse.

These days and nights, Shen yaoyang is here with him. Only when he admires the simple woman will he think what happened between them.Shen yaoyang is a woman who is not very close to women. He has always been more aware of what he wants than anyone else.

Lisa was just a little reluctant, but she really had any idea about Shen yaoyang. When she came into contact with this person, she was already in the dust.

Lisa doesn't want unrealistic things. What she wants is easy to get.

But for Yan Qingmu, Lisa never understood Shen yaoyang's idea. How could she choose such a weak and worthless woman? At least in Lisa's opinion, the woman who can stand by Shen yaoyang's side must be a woman who can compete with him.

She looked at Shen yaoyang quietly and suddenly chuckled: "yaoyang, I don't know you follow your woman so much. I haven't found it before."

Shen didn't answer the question: "I'm leaving."

After that, Shen yaoyang didn't give Lisa any chance to speak again. She turned around and walked towards the door. When Shen yaoyang reached the door, Lisa stopped him: "yaoyang."

Shen yaoyang's feet stopped: "what's the matter?"

"Besides the resources of Yan family, are you married because Yan is easy to control?" Lisa asked directly.

That eye light does not blink at Shen yaoyang, seems to want to get an answer.

Shen yaoyang did not speak.

When Lisa thought Shen yaoyang would not answer, Shen yaoyang suddenly said, "No

Lisa's face changed slightly. "Don't you tell me you love her? I don't believe it. "

It was like a joke and a trial.

Lisa raised her eyebrows and looked at Shen yaoyang. For a moment, she wanted to get the answer from Shen yaoyang's face.

Shen yaoyang was quiet and gave Lisa an answer. Then, Shen yaoyang did not stop and walked quickly towards his villa.

Lisa stood there in amazement, unable to believe what she had heard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!