It seems too affectation to go out like this.

If you don't go out, it seems to be on purpose.

Who told her how to break such a thing?

Yi Jiayan ignores Su wanting's meaning, opens the door of the dressing room, quickly finds clothes in it, and completely leaves Su wanting in the room.

Su wanting thinks about it and leaves while Yi Jiayan is looking for clothes.

Suddenly --

the door of the room was opened directly by Daming: "male god, I asked the hotel to deliver Miss Su's things. The hotel said that she only reserved for one night, that is probably tomorrow's departure."

As the voice dropped, Daming's voice stuttered: "you, you, you Miss Su You, you, why are you here. "

Su wanting wants to cry without tears. She also wants to know why she is here.

Yi Jiayan also heard the noise outside and walked out directly. He had put on his clean casual clothes, but his hair was still dripping with water.

Looking at the face-to-face appearance of Daming and Su wanting, the eyebrows subconsciously wrinkled.

While Daming looks at Yi Jiayan and Su wanting, his eyes are a little more ambiguous.

Su wanting is really crying. She wants to explain. It seems that she can't explain clearly. Her whole life is innocent!

"Do you come in without knocking?" Yi Jiayan takes back his eyes and asks Daming.

Daming: "I knocked. You didn't respond. I came in. Wasn't it like this before?"

Yi Jiayan: "don't come in without my permission."

"Yes." Daming's response was consistent.

In the heart silently made up a sentence: absolutely does not destroy the male god's good deed.

Thinking about it, Daming takes another look at Su wanting. Su wanting's facial features are good, but she can't get into Yi Jiayan's eyes. After all, Yi Jiayan's eyes on women are so poisonous that she is surrounded by beautiful women.

It may be that you are tired of the delicacies and delicacies, and you also want to clear the porridge?

"Don't you go back to take a bath?" Yi Jiayan's voice cooled down.

"Yes." Su wanting jumps up.

"Wait a minute." Yi Jiayan called Su wanting, "you are here. You are not used to the master bedroom. It's in this room. Anyway, your suitcase has been taken back. It doesn't matter which side it is."

Su wanting:

After that, Yi Jiayan turned around and walked out. After Daming pushed the suitcase in, he immediately followed him out without stopping for a moment.

I dare not look at Su wanting again.

Because, just now Yi Jiayan looked at himself in a terrible way.

Wuwuwu --

after a while, the noisy room becomes quiet.

Su wanting was left alone, but the hot feeling could not be dispelled. Even after taking a bath and coming out, Su wanting felt hot and dry all over her body.

Because in this room, everywhere is Yi Jiayan's breath.

On the pillow, it seems that you can smell the smell of this man's usual bath milk.

Originally drowsy drowsiness, this is thoroughly sober up.

At this time, Su wanting's wechat jumped out. It was Mingmei.

Mingmei: [you ya, be lenient if you confess. What kind of beautiful man do you like in Jiangcheng? Do you really sleep? Silent? 】

similarly, Mingmei bombed Su wanting three times.

Graceful and graceful: I didn't sleep. 】

Mingmei: [sleeping trough! Can't that man? You are a living beauty, you want to have a figure, you can't touch it, you have a face, you don't feel for you? You can't have this kind of man. 】

graceful and graceful: [what nonsense are you talking about! 】

Mingmei: [or did I destroy you? 】

graceful and graceful: [ 】

Mingmei: [don't omit the sign, to be frank, who is that man! 】

graceful and graceful: [Yi Jiayan. 】

Mingmei: [Oh, you're hallucinating again. Since you're hallucinating, you'd like to draw the line draft for me. The father of Party A is very annoying. Their boss personally went online to urge, I want to curse. 】

graceful and graceful: [goodbye. 】

with that, Su wanting directly got off the line and turned her mobile phone to mute. Because she knew very well that Mingmei's call would soon come after her, so she preferred to be quiet.

After that, Su wanting opened her luggage and took out her clothes. She went into the shower, took a bath, changed her clothes, and went to bed.


At 2:00 a.m. -

the result of Su wanting's early going to bed is that she wakes herself up in the early morning and can't sleep any more.

She simply turned on the computer, ready to go to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, calm down, draw a good line draft, after all, the night can make people calm, clear thinking.

As soon as the computer is turned on, Mingmei's e-mail will pop up directly, all of which are required by Party A. how to modify the line draft.Compared with the previous ambiguous requirements, the present requirements are concise and comprehensive.

Involuntarily, Su wanting thought about the appearance of Party A's father, and finally concluded that she must be an extremely strict old man.

Then, Su wanting stands up, constructs a brand-new picture in her mind, and then goes out to the room.

She quickly took the water, unscrewed the lid and took a drink, then turned and walked towards the room on the second floor.

As a result, I heard Yi Jiayan's voice when I came to the stairs.

It was a kind of human instinct curiosity, so that Su wanting stopped and subconsciously looked at the location of the study. Yi Jiayan stood, making a phone call, and seemed to argue with others.

Su wanting can't hear clearly, but she can still see the clear and sharp facial lines of Jiayan's face, which is very severe because of her tight face.

It's very different from the gentle man on the screen.

However, such a man is more masculine, and when she works, she frowns slightly, which makes Su wanting unconsciously want to smooth her eyebrows.

Su wanting stood in the same place for a long time. Seeing that the mineral water in her hand had returned to normal temperature, she regained consciousness and quickly walked to her room.

At the moment Su wanting left, Yi Jiayan also noticed.

He walked to the door in three or two steps, and stopped Su wanting before she came in: "haven't you slept yet?"

Su wanting was embarrassed for a moment, but she said honestly: "I wake up, I can't sleep. I went to get a bottle of water. "

"Well." Yi Jiayan answered.

The unspeakable silence of the atmosphere.

Finally, Su wanting broke the silence: "Yi Nan Shen, did you not sleep?"

"A moment." Yi Jiayan replied, "some things need to be dealt with."

"Oh --"

"your plane tomorrow?"


"What time?"

"Nine in the morning."

"I'll ask Daming to take you to the airport." Yi Jiayan thought about it and made a decision soon.

Su wanting just wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Yi Jiayan: "when you get to city B, send me a wechat, eh?"

"Good." Su wanting nods.

"If you can sleep, you can sleep again. It's not good for girls to stay up late."


Su wanting listens to Yi Jiayan's explanation. She always feels strange, but she can't say it. She is just a little fan who accidentally breaks into Yi Jiayan's world.

But the treatment of this little fan is too good.

Su wanting Baji next, see Yi Jiayan finish words, she honest should voice, then turn back to the room.

This time, looking at the open computer, Su wanting finally gave up the attempt to continue to draw lines, because the drawing did not know what it was.

On the screen, full of Yi Jiayan's sketches and paintings.

Finally, she finished the portrait of Yi Jiayan neatly.

The palm of her hand is still the sketch she drew when she saw Yi Jiayan at the kitchen door. It's really touching, which makes Su wanting think that this is enough for her life.

After all, she knows that after the plane leaves tomorrow, she and Yi Jiayan will go back to the bridge and go back to the road. This kind of pink bubble story of big stars and small fans is never done by Su wanting, who is so realistic.


So, OK, go to bed now.



at 7am the next day.

Daming drives Su wanting to the airport. Yi Jiayan doesn't leave. Instead, he stays at the villa. After all, such a big goal appears at the airport, which may cause some gossip.

Su wanting knows.

When she went downstairs, Yi Jiayan had already got up. She and Yi Jiayan said politely, "thank you for taking me in last night. Next time you come to city B, I'll treat you to delicious food. "

Of course, it's polite.

What she invited, Yi Jiayan couldn't look up to.

But Yi Jiayan picked up her eyebrows and took a playful look at Su wanting: "what do you want me to eat?"

Su wanting:

"All right." He looked at the time on his watch. "Almost. When you go to the airport, the Daming will handle all the procedures. Daming has helped you upgrade the plane ticket. I'll write down your words. I'll go back to city B and let you do business. "

"Good." Su wanting answered honestly.

She really didn't take it seriously.

Yi Jiayan didn't say anything. She got on the car with Su wanting's luggage early in the morning. Su wanting didn't stay much and walked out quickly.

Until the car left the villa area, Yi Jiayan did not appear again.

Su wanting doesn't talk much and sits quietly.

Daming looks careless, but he also knows what questions to ask and what questions not to ask. Just from time to time, Daming can't help but look at Su wanting more.Su wanting pretends not to see.

The car drove quietly in the direction of the airport.

At 8:10 a.m., the car arrives at the airport terminal. Daming doesn't get off with Su wanting.

"Miss Su, I won't go in. To avoid being seen by the paparazzi, it's time to talk "You can go directly to the first-class channel to go through the formalities, and the staff there will help you solve the problem."

"Thank you." Su wanting politely thanks.

Soon, Su wanting pulls up her suitcase and walks towards the airport. After Daming confirms that Su wanting has entered the airport, she drives away.

The heat of yesterday's concert is still on the micro book.

But Su wanting's name has been completely erased, all the human flesh search has disappeared.

Su wanting knows that this is handled by Yi Jiayan's team, but the clips of the concert are always kept. Along the way, Su wanting keeps watching.

Until the plane landed in city B.


Different from Jiangcheng, city B is a city with heavy rain all the time, but it is in line with Su wanting's personality and work.

Encounter that kind of continuous rain day, Su wanting can not even go out of the door, can stay at home for a whole month.

Anyway, now any app can handle your life needs.

However, getting off the plane now and encountering rain is a nightmare for Su wanting. It's hard to get a taxi. The small apartment she rented is still in the alley. The car can't get in. She has to walk a long way.

Finally, Su wanting looked at herself and gave up. She was ready to find something to eat at the airport. She would go back after the shower.

When Su wanting ordered delicious food and sat down to read wechat, she suddenly saw Yi Jiayan's wechat.

She remembered what the man had said when she left.

After a moment's silence, Su wanting opens Yi Jiayan's wechat. Her fingers are pounding on the screen, while knocking and deleting, because she feels that she is too deliberate and wrong.

In the end, only a line of words appeared on the screen.

I've arrived in city B. 】

after typing, Su wanting left her mobile phone aside and didn't expect Yi Jiayan to reply to her wechat. It's a miracle that she can add Yi Jiayan's wechat inexplicably.

Maybe soon after, Yi Jiayan forgot about her, and the wechat was hacked.

But, at least, it also proves that Yi Jiayan has been here, isn't it?

Su wanting thinks happily that the noodles in the bowl are also delicious.

When Su wanting was about to finish eating, her mobile phone suddenly rang. She subconsciously picked up her mobile phone and looked at it. It was a very strange number.

Su wanting doesn't contact many people. She can count her ten fingers. On weekdays, most of these people look for her on wechat, and even fewer can call.

Subconsciously, Su wanting thinks it's phone fraud or advertising.

But looking at the flickering screen, Su wanting finally picked it up: "hello --"

"it's me." Yi Jiayan's voice came.

Su wanting: Yi Nan Shen Said, she subconsciously looked around, covered her mouth, voice pressure is very low, "how did you call me."

"Home?" Yi Jiayan's background sound is very noisy.

"Not yet. At the airport, it's raining." Su wanting told the truth, "but the rain has been small, will stop for a while, I just finished noodles, can take a taxi back."

The person at the other end of the phone was silent for a moment before he said, "OK, be safe on the way."

"Well." It's time for Su ting to respond.

The voice of Daming from the other end of the mobile phone seems to remind Yi Jiayan that it's time.

Su wanting heard: "Yi male god, you go to busy first, I finished eating, to go back."

"All right." Yi Jiayan is very light said, "what's interesting and delicious in B city?"

"Ah?" Su wanting was stunned, or to be honest, "B city is nothing fun, just bubble hot springs, eat, snacks, there are not many exquisite restaurants, after all, is a small city."


"Then I'm going?"



Su wanting didn't bother Yi Jiayan any more. She hung up the phone directly, but her chest was pounding and jumping. After two hours of flying, she calmed down --

as a result, Yi Jiayan's phone call made her lose her mind.

Male god is really a disaster for men.

Su wanting in the heart abdominal Fei for a while, this just went to the taxi place.

Because of the rain before, there were a lot of passengers. She was crowded into the crowd. After a long wait, she got on the bus. Fortunately, she got off the bus and the rain had stopped, so that Su wanting would not be too embarrassed.In Jiangcheng and hallucination of two days, in return to B city, thoroughly let Su wanting sober up.

Su wanting was so busy that she felt extravagant in eating and sleeping because of the endless demands of Party A's father and the gradual improvement of the line draft.

In order to cooperate with the meeting, it was almost midnight before she returned to her small apartment.

Dark, just want to sleep.

Su wanting swears that she will go to bed after this mess.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.



when Su wanting was free, it was Party A who completely let Su wanting go and no longer made any changes to her online manuscript. Only then did she steal out of Mingmei and have a meal.

Hot hot pot, in this autumn day, accompanied by the untimely air conditioning, Su wanting feels particularly refreshing.

"I haven't heard from you recently. I'm really not used to it!" Mingmei took a bite of her tripe and said vaguely.

Su wanting a face sudden death appearance: "life is not in, male god also useless."

Mingmei almost burst out, laughing with joy and without any image.

Su wanting is lazy and eats hot pot.

Mingmei looked at Su wanting, and suddenly stopped and propped up her chin: "you said you, where did you get such good luck? What you said back that day with me, I feel like a dream now."

"I feel like dreaming, too." Su wanting picked up quickly, "so now I wake up from my dream. Can I have a good meal?"

"Yes, it can." Mingmei was smiling, and she wanted to gossip again. "You said, you're so close to Yi Jiayan, why didn't you start? You pushed the boat along the river, but you became the first man to sleep with a male god. No matter how, it's worth it."

Before she finished speaking, Su wanting put a piece of chicken leg in Mingmei's mouth.

Mingmei was scalded and yelled.

At this time, Su wanting's mobile phone rang, saw the number flashing on the screen, her heart suddenly accelerated.

That's Yi Jiayan's phone.

After hanging up that day, Su wanting didn't save Yi Jiayan's number, just to remind herself not to have such an unrealistic dream.

However, Yi Jiayan's number is deeply imprinted in Su wanting's mind, just like a magic spell. She can't forget it.

"Either fraud or advertising, and you call, I can count out five fingers." Mingmei also took a look, but she didn't care.

But Su wanting suddenly stood up: "I answer a phone call."

"Ah?" Mingmei is stunned.

Su wanting has gone out.

Mingmei looks puzzled: "can't you answer the phone here?"

What is left for Mingmei is Su wanting's back. She looks at Su wanting walking to the bathroom. She is in a hurry, which makes Mingmei raise her eyebrows.

There is a ghost


And Su wanting went to a quiet position and picked it up.

The voice was quiet and quiet: "hello."

In just a few seconds, her mind thought of countless kinds of speaking fields, but they were eventually overthrown by herself, leaving the child with such serious words.

Soon, there was a chuckle on the other end of the mobile phone, a familiar and special sound.

Yi Jiayan: "what are you doing?"

"Eat with friends!" Su wanting is honest.

Then, the other end of the mobile phone was quiet for a while, and no one spoke for a long time. Su wanting didn't know whether she had said the wrong thing or Yi Jiayan found that she had made the wrong number.

Su wanting thinks that the latter is more likely.

"When is it finished?" Yi Jiayan suddenly asked, "I'm in city B now, and I haven't eaten yet. Aren't you going to invite me to dinner?"

"Ah?" Su wanting Leng for a moment, completely did not return to consciousness.

She thought that this was Yi Jiayan's casual joke, and now it has come true.

She thought it was impossible to see Yi Jiayan again. As a result, Yi Jiayan appeared in front of her?

Soon, Su wanting came back to her senses -

at present, she was still a male god, and her decision was quick.

"I've had enough. Have you not eaten yet Su wanting quickly asked Yi Jiayan.

Yi Jiayan pinched some painful forehead: "not yet. I just got off the plane. I want to go and rub a meal with you."

"Then I'll pick you up?" With this, Su wanting will bite her tongue.

What kind of person is Yi Jiayan? How can there be no car and no one? She needs such a small person to pick it up.

As a result, Yi Jiayan's answer was to surprise Su wanting: "I came to B city for a private trip, but the reporter didn't know how to know. Now the airport is besieged. Daming, they are busy dealing with it. I was really left at the airport."Su wanting:

"So if you want to pick me up, come on." Yi Jiayan laughed. "I'm waiting for you at Starbucks."

"Good." Su wanting felt that she was really driven to the shelves.

That kind of unreal feeling, turn around and come back again.

Soon, Yi Jiayan hangs up, and Su wanting returns to the box in a hurry. As soon as Mingmei sees Su wanting coming in, she looks like a three chamber trial.

Su wanting picked up the bill: "this meal is my treat. I have something else to do. I have to go first."

As soon as she finished, she didn't give Mingmei any chance to open her mouth. Without looking back, she picked up the bill and left in a hurry, leaving Mingmei alone looking at a table to eat.

The person who can eat is Su wanting, not her.

This person left like this, leave this table of food, when she is a pig?

But Minmei was more curious about who was on the phone.

She did not want to pick up her mobile phone and send wechat.

Mingmei: [hum, hum - lenient for confessions, strict for resistance, and go home for the new year. 】

graceful and graceful: [let's talk about it when you have a chance. 】

then, no matter what Mingmei did, Su wanting did not return. , the fastest update of the webnovel!