"What's the matter?" Zhi Xi curiously asked, at the same time to see his screen, of course, as always I don't understand.

"I tried to hack into Yeh's international system with what Xiao Zhou wrote, and found something interesting." He Jingyao's smile is very cold.

Zhi Xi looks at him with a look of curiosity.

"Just a moment." He pinched her face with a smile, put the computer aside, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

It wasn't long before the phone got through.

"Yan Hui?" He spoke.

Huo Yanhui gave a vague "um", then he suddenly raised his voice: "is there any news from big brother?"

"Unfortunately, not yet." He Jingyao's heart sank slightly when he thought about it.

Huo Yanhui sighed with disappointment: "well By the way, what can I do for you

"Have you heard of the n39?" He Jingyao glanced at the computer screen and his voice was cold.

“N39…… It sounds like an upgrade to the n37. " Huo Yanhui thought and said, "but I haven't seen Ye Shutong there."

"It's also a kind of miniature bomb, but it's much more powerful than n37. Once it explodes in a human body, it will have a huge impact within 50 meters. This kind of weapon, she certainly will not let you see easily He Jingyao sneered, "Ye Shutong really dares to do anything."

"She's very brave indeed." Huo Yanhui smiles bitterly, "where did you see this kind of bomb?"

"It's in the database, but I suspect she'll be in use soon." He Jingyao's jaw is very tight.

Huo Yanhui took a breath of cold air: "what's going on?"

"Laurence has disappeared. I suspect he was taken away by Ye Shutong. They have been connected with each other for a long time. Otherwise, Lawrence would not have n37 in his hand. If Lawrence is really with Ye Shutong, I can basically confirm that ye Shutong intends to implant this n39 into Lawrence. As for her goal... " He Jingyao said, sneering, "I'm afraid it's me."

Huo Yanhui's voice was startled: "no It can't be true? She is not such a person

Although Ye Shutong is not a good person, but there is a very proud and conceited side of this woman's character, so she disdains to use such means. What she wants is that he Jingyao looks at him differently. To kill him means a complete failure for her.

"Are you quite confident in her?" He Jingyao sneered.

"I don't mean that..." Huo Yanhui felt helpless, "since you say that, there must be your reason. Well, I'll help you then

"Do you think you have some affection for her, so if you were there, she would not have started?" He Jingyao laughed. "If it's true, then it's better."

Huo Yanhui said harshly, "what if it works? I'm the one who sold my life to serve her Even if you can't, you won't lose if you have a brother to bury with you! "

He Jingyao laughed: "good."

With that, he hung up.

Zhi Xi bit the lower lip tightly, looking at him with a worried face.

He Jingyao gently rubbed her hair: "don't worry, since I know in advance, I won't let her succeed."

Zhi Xi stretched out his arms around his waist, and his voice was a little stuffy: "so what are you going to do?"

He Jingyao thought for a while and laughed: "I have to continue to work hard for Xiaozhou."

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