Winter goes and spring comes.

As if overnight, Yanzhou City became full of spring. The garden of the old house is the most obvious one. Several kinds of flowers are blooming in the wind and competing with each other.

However, such scenery, but can not let Zhi Xi's mood become better.

As time went by, he Jingyao still had no news. Her original firm belief, finally appeared a little crack.

Whenever she thought of the worst possible, she couldn't breathe. Although she can divert her attention during the day, but at night, midnight dream back, tears can not help but covered with pillow towel.

Zhi Xi didn't realize until this time that the explosion that happened on her body meant something to he Jingyao. Besides, at that time, her death was almost certain.

At that time, how did he survive?

If the same pain is on her Even if it was just imagination, it had already made her sad.

For her, he Jingyao's absence of news is not necessarily a bad thing. It means he's probably still alive, but for some reason, he can't come back to him.

She can only comfort herself.

At the same time, her pregnancy reaction has become more and more serious, has been eating almost nothing for two days. She is now in a state, even if she reluctantly eats it, she will vomit up in a few minutes.

Although she conceals very well, but one day after dinner, she hurried back to the bathroom of her room to vomit, or was found by Liu Minjun.

Liu Minjun looked at her small face with big palms and her protruding abdomen. She was very uncomfortable.

"Zhi Xi, I accompany you to the hospital, the doctor will have a way." She choked.

Zhi Xi was silent for a while and nodded gently.

In fact, both Liu Minjun and she are very clear that her pregnancy reaction, in the final analysis, is a heart disease. Her intense anxiety and worry have formed a huge pressure, and as time goes on, her anxiety and fear will only become worse.

But at this time they did not mention it, as if as long as they went to the hospital, all the problems would be solved easily.


Siming hospital.

After finishing the examination, Zhi Xi sat there quietly waiting for the results, and Liu Minjun held her hand.

At this time, Huo yanzhao, in his white coat, came in.

"Auntie, sister-in-law." He spoke in a low voice.

"Yan Zhao, you are here today." Liu Minjun tried to squeeze out a smile.

"Brother Huo." Zhi Xi gently with his nod, pale face even a smile can not agglomerate.

Huo Yanzhao looked at Zhi Xi's face, and a trace of worry passed through his eyes.

"Auntie, Jingyao I'm trying to figure it out. " Huo Yanzhao looked at them. "I can be sure that Jingyao is still alive."

Zhi Xi fiercely looked up at him.

Huo Yanzhao seemed to have hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily: "I still can't explain the reason, but I have a strong premonition. You can rest assured that if I have news, I will tell you at the first time. "

"Thank you, Yan Zhao." Liu Minjun reluctantly smiles.

Zhi Xi slowly lowered her head and did not speak.

At this time, Dr. Zhao came out of the room.

"Dean Huo." He first nodded to Huo yanzhao, then turned his eyes to Zhi Xi. "Madame heshao, I have good news to tell you."

Good news? Zhi Xi looks up at a loss.

"You are pregnant with twins." Doctor Zhao said softly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!