"Of course not. Don't think too much about it." Cheng Youlin smiles and goes into the inner room to change clothes.

Chu Jinyu looked at his back and tightened her lips.

Husband and wife for many years, enough to let them fully understand each other.

So, he must have doubts.

Although, even if he knew the truth, he would not necessarily treat Zhixi. After all, Zhixi was not the fragile baby at the beginning, and he Jingyao was still protecting her. However, Chu Jinyu could not help but be vigilant.

She never gave her anything, but she couldn't hurt her.

Chu Jinyu gave a bitter smile and said to Han Ying, "don't call Zhi Xi again in the near future."

Han Ying's pupil suddenly enlarged and nodded gently for a long time.


when Su Zhixi returned to Wanhe Qianfeng garden from the presidential palace, he Jingyao had not come back.

She had to go back to her room to read, but Su Zhixi preferred to lean on the side of a man with a book in her hand. At that time, no matter what content was written in the book, it was extremely happy and sweet for her.

Therefore, she was left alone in the empty room, and she suddenly became lonely.

This can't do, can't always stick to his side? Su Zhixi alerted herself to the project she was in charge of before. Since the operation was on the track, she didn't seem to have invested much in it. This is not good.

So she was holding her laptop and working in the bay window.

It will be dark at this busy time.

Su Zhixi turns off the computer, leaves the room and comes downstairs. She still doesn't see the figure of he Jingyao.

She was a little disappointed.

Li Bo smiles: "young madam, you have dinner first, the young master may come back very late today."

Su Zhi Xi nodded.

However, she did not expect that he Jingyao could be so late.

Until 11:30, Su Zhixi has finished reading a book, take a good bath, you can sleep at any time, but you can't see his figure.

During this period, she sent a message of sympathy, and he Jingyao simply told her to go to bed early.

Well Then go to bed early.

Su Zhi Xi obediently turned off the bedside lamp and lay down, but did not fall asleep as quickly as before.

She tossed and turned for a long time before she fell asleep.

In a trance, Su Zhi Xi felt someone pressed on her body.

The man's hot palm stretched into her clothes, with a strong desire and urgency, Su Zhi Xi can even hear his repressed breath.

Su Zhi Xi instinctively stretched out her hands and hugged him.

The man's breath is heavier, suddenly heavy kiss on her lips, wantonly wear some, and pry her teeth, deeply plunder her breath Su Zhi Xi finally woke up from her sleep.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a man's repressed, sexist face.

"Jingyao..." Her mouth was hoarse and her eyes were still a little confused.

"Well," he said in a low voice, and then kissed her small chin, not light or heavy bite.

"It hurts..." Su Zhi Xi took a breath, "don't bite..."

Her voice was lazy and loving Jiao. He Jingyao felt his blood rush to a place and his muscles trembled slightly because of the strain.

Su Zhi Xi was hurt all over by his arm.

"Jingyao?" Her voice had been tinged with doubts.

Once again, the man took a heavy sucking on her lips, and then he got up and rolled his throat several times. Only then could he suppress the surging desire flame.

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