"Lu Yinxing tossed and turned in bed.

Always put all kinds of clues on the body of summer night.

Lu Yinxing suddenly sat up.

It's not impossible.

Although I grew up with summer night.

But summer night usually practice speaking is like gold, let alone singing.

So Lu Yinxing from small to large, Lu Yinxing never heard summer night singing.

Not to mention the way he sings.

Joining their band this summer night has already subverted Lu Yinxing's world outlook.

What's more, Lu Yinxing is most suspicious.

Night doesn't mean night in Chinese.


Is it summer night?

Lu Yinxing's heart began to churn.

But the reason is still telling itself, how can summer night be night!

This is ridiculous!

But Lu Yinxing still can't control, will come up with such an idea.

Another thing occurred to Lu Yinxing.

Because of Yin Yifan's words, Lu Yinxing mistook ye Xinzu for night.

Because Yin Yifan said that night is one of their members.

Can Yin Yifan not lie.

He means summer night?

Lu Yinxing thought more and more that something was wrong.

It is because there are too many suspicious places.

Especially the interaction between Yin Yifan and Xia Ye.

Before, they occasionally said some inexplicable words that Lu Yinxing could not understand.

Could it be something else?

Lu Yinxing's brain is working fast.

All the past is quickly sorted out.

But in the end, Lu Yinxing is still uncertain, just highly suspicious.

Finally, Lu Yinxing couldn't sit still.

She couldn't sleep at all.

If she doesn't make it clear.

Lu Yinxing only thinks that he may be confused and even crazy.

It was two o'clock in the morning, Lu Yinxing quickly changed his clothes and left the hotel directly.

Lu Yinxing took a taxi to her apartment on summer night.

Lu Yinxing wants to know where she went this evening.

Lu Yinxing went to the apartment.

The password lock of the apartment has been replaced with batteries. Lu Yinxing can go in directly according to her fingerprint.

When Lu Yinxing went in, he stood at the door for five minutes.

Because since last time, Lu Yinxing has not had the courage to face the summer night.

Even from that night on, the two of them had not met each other or said a word.

Lu Yinxing didn't even ask if summer night would come.

In fact, summer nights are not over.


Will summer nights pass as night?

Lu Yinxing only felt confused.

But she just wanted to prove everything.

After Lu Yinxing thought about it well, he no longer hesitated and pushed the door directly.

What Lu Yinxing didn't expect was that she didn't sleep at 3:00 a.m.

All the lights in the room are on.

Lu Yinxing walked in.

But found that summer night standing in front of the French windows.

He was tall in his pajamas.

Back to Lu Yinxing, but the whole body has a kind of cold atmosphere.

Summer night should clearly know that someone came in, but did not turn around.

I don't know if I want something into God.

Lu Yinxing goes upstairs.

Lu Yinxing walked to the side of summer night and finally called out: "brother."

Lu Yinxing only heard him whisper.

It was like a low sound coming from the chest, and it was like coming from a far away place.

Lu Yinxing is not even sure.

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