"Lu Yinxing is not angry.

Lu Yinxing remembers to contact night because of summer night.

It was summer night who sent her night's first album.

At that time, Lu Yinxing was deeply injured, relying on those comforting songs to stand up again.

But why is he against it now.

Summer night said: "I do not object to your pursuit of stars, but you are too addicted. Idols themselves are people who belong to another world with a halo. There is no need to involve them in real life. You like night. I don't object, but why do you have to see him?"

Lu Yinxing has never been so fascinated.

At first, I just like his songs.

Those melodies, those lyrics, word by word, seemed to know her heart and hit her soul.

But Lu Yinxing did not know when to start.

She had the idea of meeting night.

Maybe it's because night is so mysterious.

Maybe there is too little information about him at ordinary times.

Those fragmentary things are not enough for Lu Yinxing to fantasize.

So Lu Yinxing had such an idea.

Even Lu Yinxing is eager to be friends with night.

Why did he write such songs.

Why is his song so charming.

He must be the man in the world.

Lu Yinxing said: "I don't think it's bad. When I was a child, my parents or uncle Shen would take me to pursue stars and get to know each other. In fact, it's just like this after I met. It didn't have any adverse effects on my life. I'm not a brain damaged powder. I'm very modest about myself. I just want to be friends with night. I don't understand what you do What's against that? "

Summer night calm face, but do not know how to explain.

Sometimes looking at Lu Yinxing a little bit deep, he began to doubt whether his decision was correct.

At that time, he just wanted to give her a spiritual support, but he didn't expect to get to the present situation,.

Seeing that Lu Yinxing is so fantasy, holding such a big expectation.

How could he have the heart to disillusion her dream.

Summer night, do not look at Lu Yinxing's eyes: "as you go, but don't blame me for not warning you, you can't see night."

Lu Yinxing did not understand why he took such a vow in summer night.

And let Lu Yinxing doubt from the bottom of his heart whether summer night knows night.

Lu Yinxing was also unconvinced: "night is the God in the sky, I will find him out, wait and see, I will find him."

Lu Yinxing came out of the room in summer.

There was silence in the room.

Summer night only feel a kind of inexplicable irritability rising from the bottom of my heart.

This impatience has been with him for a long time.

This is the only place out of control in his always safe life.

The next day, Lu Yinxing went to the semi-finals.

The song of Lu Yinxing is still a song of night.

She passed the second round very well.

The same power of the second round is only 5%.

Of the 200 primaries, only 10 passed the second round.

These ten people are one in a million.

There are even two famous singers in the entertainment industry, who have just participated in the talent show and are popular.

Because the rematch was broadcast live on the Internet, a website published an online vote.

At present, Xu Yao ranks first.


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