"Xia Yangyang had a bad headache.

But after talking for a while, I felt that my head was about to explode.

Xia Yangyang also really can't say.

Xia Yangyang lies down.

And then a lot of doctors came.

Xia Yangyang soon fell asleep.

Lu Haotian has been standing by.

Lu Haotian's heart has been shaking.

He had never come across such a thing.

Lu Haotian couldn't make sense of the situation for a while.

Now he needs to think about it and sort it out.

Soon, the doctor finished the examination.

A doctor who was a little older came to Lu Haotian's side and said, "Mr. Lu, if Miss Xia can wake up, there should be nothing wrong. The injury on her body is a small matter. She should be able to recover after a few months. However, Miss Xia's brain has been severely impacted. The impact is still unknown. It is likely to produce some sequelae. This needs continuous observation."

Lu Haotian asked in a hurry: "can her condition cause amnesia?"

The doctor said: "it is very likely that at present, her brain has congestion, oppressing some memory nerves, and it is normal for her to have transient amnesia."

"Do you mean that her amnesia is temporary, and when the blood clots in her brain are absorbed, she can think of everything?"

The doctor said, "in theory, this is true, but Miss Xia's situation is somewhat special. At present, we have no way to determine whether it is the blood clot that oppresses the memory nerve or whether the memory itself is damaged. If it is the latter, it should be permanent and irreversible."

"OK, I see." Lu Haotian said.

The doctor left soon.

Lu Haotian went to the balcony to smoke.

One by one.

He just felt like he was standing at a huge watershed.

What is the way ahead? Do you want to go?

For the first time, Lu Haotian felt confused and uneasy.

I can't help but go back to three days ago.

At that time, Li Zhiqian died, and Xia Yangyang fell into the sea with the Phoenix.

He can only watch.

Later, after the group of mercenaries left, he was rescued.

After Lu Haotian was rescued, he drove a speedboat and searched for Xia Yangyang in the vast sea.

But it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Just like thunder said, falling into the sea for less than a minute is almost hopeless.

The sea is freezing cold, the tide is surging, a person in such a sea is really too small.

What's more, the deck fell into the sea at a distance of 20 meters.

That is actually equivalent to falling from a tall building, even if it is falling into the water, it is also a huge pressure.

It's very likely that when they enter the water, they have been smashed to pieces.

Besides, when Lu Haotian began to search, it was already two hours later.

At that time, the chances of Xia Yangyang and Phoenix surviving were almost zero.

But Lu Haotian didn't give up.

Even if he is looking for a needle in a haystack, he must find Xia Yangyang.

Lu Haotian used a lot of forces.

Looking for a lot of local rescue teams all night.

Lu Haotian didn't expect to find Xia Yangyang in the end.

Xia Yangyang lies on a lifeboat.

Drifting with the sea.

And that lifeboat was a few more when the mercenaries launched.

Lu Haotian doesn't know why Xia Yangyang happened to meet one.

But Lu Haotian really had a feeling of meeting a miracle at that time.

He was very grateful to God.

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