"Xia Yangyang thought about it for a long time.

I think the best way is to stay where they have to go.

Lu Haotian also got up early.

It's early summer.

Xia Yangyang opened the door and saw Lu Haotian, not surprised: "how did you get up so early."

"I've thought of a few plans, and I'd like to discuss them with you."

"Come in," Xia said

Lu Haotian really thought about a lot of plans.

But it is similar to Xia Yangyang's idea.

Looking for someone on a cruise ship without any news is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But you have to take a chance.

But now the only way is to take a chance.

The first place Xia Yangyang and Lu Haotian decided on was the undersea restaurant on the cruise ship.

This is one of the most distinctive places on the cruise ship.

Basically, a lot of tourists from liberty come to this undersea restaurant.

Basically, it is also a restaurant holy land that every man and machine can't lose.

If you're here to play, you'll certainly come.

It's a huge restaurant, and it's free sightseeing.

There are Chinese restaurants as well as Western restaurants, and the food is also optional.

Xia Yangyang and Lu Haotian went early.

There were not many people in the restaurant at that time.

Lu Haotian said, "since we are here, let's have breakfast first."

Although Xia Yangyang has no idea.

But still reluctantly went to the Chinese restaurant to eat a bowl of seafood noodles.

The food here is delicious, fresh and delicious.

Xia Yangyang asked Lu Haotian, "do you think they will come?"

Lu Haotian said, "it's not a good idea. It's just luck."

Xia Yangyang said, "why do you want to come to this cruise ship? Is it just to go out and relax?"

Lu Haotian has no way to answer this question.

Xia Yangyang actually knew that.

But Xia Yangyang was very worried.

Especially now they are almost certain that the Phoenix is awake.

It's just that Xia Yangyang is not sure if Phoenix knows whether Li Zhiqian killed Xiao Zhan.

If Phoenix knows, it's a time bomb that could explode at any time.

The more I think about it, the more uneasy I feel.

"Don't think about it too much. Maybe they just come out to relax," Lu said

Xia Yangyang whispered: "I just have a bad premonition, and I don't know why."

Both men were silent.

In fact, Xia Yangyang and Lu Hao both know that the probability of an accident is great.

Xia Yangyang can't imagine what Phoenix would do if he knew the truth.

Now just hope to find them.

But things didn't go so well.

The two of them spent the morning in the undersea restaurant.

So many people come and go, but they just don't see Phoenix and Li Zhiqian.

Wait until two o'clock in the afternoon.

"I don't think they will come here," said Xia Yangyang

"I think so," Lu said

"What's next?"

The two men discussed and finally decided to split up.

Lu Haotian did his homework yesterday.

The most likely places on the island are marked.

Now the only way to do that is to go there and try your luck.

Lu Haotian made a plan and said, "I'll go to the casinos, golf clubs, beauty salons, gyms and ferris wheel scenic spots. These are the places with high probability."

Xia Yangyang nodded, and then two people began to separate action.

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