"Xia Yangyang has been investigating these things secretly these days.

But he also found out some details, but the matter is more complicated than he imagined.

Xia Yangyang found out. The biggest shareholder of the Great Wall pharmaceutical factory was Jiangcheng group before it was acquired.

Jiangcheng only holds some shares on the surface, but in fact, the person behind the operation is Xi Jiaxin.

So far, Xia Yangyang is not sure whether this matter is related to him.

But it's a coincidence.

Now all of it is like a dense net.

Xia Yangyang can not find a breakthrough, the whole person is wrapped in this net, just feel suffocating.

These days, Xia Yangyang couldn't see Gu Qichen. I don't know what happened inside.

Xia Yangyang is really worried.

Meanwhile, the news media suddenly exposed Gu Qichen's identity.

There is an old story in the media. When Gao Wenbin, the boss of Wenwu hall, was the son of Gu's family, we only knew that Gu Qichen was Gu Mingzhu's son, but we didn't know who her father was? This matter has been talked about as a classic topic after dinner.

Now Gao Wenbin's name appears in the public's field of vision, and the entire media industry has exploded.

Gao Wenbin's old base has also been dug out.

The name used to be like a phantom, like wearing a layer of invisibility cloak, low-key, to no shadow, no trace.

But suddenly it was exposed to the sun.

This also let Xia Yangyang confirm that there is a ghost in Wenwu hall.

And he was close to Godfather.

Because the identity background exposed by the media now, including the place where he was born, has been dug out, and only those close to Gao Wenbin in Wenwu hall know about them.

The past of Gao Wenbin and Gu Mingzhu has also been made up countless versions by the media.

What's the story of miss gold and gangsters.

What kind of door is not the right cause of love tragedy.

The version that the masses most want to believe is about Gu Mingzhu and the gangster Gao Wenbin falling in love. However, Gu Shengyuan stopped her, and finally forced to marry a well-known Xi Jiachen and became a victim of her father's business.

Those stories are made up with models and vividness, just like the script of a movie. If Xia Yangyang didn't know the inside story well, I'm afraid he would have believed it.

So the truth of the truth is often very different from what you can see.

Just like Shengyuan's drug trafficking crisis, the masses often don't pursue the truth. They only believe in a little bit of information that they think they are, and then strongly condemn and constantly attack to satisfy their sense of inner justice, as if they were the Savior of punishing the evil and promoting the good.

Gu Qichen was once a talented business elite praised by everyone.

Now he has become a vicious drug dealer and murderer.

The voice of the death penalty is getting higher and higher, and everyone's attention to this case is unprecedented.

There is a sense of powerlessness in imagination.

As time went by, the more panic he felt.

This is not the same as in the past. This is obviously a well-designed trap, but also a big one, involving not only the interests of Shengyuan, but also the lives of countless families.

Behind this is a crazy drug industry chain, Shengyuan and Gu Qichen are just carrying the pot for the real villains.

But why did that person choose Gu Qichen and let Shengyuan carry the pot.

Xia Yangyang is anxious, because she can't find out the clue further.

Now she has two ways, one is from Wenwu hall, the other is from Xi Jiaxin.

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